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More on Yahoo Reorg: Sue Decker's Memo — We got the full internal memo Sue Decker sent this afternoon to the team, on Yahoo's (Nsdq: YHOO) reorg..the full memo is here. See our earlier post on the reorg. Salient points from the memo: — Jerry and I and the rest of the management team …

Yahoo's New President Oversees a Shake-Up — Susan L. Decker, Yahoo's new president, is putting her stamp on the company in a reorganization of its management ranks that creates a new division responsible for generating the bulk of the company's revenue. — The latest in a string …
Business Week

Hey Kids! Let's Put On a Yahoo Reorg! — News is trickling in, but here's a short skinny on the upcoming Yahoo reorg I reported on earlier today. By the way, it will be announced later today I am told. — Indeed, as reported by Valleywag, Greg Coleman is out as its head of global sales …

Yahoo No-Sacred-Cow Vision Quest, Day 43: The Reorganization?
Valleywag, Tech Confidential Blog, Digital Common Sense, Joe Duck and Silicon Alley Insider

Announcing Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta — update @ 14:53 PDT: The exec closest to the development process, Core Operating System Division (COSD) Sr. VP Jon DeVaan, gives his personal take on Windows Vista SP1 over at Press Pass — check it out. — Now is the time and the time is now …
Christopher Null, InsideMicrosoft, Good Morning Silicon Valley, All about Microsoft, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, CyberNet Technology News, KEEPiNG iT REAL, Inquirer, Windows Connected, Salon: Machinist,, TechBlog, Download Squad, WinBeta, The Register, Compiler, jkOnTheRun, Channel 9, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Microsoft News Tracker,, DailyTech, Tech Trader Daily,, Quick Online Tips and Brandon LeBlanc

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta White Paper — Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta Whitepaper — Introduction — When developing Windows Vista, Microsoft set out to provide higher levels of productivity, mobility, and security, with lower costs. After more than six months …

WINDOWS SERVER 2008 TIMING UPDATE — With over 300,000 downloads of Beta 3 already under our belt, there is a lot of excitement here in Redmond as we get closer to our release candidate milestone for Windows Server 2008. Customers and partners are very impressed with what they see …
Channel 9, All about Microsoft,, The Register, BetaNews, CNET and Windows Connected

Hulu Translates To "Cease" and "Desist" in Swahili. Oops. — Congratulations are in order to YouTube-competitor Hulu, which took just five months to come up with a name after announcing itself in March. CEO Jason Kilar says the name "captures the spirit of the service we're building" in an open letter published today.
Screenwerk, Insider Chatter, Salon: Machinist, muhammad.saleem, TechSpot News, Contentinople and Mashable!

NewCo finally gets a name: Hulu
TechCrunch, Profy.Com, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Reuters Blogs, CenterNetworks, Download Squad, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Reuters, Future Visions, Mapping The Web, BetaNews, Better Living through Software, Silicon Alley Insider, Valleywag, last100,, and Bits

Worm In The Apple — Apple Chief Steve Jobs' not-so-secret plan to take over the world is going well. On the desktop, Apple's Macs are chewing away at Dell and Gateway's market share. The iPod has squashed Microsoft's Zune beneath its tank treads. Now the iPhone threatens to roll through …

The Next iPod — Don't even think about buying an iPod between now and Sept. 5. Apple has invited the press to a "special event" next week in San Francisco. And as usual, Apple won't say what it plans to announce. Or much of anything. — But it doesn't take one of Hewlett-Packard's …

A Shift to Engagement. — As we indicated earlier, today we are introducing new guidelines that will change how applications are ranked in the application directory. Currently, the focus is on total number of users, but going forward it will be based on user engagement.

Nokia's iPhone — no, seriously — Oh come on, what the hell is that? A Nokia branded iPhone? It was presented during Nokia's GoPlay event this morning as a glimpse of what's coming with Nokia interface design. Oh, and it's due out next year. When pressed during the Q …

Speculation: Facebook adding Friend Lists; implications for Top Friends, LinkedIn? — We knew it would happen, we just didn't know it might happen this soon. — I just received a tip from top application developer Trey Philips that Facebook has added two new undocumented functions …

HP Virtus revealed — We don't yet know a lot about this happening new HP desktop, except that it's been dubbed the Virtus and it's got some fairly slick design. We'll hit you up with more as we get it — for now, bask in our gallery of leaked shots.

Mitt Romney - Jumpcut Candidate Remix — Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has teamed with Yahoo on an ad-creation contest for his campaign. — Jumpcut, the video editing site Yahoo picked up last September, will host the Team Mitt contest. The promotion runs through September 17th.

GTD for Bloggers: The Art of Stress-free Blogging — The ever-popular productivity book Getting Things Done, by David Allen, caught on fire within the last few years through the power of blogs. And while many a blogger has fallen in love with GTD, and in fact many GTD blogs have been created …