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Dateline Mole Allegedly at DefCon with Hidden Camera — Updated: Mole Caught on Tape — DefCon security on Friday warned attendees at the annual hacker conference that Dateline NBC may have sent a mole with a hidden camera to the event to capture hackers admitting to crimes.
Liquidmatrix Security Digest, Gizmodo, Tech Talk with Dean Takahashi, Laughing Squid, Boing Boing, The Raw Feed and digg

Undercover NBC Dateline reporter bolts from DEFCON 2007 — Undercover reporter Michelle Madigan (Associate Producer of NBC Dateline) got a little more than she bargained for when she tried to sneak in to DEFCON 2007 with hidden cameras to get someone to confess to a felony.
Deep Jive Interests

Hacking Conference Infiltrated by 'Media Mole' — DefCon organizers are worried that Dateline NBC has sent an undercover producer with a hidden camera to cover the show. — Recommend this story? — Trust nobody. — That's what organizers of the 15th annual DefCon hacking conference …

Breaking: First Third-party Native iPhone Application — Google Code has the first third-party native application ever for the iPhone. A real full-fledged iPhone application with a graphic user interface and its own icon in the iPhone home screen. Yes, this is not a Web 2.0 app but the real thing …
Engadget, The Tao of Mac, iLounge, Apple Gazette, Gadget Lab, iPhone Central, Slashdot and digg

Blogging Ethics: When And What Should Bloggers Disclose? — Is there a new blogger scandal brewing? Allen Stern over at CenterNetworks seems to think so. Allen takes issue with the new video blog Webb Alert (which mentioned Read/WriteWeb today), saying that the blog doesn't disclose …
How To Split An Atom, CenterNetworks, Webomatica, Deep Jive Interests and Insider Chatter

Bear Stearns: Yahoo Must Form A Social Networking Strategy — There is a bit of buzz around the presentation Bear Stearns Internet analyst Robert Peck gave a couple of days ago. It recommends a broad strategy for Yahoo to get their act together in the social networking space …

iTheme for S60 3rd Edition — Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the interface of the iPhone? Maybe some have and maybe some haven't, but seeing an app like this even I became a bit interested. This form of customization goes way beyond basic theme creation.

Reconfirmation: Flickr To Add Video — In May Flickr cofounder Stewart Butterfield casually mentioned to me that they would be allowing users to upload video "soon" (see last sentence in this post). Yesterday Yahoo Video GM Mike Folgner reconfirmed this: "Yahoo's Flickr photo-sharing site will also be adding video," he said.

Apple iPhones Will Be Sold for 99¢ Only to the First Nine Customers at the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the First 99¢ Only Stores® on Thursday, August 9th, 2007 — COMMERCE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—99¢ Only Stores® invites all to join in celebrating our 25th anniversary!
Mobility Site, MacDailyNews, IntoMobile, Apple 2.0, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, Zoli's Blog and Lost Remote

Billboard Expands Hot 100 Chart To Include Streaming Media Data — Billboard is augmenting its ranking of digital music sales for its Hot 100 chart formula by including weekly streamed and on-demand music data from Yahoo and AOL Music. The magazine began factoring in the sale of digital tracks …

Warhawk Goes Gold — Hi Everyone - It's been a while since I've made a post, but since some of you guys posted comments wanting me to jump back on, *and* the very interesting pricing debate/discussion that has been going on recently, well ... here I am with a couple of important updates!?

E-book site for students promises to save trees, money — Every June, I am as elated as the next student to have a three-month respite from the confines of school. But, come August, you can find me on, frantically buying an inordinate number of books for every class—in many cases, more than two books per class.

Average PC is a smorgasboard for a new MP3-eating trojan — It's no secret that people like to collect music on their PCs, with music files taking up more and more hard drive space as time goes on. Recent data from Comscore says that as of April of this year the typical computer …

XPS M1330: What's Going On? — Since my last post, many of you made it clear that you want us to share more details about what's going on with the XPS M1330. I want to apologize for the frustration that these delays are causing you. I understand that no amount of explanation is a substitute …

Paperclip: Designed by Apple in California — Shortly after I got my iPhone, the rubber ring around the screen started to come out. I tried pushing it back in, but it kept getting worse, so I brought it back to the store. Because it had been more than two weeks since I bought it, I had to send it in for repairs!

PolarRose beta - Discover people in your browser — After months of development, testing, waiting(on our part) PolarRose has finally started opening up it's private beta to external users. Playing around with app for the past few mins, I think it is bound to get good deal of traction with the users.