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Yahoo! Reports Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results — Revenues - $1,768 Million — Operating Income - $150 Million — Operating Income Before Depreciation, Amortization and Stock-Based Compensation Expense - $466 Million — SUNNYVALE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO …

Yahoo (YHOO): Q3 Stronger Than Expected — SAI's analysis of Yahoo!'s earnings is brought to you by Gridley & Company LLC, a boutique investment bank providing financial advisory services to companies in the Internet/Marketing Services industry. — Earnings Release — Supporting Data / Conference call link

Yahoo: Bringing Geeky Back — Under CEO Jerry Yang's direction, the Web portal is trying to return to its tech roots and shift away from being a media catch-all — From the outside, it might not look like much has changed at Yahoo! (YHOO) since Jerry Yang took the reins as chief executive in June.

Apple to Ship Mac OS X Leopard on October 26 — Apple® today announced that Mac OS® X Leopard will go on sale Friday, October 26 at 6:00 p.m. at Apple's retail stores and Apple Authorized Resellers, and that Apple's online store is now accepting pre-orders.
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Leopard: final features and further upgrade details — We got a chance this morning to pose a few queries to Brian Croll, Senior Director of Mac OS X Product Marketing, about today's Leopard release announcement. Here's some of what he had to say, as well as some of the new features we're looking forward to in the next release.

Will Apple Open the iPhone? — An official software-development kit may finally be announced at January's Macworld. Why the wait? It may have something to do with Leopard — William Hurley loves his iPhone. But he'd love it even more if he could write software for it. — He's not alone.
CrunchGear, Download Squad,, The Praized Blog, Peer Pressure, The Boy Genius Report, ParisLemon, Epicenter, Compiler, Switched and Crave

Jobs confirms iTunes Plus price drop across the board — Not a full day after our initial report that Apple planned to drop the price of all its iTunes Plus tracks (as well as add a number of indie labels to the mix), many users started seeing the changes slowly trickle down from iTunes' servers.

Facebook's got Google running scared — Why Google is spooked by Facebook and would dearly love to squash it, says Fortune's Josh Quittner. — (Fortune Magazine) — Google is the elephant in nearly every corner of the Internet, from search and advertising to web-based e-mail, online mapping, and home-brewed video.
Business Technology

Ubuntu Plans Eye Candy for Desktop Computers and Beyond — What would it take to get the hundreds of millions of desktop computer users to switch from Windows to Linux? — Low cost and armies of devoted techies have not been enough. So the people behind Ubuntu—a dialect of Linux— have a new idea: eye candy.

The RIAA Attacks Usenet — In an ideal world, people would not talk about Usenet. In an ideal world there would be no such things as copyright infringement lawsuits. Sadly, we do not live in an ideal world. — Today we simply have to talk about Usenet and we have to talk about lawsuits.

Does Your Building Need A Social Network? Why Not. — New York-based LifeAt wants to create a social network around your residential building. Do you need one? Nope. But maybe you'll use it anyway. And perhaps you'll even get to know some of your neighbors.

Yahoo Heats Up in Search Ad Race As Google Levels Off — Yahoo found "a secure footing" for search ad impressions and media spend during the third quarter of this year, according to a study by SearchIgnite and RBC Capital Markets. The firms also indicated spending on Google search ads dwindled …

Exciting Announcements at eMetrics Today — Today at the eMetrics Summit in Washington, D.C. Brett Crosby announced several Google Analytics features that will be rolled out over the coming weeks. Here's a rundown. — First, you'll be able to use Google Analytics to track site search activity.

Apple Chooses Orange as Exclusive Carrier for iPhone in France — Apple® and Orange today announced that Orange, the leading wireless carrier in France, will be the exclusive French carrier partner for the revolutionary iPhone™ when it makes its debut in France on Thursday …
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