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AMAZON ONE-CLICK PATENT REJECTED BY THE US PATENT OFFICE AS A RESULT OF MY REQUEST — In a recent office action, the USPTO has rejected the claims of the one-click patent following the re-examination request that I filed on 16 February 2006. — My review resulted in the broadest claims of the patent being ruled invalid.

War on Amazon patent began with a GRRRR!!! — Peter Calveley with some of the documents he received from intenet retailer in support of their claim over the 1-Click online shopping patent. —, one of the world's largest online retailers, is on the brink of losing …

US Patent Office rejects Amazon one-click patent

Amazon's 1-Click patent picked apart by US Patent Office
The Register

Apple: "we plan to have an iPhone SDK in developers' hands in February" — That's right folks. You read it correctly. Cats & dogs are living together, and in other news Steve Jobs has, via Apple's 'Hot News' page, announced that Apple will, FINALLY, support third-party development of native applications for the iPhone.

Apple planning iPhone SDK for February! — Well, would you look at that. Apple apparently wants third party applications on the iPhone and iPod touch just like every other sane individual on the planet. The company just announced on its Hot News feed (and we'd say this certainly qualifies as such) …

Nokia's N810 makes first appearance, drops jaws — We're still waiting for the press release, but that's Nokia N810 Internet Tablet in the fo' realz. Yeah, sexy is an understatement. We peeped this model in a spyshot back in July and appears to be the same lovely recently revealed by the FCC.

Google Maps Becomes Social — Another piece from Google's social project has been released: Google Maps becomes social with the addition of user profiles. Until now, users could create personalized maps and write reviews for local businesses, but they didn't have an identity.

Microsoft Partners with Atlassian & NewsGator - SharePoint Goes Web 2.0 — Today Microsoft is announcing two strategic partnerships, with enterprise software company Atlassian and RSS solutions vendor NewsGator. The partnerships link togther Microsoft's SharePoint product …

Silicon Valley Start-Ups Awash in Dollars, Again — Silicon Valley's math is getting fuzzy again. — Internet companies with funny names, little revenue and few customers are commanding high prices. And investors, having seemingly forgotten the pain of the first dot-com bust …

How to get Mac OS X Leopard for as low as $40 — Last night, I remembered something that you will no doubt thank me for later. When Mac OS X Tiger came out a few years ago, I was ready to buy it. I had my $130 in hand and was waiting in line. But as I approached the cash register …

MySpace Founders Re-Up at News Corp. — Remember how MySpace founders Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe had to sign a new contract with News Corp. sometime this month or pack up their desks? — Well, they're not going anywhere. A well-placed News Corp. source tells me they've reached a new agreement …

CORRECTING and REPLACING eBay Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results — SAN JOSE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Eighteenth graph, third sentence should read: These amounts assume a Q4-07 US dollar to Euro exchange rate of $1.38, and actual rates through the first three quarters of 2007 …

Google Docs Mobile Released — Google Docs Mobile went live now, after traces of it were spotted a month ago. It's a minimalist reformatting of the "Google Office suite" for cellphone display. What you will see is a search box as well as recent documents - word processing, spreadsheets, or presentations - below it.
Official Google Docs Blog, Read/WriteWeb,, WebProNews, Search Engine Land, InsideGoogle, Search Engine Journal, CyberNet, jkOnTheRun, Valleywag, Google Operating System, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, A Media Circus, Download Squad, Lifehacker, Compiler, Vacuum and

Best Buy ends sales of analog TVs — Best Buy ends sales of analog TVs — MINNEAPOLIS - The nation's largest consumer electronics chain says it has pulled all analog televisions off store shelves. Flat panel and high-definition screens have taken their place. — Jobs: iPhone SDK coming in February

iTunes Plus Now Offers Over Two Million Tracks at Just 99 Cents — DRM-Free Tracks with Higher Quality 256 kbps AAC Encoding — Apple® today announced that it has expanded its iTunes® Plus offering to over two million tracks and lowered the price of all iTunes Plus tracks to just 99 cents.

Astrophysicist Replaces Supercomputer with a Cluster of Eight PlayStation 3s — Suffering from its exorbitant price point and a dearth of titles, Sony's PlayStation 3 isn't exactly the most popular gaming platform on the block. But while the console flounders in the commercial space …