Top Items:

Facebook Meet Netvibes: Netvibes Introduces the Facebook Widget — Well you've all been asking for it, and it's finally here. — The new Netvibes Facebook Widget will allow users to view their Facebook notifications and friends. You can now access your Facebook info on Netvibes, and keep up to date on what your friends are doing!

Netvibes Launches Facebook Widget, Challenges Lock-In — There's a war being fought over ownership of your identity. Today Netvibes launches the Facebook Widget, which lets you view your Facebook notifications and friends within Netvibes. — Data displayed includes links to your profile …

Platform Wars: Netvibes Launches Facebook Widget

Google Still 'Very Interested' In Spectrum Auction — WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Google Inc. (GOOG) remains "very interested" in participating in the Federal Communications Commission's upcoming radio spectrum auction, according to the person at the company responsible for its wireless strategy.

Not one, but many "gPhones" in the works: report — We've known for some time that Google has research and development resources dedicated to mobile phone technology, but the question has always been: will Google strike out on its own, or will it embrace partners in its quest to tackle the mobile world?
Engadget, Valleywag, Inquirer, BoomTown, The Register, Good Morning Silicon Valley and digg

Report: Google shows phone prototype to vendors — Analysts disagree about its potential for success — Google Inc. has developed a prototype cell phone that could reach markets within a year, and plans to offer consumers free subscriptions by bundling advertisements with its search engine …
InfoWorld, Gizmodo, ParisLemon, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Joe Duck, OhGizmo!, Slashdot, WebProNews and Search Engine Land

Plaxo launching Pulse, its own social network — Plaxo, the online address book, will try to recreate itself as an open social network called "Pulse" beginning Monday. — In retrospect, you should have seen this coming. Plaxo is primed for this. — The Mountain View …

The latest "shiny social object": an open/controllable social network? — Well, I've been taking a lot of shots in the past few weeks for always covering the latest shiny social object. You know, first it was Twitter. Then Jaiku. Then Facebook. Pownce. On and on.

Out of the Theater, Into the Courtroom — Jhannet Sejas and her boyfriend were celebrating her 19th birthday by taking in a matinee showing of the hit movie "Transformers" at the theater at Ballston Common mall. — Sejas was enjoying the movie so much that she decided to film a short clip …

The Pirate Bay About To Relaunch — The Pirate Bay crew has been working on this secret project for quite some time now. Back in April they wrote a cryptic post on their blog announcing that something was coming. In a response to this announcement TPB admin Brokep told TorrentFreak …
RELATED: Transferred to The Pirate Bay

A guaranteed number one listing at Google! — I've been burning up my keyboard for the past two weeks none stop writing. So I've had little time to read any of the latest news around the various other blogs, forums etc. So, maybe this has been covered in great detail elsewhere.

Google Tests On Search Page Keyword Bookmarking Service?

Twitter Is A Publication — Here's a theory that's emerged from my web communication experiment: Twitter isn't a communication tool, it's a publication. — That's not to say there isn't a strong communication element to it, just like there is in the comment sections of blogs …

ARIN fights IP address trading as transition to IPv6 may get new deadlines — Yesterday, the American Registry for Internet Numbers published a statement outlining its thoughts on the Internet address policy going forward in Canada and the US, the area it has responsibility for.

Web's 'drug kingpin' gets 30 years — Prosecutors got their wish: A long sentence for Christopher Smith, who illegally sold $24 million worth of prescription drugs. — A federal judge sentenced internationally known e-mail spammer Christopher William Smith on Wednesday to 30 years in prison …

New Parallels Desktop beta starts today, and a friendly hello — In typical Parallels "how the heck did you do that so fast?" fashion, we're launching beta testing for the next update of Parallels Desktop for Mac. And, I'm happy to let you all know that we listened to your feedback …
Inquirer, Infinite Loop, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, MacUser,, Macworld and The Register

Google Uses Crowdsourcing To Create Maps In India — Google has been sending GPS kits to India that enable locals to make more detailed maps of their area. After the data has been uploaded and then verified against other participant's data it becomes a part of the map.

Online Snooping Gets Creepy — When Nazira Sacasa sent me a press release for a new clothing boutique late last month, she didn't know that I would launch a full-scale web search to learn everything I could about her. But I needed a victim to test out the new breed of people-search services on the web …