Top Items:

GPhone - It's Confirmed — Update 5:36 PM CST (8/27/2007): 211 Blog Reactions to the story, according to Technorati. Apparently I struck a chord talking about the what people seemed to have now dubbed it, the "gPhone" (notice the iPhone-style capitalization).
WebProNews, Geek Speaker, Compiler, Fake Steve Here …, Mobility Site, Mashable! and WinExtra

Google Phone An Attempt To Take On $100 PC? — Google Phone has been a subject of many rumors lately. Mark Hopkins, a technology podcaster, says he got the confirmation of the Gphone after talking to an insider Google (GOOG). … If that indeed is the case, then it makes sense for Google …
Fake Steve Here …

Google Facebook App — Google made a lovely app for Facebook that lets you search the web and share the results with your friends. Your queries are automatically included in Facebook's mini-feed, so your web history can be shared with your friends. There's also a page that showcases popular results found by other Facebook users.

IBM Server Worth $1.4 Million Falls Off Forklift — Federal contractor T.R. Systems says its workers were moving the server from a freight truck into its warehouse in Alexandria, Va., when the mishap occurred. — An IBM server worth $1.4 million was wrecked after it fell off a forklift during shipping.

TorrentSpy shuts down in the U.S. —, the BitTorrent tracking site facing a copyright lawsuit from the motion picture industry, is shutting down access to users in the United States, the company said in a statement late Sunday night. — The barring of U.S. residents …

TorrentSpy Blocks Searches From US Visitors
Slyck, The Register, Ars Technica,,,, UNEASYsilence and digg

I Want This In Photoshop Immediately — This image resizing and manipulation demonstration is sort of jaw dropping, particularly as the video goes on. The related paper, written by Dr. Ariel Shamir and Dr. Shai Avidan is available here. — Sphere It -
Guardian Unlimited, Zatz Not Funny!, How To Split An Atom, Tom Raftery's Social Media, Cathode Tan and Compiler

Vint Cerf, aka the godfather of the net, predicts the end of TV as we know it — Web guru foresees download revolution — Thirty years ago he helped create a technology that has revolutionised millions of lives around the world. But yesterday the man known as the "godfather of the net" …

NJ teen trades his unlocked iPhone for three more and a sports car — While the rest of us patiently wait for either UniquePhones or iPhoneSIMfree to call high noon on AT&T's legal team and release their software unlocks, 17-year-old George Hotz is cashing in on all those hours of work it took …
Freedom to Tinker

45 Excellent Blog Designs — Designing a blog is easy. Whatever engine you are using and whatever style you prefer, you'll always find a number of templates you can apply to your weblog in seconds. No styling is necessary, no playing with colors is needed and no mind jogging about content presentation is required.

Unlocking the iPhone could invite DMCA suit — San Francisco (IDGNS) - Hackers who unlock Apple's iPhone from the AT&T network and share the method with 10 million of their closest Internet friends are inviting a lawsuit from the two companies, several intellectual property (IP) lawyers said Monday.

AT&T legal hits the brakes on (commercial) iPhone unlocks

Ex-XenSource CEO tries another virtualization start-up — Nick Gault apparently just can't get enough of virtualization start-ups. — Gault, who was founding chief executive of XenSource but who was replaced in 2006, now is leading Pano Logic, another virtualization start-up.

For Earthlink Black Tuesday Looms: Job cuts, restructuring — EarthLink (ELNK), the Atlanta-based Internet Service Provider that has been taking it on the chin in the stock market for the past few months, is in for some major bloodletting, perhaps as soon as tomorrow.

10 Free, Innovative Web Analytics Tools — When most people think of free web analytics, they immediately think of Google Analytics. But there are many other free, innovative statistic tools available on the web. These tools measure everything from user behavior, to search engine traffic, to real-time visitor tracking, and more.

Introducing the all-new Yahoo! Mail — My kids, like most, love text messaging. But while their nimble fingers can easily navigate cell phone keypads at lightening speeds, I definitely prefer a full keyboard, and am much more inclined to use email than text messaging.
Salon, Epicenter, The Register, The Technology Chronicles, VentureBeat, Digital Trends, Geek Speaker, CyberNet Technology News, Internet Marketing Monitor, Reuters, BetaNews, Ted On Flex, Search Engine Land, /Message, Digital Daily, 901am, WebProNews, Mobile Messaging 2.0, TechCrunch and Read/WriteWeb

Exclusive: RockYou's secret rate card for Facebook apps — Those who can't do, teach. And those who teach, when it comes to Facebook, are charging handsomely for the privilege. RockYou, a maker of Web "widgets," those Web pages in miniature that clutter up blogs and MySpace pages …

Vista Multimedia Playback and Network Throughput — A few weeks ago a poster with the handle dloneranger reported in the 2CPU forums that he experienced reduced network throughput on his Vista system when he played audio or video. Other posters chimed in with similar results …