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Google is working on a mobile OS, and it's due out shortly — Can it be true? Is the Googlephone nigh at hand? Not that we haven't been hearing this time after time (after time after time, etc.), but we've actually got some hot news from a number of very trustworthy sources about Google's plans for the mobile space.

Lots and Lots of Google Phone Rumors: HTC, Android, and even Yahoo in the mix

George Reyes To Retire As Google CFO — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced today that George Reyes has informed the company of his intention to retire as Chief Financial Officer. Reyes indicated that he will remain to assist in the search for a new CFO and to assure an orderly transition …
David Dalka, Digital Daily, Valleywag, CNET, GigaOM, Business Week, Epicenter, Download Squad, TechSpot News, Between the Lines, and Google Blogoscoped

Google's Finance Chief to Resign — Google Inc. said Chief Financial Officer George Reyes plans to leave the Internet company, in one of the first departures from its top executive ranks. — Mr. Reyes, who is 53 years old and joined Google before its 2004 initial public offering …

5 new Nokia phones due tomorrow; we got them now — We received a whole bunch of press photos for Nokia's announcement in London tomorrow, and decided to share with you. Supposedly there would be 5 phones all focused on entertainment. the N81 gaming phone, N95 music edition with 8GB memory built in …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Unwired View, Gizmodo, Engadget, CrunchGear, Crave and Fake Steve Here …

It's on: Apple event slated for September 5th — Well the rumors have been floating around for a few days, and now we've gotten official word — in the form of the invite you see above — that Apple will be holding a "special event" on September 5th. Let the speculation begin!

Welcome to the new Boing Boing! — I'm writing this from Boulder, Colorado, which seems like a good place to make this announcement — it was in this town that Carla Sinclair and I launched bOING bOING as a print zine in 1988. During the past 19 years we've gone through many changes — from zine to webzine to directory to blog.
WebProNews, Movable Type, Global Nerdy, Laughing Squid, Bloggers Blog, Life On the Wicked Stage, muhammad.saleem, FM Blog, CostPerNews and Mashable!

Slide - One Million Flash Widgets Added Per Day — Slide, which makes slideshow and media widgets for the major social network platforms (including MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Hi5, Xanga, Tagged and Blogger) has announced that more than a million new flash widgets are being added to its network every day.

Unlocked iPhones highlight DMCA absurdities — As of late 2006, cell phone unlocking became legal in the US, but don't tell that to AT&T; the company has unleashed the lawhounds on UniquePhones, a Belfast-based company that claims to have developed a software-only method to unlock the iPhone.

IPhone's Most Revolutionary Feature: Unauthorized Hacks

Venture Firms vs. Investors — Yale and the Like — Quietly Cite Pressure — To Back Offbeat Funds — Some top venture-capital firms eager to expand into new markets are twisting their investors' arms to get them to go along — or so say the investors.

Microsoft cannot declare itself exempt from the requirements of GPLv3 — "Microsoft has engaged in anticompetitive conduct in the software industry for many years, and has sought to attack free software for almost as long," Free Software Foundation says — The Free Software Foundation …

Apple now sells more than one in six laptops in U.S. — Coming next: A top-to-bottom iPod refresh, says analyst — Apple Inc.'s share of the laptop market is growing — the company now sells more than one in every six laptops purchased in the U.S., a research firm said today.

LG's KS20 ready for the suits with WinMo 6 and HSDPA — Oi, say 'ello to 12.8-mm thin LG KS20, the 3.2Mbps HSDPA cuz to their KU990 touchscreen hottie. Although the KS20 shares much of the looks of the KU990, they've actually trimmed back the display to 2.8-inches (compared to 3-inches on the KU990) …
Tech Blog

Google, Microsoft-backed group ready to Defend Fair Use — Earlier this month, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed a complaint with the FTC alleging that professional sports leagues, Hollywood studios, and book publishers were all using copyright notices that misrepresented the law.

Yahoo's change of venue — In a famous case back in 2000, a French court ordered Yahoo to remove Nazi memorabilia from its auction pages becuase the sale of such merchandise is prohibited in France. Yahoo officials reacted with outrage, claiming that the French court had no authority over a U.S.-based Internet company like Yahoo.

Google Facebook Application a Hoax? — So there have been several prominent bloggers posting about a purported "Official" Google application on facebook. First spotted here, then here on Mashable. I seriously doubt that this application even exists. That is a little insight …

GWT 1.4 release and out of beta — It's a really big day for Google Web Toolkit: GWT 1.4 is now available — and, with more than a million downloads under our belt, GWT is no longer in beta! — New to GWT? — Let's start with what some folks have to say about their experience using GWT during the past year...