Top Items:

Introducing Windows Live SkyDrive! — Thanks for your help testing Windows Live Folders. It's been a month and a half since our first release, and today we're making three major announcements! — First, we're happy to announce our new name: — Second, we've been listening intently …

Store your files in "the cloud" with Windows Live SkyDrive — Today Microsoft is announcing the final product name for what was previously known as Windows Live Folders. Windows Live SkyDrive gets not only its final product name but also a few new features and enhanced UI reflecting changes coming across …
Read/WriteWeb, Mashable!, All about Microsoft, Windows Connected, One Microsoft Way and Insider Chatter

A simple way to get more storage — As someone who tests Google products daily, I know that the simplest solution is often the one that works best. In the case of online storage, whether it's a picture, a video or an email, you should just, well, be able to store it without having to worry …

Pay for More Gmail Storage — Google will start to use a model similar to Picasa Web's premium plans to let you buy more storage for different Google services, including Gmail. So for $20 a year, you'll get 6 GB that can be used to store photos in Picasa Web Albums and to send or receive messages in Gmail.

Tech: Is Google Rolling Out a Gmail Storage Upgrade?

Universal Music Will Sell Songs Without Copy Protection — Signaling another departure from the music industry's tenuous belief in its longtime antipiracy strategy, the Universal Music Group plans to sell a significant portion of its catalog without the customary copy protection software …
Engadget, VentureBeat, Boing Boing, Techdirt, iLounge, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Mashable!, IMT Blog, MacRumors, Gerd Leonhard's Blog … and Digital Music News

Pay Per Call Company VoiceStar Acquired by Marchex — Pay per call advertising service VoiceStar has been acquired by local advertising company Marchex. — Terms of the deal are as follows: … VoiceStar helps track how effective your newspaper and online advertising campaigns are at generating calls to your business.

Pearl Jam censored by AT&T, calls for a neutral 'Net — A bit of heavy-handed censorship of a Pearl Jam concert by AT&T this weekend led the band to fire off an open letter to fans—a letter in which Pearl Jam railed against media and ISP consolidation and called for readers to support network neutrality.

AT&T Plays Gatekeeper. Censors Pearl Jam. — Over the weekend AT&T gave us a glimpse of their plans for the Web when they censored a Pearl Jam performance that didn't meet their standard of "Internet freedom." — During the live Lollapalooza Webcast of a concert by the Seattle-based super-group …
Discussion:,, WebProNews, Ypulse, Daily Kos, FurdLog, GigaOM and IP Democracy

Breaking: Veoh Sues Universal Music — Perhaps new Veoh CEO Steve Mitgang is the kind of guy you don't want to try to intimidate. He just called me to say that Universal Music made one too many threats to sue his company. To protect themselves, they are suing Universal Music in federal court …

Update: Porn company Perfect 10 sues Microsoft — (InfoWorld) - A publisher of nude model photography is suing Microsoft for putting links and images of the company's content in search results taken from other Web sites that are illegally reproducing the material.
Techdirt, Mashable!,, PC World, Daily News, WinBeta and Digital Daily

Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for August 2007 — Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification issued: August 9, 2007 — Microsoft Security Bulletins to be issued: August 14, 2007 — This is an advance notification of nine security bulletins that Microsoft is intending to release on August 14, 2007.
TechNet Blogs, The Register, Windows Connected, Security Fix and Ryan Naraine's Zero Day

Broken Windows … Not since Windows ME or Mac OS X 10.0 have I observed a more troubled consumer operating system. This is a difficult post to write, because I really don't want to beat on Microsoft about Vista yet again. But yesterday's continuation of the Windows Vista Capable lawsuit …
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Judge Says 'Windows Vista Capable' Lawsuit Can Proceed
Hardware 2.0

AOL May Kill Their Netscape Digg Clone — AOL is considering killing off the "Digg Clone" social news site that they launched a little over a year ago at, and redirecting traffic to the Netscape portal instead. One source says it's a done deal. Another says no final decisions have been made.

Police Blotter: Defendant wins breathalyzer source code — What: Drunk driving defendant says he needs the source code to the Intoxilyzer 5000EN to fight the charges in court. — When: Minnesota Supreme Court rules in his favor on July 26. — Outcome: Source code will be turned over to defense attorneys.

US 3G Nokia N95 Getting Battery Upgrade! — I received this in my inbox recently, and had to wait a few days to share. This is the official sales flyer for the US 3G Nokia N95. There's several really HOT parts about it that I'm really excited about. — The first is that the thing finally has US 3G - HSDPA even.
jkOnTheRun, IntoMobile, Darla Mack, The Boy Genius Report, Engadget Mobile and All About Symbian

A Gateway for Hackers — The Security Threat in the New Wiretapping Law — Current administration policy is replete with examples of quickly enacted efforts whose consequences led to the opposite effect. (Beware of what you wish for . . . .) With Congress caving last week …

iPhone set to get games? — There's talk all over the web of the U.K. getting iTunes Movies and T.V. shows "by the end of the month" - something us Brits are long overdue. Here at Download Squad we decided to see whether it truly is a matter of "flipping the switches" on this rumoured store …
Gizmodo, Engadget, IntoMobile, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, The iPhone Blog, Apple Gazette and digg

Report: Gamers largely clueless about next-gen console media capabilities — The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles are marvels of technology. The PlayStation 3 features a Blu-ray player, the ability to stream video and music from your PC, and it's a very impressive upscaling DVD player.