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iTunes Plus Now Offers Over Two Million Tracks at Just 99 Cents — DRM-Free Tracks with Higher Quality 256 kbps AAC Encoding — Apple® today announced that it has expanded its iTunes® Plus offering to over two million tracks and lowered the price of all iTunes Plus tracks to just 99 cents.
Infinite Loop, Digital Trends, Podcasting News, Apple Gazette, Gizmodo, Engadget, and Digg

Jobs confirms iTunes Plus price drop across the board — Not a full day after our initial report that Apple planned to drop the price of all its iTunes Plus tracks (as well as add a number of indie labels to the mix), many users started seeing the changes slowly trickle down from iTunes' servers.
CNET, FORTUNE: Apple 2.0, Los Angeles Times, Mashable!, Life On the Wicked Stage, TidBITS, Gizmodo, Gadgetell, Bits, Valleywag and The Tech Report

Google Docs Mobile Released — Google Docs Mobile went live now, after traces of it were spotted a month ago. It's a minimalist reformatting of the "Google Office suite" for cellphone display. What you will see is a search box as well as recent documents - word processing, spreadsheets, or presentations - below it.

Silicon Valley Start-Ups Awash in Dollars, Again — Silicon Valley's math is getting fuzzy again. — Internet companies with funny names, little revenue and few customers are commanding high prices. And investors, having seemingly forgotten the pain of the first dot-com bust …

Nokia's N810 makes first appearance, drops jaws — We're still waiting for the press release, but that's Nokia N810 Internet Tablet in the fo' realz. Yeah, sexy is an understatement. We peeped this model in a spyshot back in July and appears to be the same lovely recently revealed by the FCC.
Scripting News

ATTORNEY GENERAL CUOMO AND FACEBOOK ANNOUNCE NEW MODEL TO PROTECT CHILDREN ONLINE — Agreement Requires Prompt Response to Complaints and New Disclosure to Parents — Independent Examiner to Report on Compliance — New York, NY (Oct 16, 2007) - Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo …

Facebook STILL a Danger to Children: Zuckerberg, Attorney General Cuomo in PR Push
PC World

Next New Networks Ponies Up for its Crush on Obama Girl — Next New Networks has acquired for an undisclosed sum, adding the creator of viral video phenomenon Obama Girl to its growing array of niche channels. BarelyPolitical, founded in June by Ben Relles …

NextNew Networks Acquires Obama Girl Site

Orange to sell unlocked iPhones in France — Well, well... looks like Apple has been backed into a corner by French law and will be releasing an unlocked iPhone in France after all. While no one will say precisely how much the unlocked iPhone will cost (the locked Orange-network iPhone will cost €399) …

Sprint to introduce touch-screen phone — NEW YORK - It's official: touch screens are the big new thing in cell phones this holiday season. — Sprint Nextel Corp. announced Wednesday it is jumping on the bandwagon with the Touch by HTC. Like Apple Inc.'s iPhone, this smart phone …

Google Search Add-Ons — Google Subscribed Links, launched as part of Google Co-op, is a service that allows you to extend Google's search capabilities with data from specialized sites. A Google patent explains the idea behind this service: … Subscribed links are basically custom OneBoxes …
Google Blogoscoped

RIAA tries to pull plug on Usenet. Seriously. — The Recording Industry Association of America has found a new legal target for a copyright lawsuit: Usenet. — In a lawsuit filed on October 12, the RIAA says that Usenet newsgroups contain "millions of copyrighted sound recordings" in violation of federal law.

Where does Yahoo! head next? — There's been much curiosity and speculation about what's been happening here at Yahoo! over the past few months. Roughly 100 days into our business review, I'm ready to start sharing some of the framework for where we see the future of Yahoo!.

Hassle-Free PC — Personal computers were supposed to make our lives easier. Instead, these beasts have turned us all into part-time IT administrators, our lives given over to downloading upgrades, installing patches and updates and drivers and antispyware, decrypting error messages and screaming at stalled applications.

'No Yelpers' Says One Local Cafe — I was taking a break from the screenwerk yesterday and having coffee with a friend in the Piedmont Avenue neighborhood of Oakland. We were at a place I've been to before called Café Rooz. — I noticed the sticker below ("No Yelpers") …

Yahoo accused of misleading Congress about Chinese journalist — (CNN) — Yahoo misled Congress regarding information the Internet company gave to Chinese authorities about the journalist Shi Tao, Democratic Rep. Tom Lantos said Tuesday. — Lantos, a California representative and chairman …

Small Steps at Yahoo Bear Fruit — Jerry Yang's plan for reviving the fortunes of Yahoo, the company he co-founded and now runs, does not involve the kind of shock therapy for which some investors had hoped. — Mr. Yang's measured strategy got a slight lift on Tuesday as Yahoo surprised Wall Street …

MySpace starts Skype call service — Social network website MySpace has joined forces with internet phone firm Skype to allow MySpace users to make calls to each other. — With the service, which starts from the end of November, the two firms say they are creating the world's largest online, voice-connected community.

MySpace and Skype to Announce Partnership
The Register, Profy.Com, All Facebook,, Business Week, p2pnet, TechCrunch and

iPhone dev team releases free 1.1.1 unlock — The industrious rebels of the iPhone Dev Team have joined in the iPhone unlock chess match today, with the release of AnySim 1.1, a free unlocking app that enables iPhones with both firmware version 1.02 and 1.1.1 to operate on any GSM network.