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Google News Hypocrisy: Walled Off Content — TechMeme founder Gabe Rivera makes an interesting observation on the Google News story all over the blogosphere today. … Google crawls news sites and grabs their content for republishing on Google News. They rely on the willingness of those news sites to get distribution on Google.

Google News Announces Limited Comments. Everyone Needs To Calm Down.
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Scripps Buys Photo/Video Sharing Service Pickle For $4.7 Million; Keyword Competition Hurting — Scripps Networks (NYSE: SSP) is serious about its online buys...last month it announced buying of Recipezaar for around $25 million. Now it announced that it is buying audio …

Study: Fears over kids' online safety overblown — One of the commonly accepted mantras is that the Internet is a very dangerous place for kids—especially social networking sites, where innocent youngsters can be approached by strangers offering them virtual candy—hence the recent moves …

Microsoft Confirms HDMI Port on X360 Premium Model, Not Core (Updated) — Update: Microsoft has confirmed the addition of HDMI ports to all newly manufactured Xbox 360 premium consoles. "Yes, we are offering an HDMI port for Xbox 360 simply as another choice in Xbox 360 ownersÂ' games …
Kotaku, DailyTech, Engadget, PC World, Opposable Thumbs, Game | Life, Xbox 360 Fanboy, Joystiq, technabob, DigitalBattle and digg

Judge Tells Qualcomm It Waived Right To Enforce Patents — This has not been a good week for Qualcomm on the patent front. The company, which relies heavily on the patent system for its business model, is discovering that putting so much faith in patents can be a two-edged sword.

NBC Universal launches Didja — Ad friendly video site to combat YouTube — NBC Universal is expanding its battle against YouTube and other viral video sites, using the weight of its top-rated USA cable network to launch an all-advertising website called
TechCrunch, The Utility Belt, Mashable!, Contentinople, Podcasting News,, Profy.Com, NewTeeVee and Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab

Fox Interactive turns annual profit; MySpace revenue to top $800 million in fiscal 2008 — News Corp. said its Fox Interactive unit, which largely consists of MySpace, turned a profit of $10 million on revenue of $550 million for the fiscal year ending June 30.

Novell CEO Calls For New Linux Distro ISV Standard, Praises FSF — Novell CEO Ron Hovsepian said the Linux industry must create a vendor neutral standard for application development or face the same fragmentation that killed Unix. — Speaking before a packed audience at LinuxWorld …

Did AT&T Censor Pearl Jam's Lollapalooza WebCast? — Ma Bell seems to be acting like the big brother. Apparently, AT&T censored parts of Pearl Jam's performance over the weekend. Rock band was performing as part of Lollapalooza. On their website, Pearl Jam writes:
Bit Player, Public Knowledge, Salon: Machinist,, Brier Dudley's blog, TechFold and IP Democracy

Microsoft spices up the IT image — Decrease Increase - — Submit comment: — SHE doesn't have any IT qualifications - in fact she's a university drop-out - but that hasn't stopped software giant Microsoft hiring former Miss Australia Erin McNaught to sex up the computer industry's geeky image.

VideoCafé Brings Video Content From Google, Yahoo!, Intel and Others Directly to Bloggers — New Video Content Portal Dedicated to Blogger Community — The NewsMarket — the world's leading online platform for raw video news content — today launches a new service enabling bloggers …

New Wii Firmware Upgrade Blocks Freeloader for GC Imports — Nintendo's new upgrade restricts gamers from using the Freeloader disc to play import GameCube games on Wii — Those of you who already downloaded the Wii's latest firmware upgrade, released yesterday, may be in for a surprise.

Get ready for a new - Windows Live Home — At a briefing given to Japanese press about Windows Live, Tetuya Onoda (Windows Live Director) held up a nice big picture of the new Windows Live Homepage that looks set to replace the existing personalised page.
All about Microsoft, Internet Marketing Monitor, CyberNet Technology News, TechCrunch, Mashable! and Geek Speaker

Google Mistakes Own Blog for Spam, Deletes it — Readers of Google Inc.'s Custom Search Blog were handed a bit of a surprise Tuesday when the Web site was temporarily removed from the blogosphere and hijacked by someone unaffiliated with the company. — The problem?

Competition is good for search privacy, report says — WASHINGTON—Recent privacy policy makeovers by the five major Internet search companies show competition benefits users but a "comprehensive" federal privacy law is still needed, says a Washington advocacy group in a new report.