Top Items:

Facebook Source Code Leaked — We just received a tip that the source code for the Facebook main index page has been leaked and published on a blog called Facebook Secrets. There are at least two possible ways that the source code got out - the first is that a Facebook developer has sent it out …

Google Video robs customers of the videos they "own" — Samuel sez, "Hey guys. Several months ago, I bought an episode of Star Trek on Google Video, just out of curiosity to see how it worked. Today I got an email letting me know my videos would stop working in five days."

The HTC Shift — Earlier this week I asked "What do Hugo Ortega and Steve Ballmer have in common?" and today I share with you the answer - The HTC Shift! I must admit that I have been blessed many times over in the last few years with the devices that have crossed my path.

Microsoft one vote short of fast-track OOXML ISO standardization — Executive board members of the International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS), the organization that represents the United States in ISO standardization deliberations, recently held an internal poll …

On getting "Winered" yesterday — My friend Dave Winer heckled me from the back row and threw me under the bus on this blog yesterday (insert "with friends like these" joke here). Dave's complaint was a I was "spamming" from the stage by talking about my latest passion …

id Software Doom on iPhone! — More great games for the iPhone keep coming. The latest addition is an iPhone port of the classic id Software game Doom. And while the controller doesn't work as of yet and there's no audio, you can at least check out the demo games and be sure …

Apple's iPhone: yes, it plays Doom — Considering that Doom runs smooth as butter on Nokia's 770, the OLPC XO, and the iPod, you knew it was only a matter of time before this classic made its way over to the iPhone. Just in time for the weekend, Doom is now available for Apple's first handset.
iPhone World

iPhone bill is surprisingly Xbox HUGE (lol) — As you enjoy your weekend, ponder this bit of humor: while the iPhone may be master of the digital mobile experience (for now), dead trees come in for a flogging, as AT&T's iPhone bills are quite impressive in their own right.
The Raw Feed

LEAKED: Vista SP1 analysed in-depth … It's no secret that there's a leaked beta of Vista SP1 floating around, but no-one yet has really taken the time to analyse it in detail to find out what it really does. — I made it my mission this weekend to trawl through the registry and file changes …

Kid saves dad's life, kid wants PS3 in return — On the surface, a PlayStation 3 doesn't seem like too much to give a person for saving your life, but when the request comes from the little man to whom you (in one way or another) gave life, things aren't so clear.

The Hacker Tool Law in Effect — Today in Germany the Hacker Tool Law goes into effect. With the official name of Paragraph 202C it states that it is illegal to possess, use, produce, or distribute a "hacker tool". — In theory, law enforcement could come and arrest everyone here at Chaos Communications Camp.

Five Suggestions to Improve PodTech — I received so much great feedback on my suggestions for TechMeme that I have decided to offer more suggestions to more companies. If you have a company that needs some suggestions, send in a note. Today, it's PodTech's turn.

Court Ruling Gives Novell Copyright in Unix System — A federal court in Utah ruled that Novell Inc., not SCO Group Inc., is the rightful owner of the copyright in the Unix operating system. — The ruling is a boon to the "open source" software movement and to Linux …

How much equity for investors and employees? — Entrepreneurs face some pretty tough questions at a very early stage. Should I take Angel or VC money? How much money should I raise? How much equity should I give up? How much equity should I grant to early employees?

Google Is Closing Its Video Retailing Operation — After buying the video-sharing site YouTube nine months ago for $1.65 billion, Google plans to stop selling television shows on its homegrown video site. — The company will stop offering download-to-own and download-to-rent programs on Wednesday …