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Windows Genuine Advantage suffers worldwide outage, problems galore — Late last night we started receiving reports from readers experiencing problems with Windows Genuine Advantage authentication. Users of both Windows XP and Windows Vista were writing to say that they could not validate …
Channel 9, The Secret Diary …, Nelson's Weblog,, WinBeta, Adnans Sysadmin/Dev Blog and digg

Picture Exclusive: Palm Centro Leaked Official Shot — The Palm Centro has been courting much attention lately thanks to a host of blurry pictures and news of its diminutive stature. Today we have the first (leaked) press photo shot of the device and it does not look half bad.

Janus Friis on Joost: adult content, charging and not paying ISPs over bandwidth — Joost co-founder Janus Friis has outlined future possibilities for the web TV service including charging users, introducing adult content and never going down the "slippery slope" of splitting ad revenue with ISPs.

Student cracks $84m porn filter — A MELBOURNE schoolboy has cracked the Federal Government's new $84 million internet porn filter in minutes. — Tom Wood, 16, said it took him just over 30 minutes to bypass the Government's filter, released on Tuesday. — Tom, a year 10 student …

Anime Distributor Has No Legal Right to Threaten BitTorrent Users — Last week we reported on the Singapore-based anime distributor Odex Pt. Ltd and their campaign to track, find and threaten thousands of BitTorrent users which they claim infringe their copyrights. The demand - 'Pay us $3,500 - or else'.

Saturday Morning: I'm Watching Tubecast — Good find over at Go2Web2 - is a new Internet video startup that, like others, is building a user interface layer on top of the online video services like YouTube, Veoh, etc. — For the most part the site has grabbed a lot of content …

Attack Of The Fake Bloggers — Whilst Fake Steve Jobs has gained the most attention in the fake personal blog scene, a number of other fake blogs have been launched this year. Here's a quick run down of a few that might be worthy of adding to your feed reader...or maybe not. — The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs

Researchers Crack KeeLoq Code for Car Keys — Slashdot had a small post about this yesterday but I've spoken with one of the researchers about it so thought I'd add a little more detail. — A group of Israeli and Belgian researchers found a vulnerability in the algorithm that is used …
The Raw Feed

SanDisk Announces the Sansa Clip — SanDisk has answered back to the Creative's Zen Stone with the Sansa Clip. Around the same size as a matchbook, the player features an OLED screen (the same one found on the Express) and flexes 15 hours of battery life.

The Internet is Dead and Boring — A lot of people are all up and upset about my comments that the Internet is dead and boring. Well guess what, it is. Every new technological, mechanical or intellectual breakthrough has its day, days, months and years. But they don't rule forever.

VC Roundup: FM Publishing, New Leaf & Nixon Peabody — Some scattered VC notes as we head into the weekend: — * FM Publishing, the online ad network run by John Battelle, has raised $4.5 million in Series B funding, according to a regulatory filing. Return backers include New Enterprise Associates and Omidyar Network.

Regal Cinemas Make Example out of Teen for 20 Second Transformers Recording — Sejas, an Arlington Virgina teenager, recorded a few seconds of the movie on her cell-phone to show her brother. Under a new Zero-Tolerance Policy, police responded to the call from Regal Cinemas who promptly arrested Sejas.

Report: Major Apple event coming Sept. 5 — With rumors of new iPods heating up, fresh news comes of a trademarked Apple "special event" to be held in two weeks. — Ars Technica's Infinite Loop is reporting that unidentified Apple sources have brought word of an upcoming Apple event scheduled for September 5.

Consumer Innovations to Inform Web Site for Spies — Government agents may soon find valuable information through an online-recommendation system like the one on Spies who read this report, it might say, also found these reports useful. — That is one of several features …
Trends in the Living Networks

Check This Guy Out — Bill Snitzer, one of the tech guys at BitGravity, is driving to Los Angeles and showing it live on the Internet. He's got a webcam up showing the drive and a Google Map mashup with a GPS device showing his progress. — Bitgravity, located in Burlingame, California, hasn't officially launched.