Top Items: Sold To RH Donnelley; Beating DJ, NYT and News Corp; Price Around $350 Million —, the Santa Monica-based business info, directory and search site, has been sold to R.H. Donnelley (NYSE:RHD), the yellow pages and local search firm, has learned …
Screenwerk, PR Newswire, WebProNews, Search Engine Land, Between the Lines, alarm:clock and Kelsey Group Blogs

MySpace Looking for the Next "Prom Queen" — MySpace had a great deal of success with their short form webisode, "Prom Queen". The heavily hyped ode to teenage drama drew over 15 million streams during its run and is gearing up for another season. MySpace is looking to take the format to the streets …
Off On A Tangent

MySpace's Original Content Push: Foil Against Facebook? — Read the post below first for the context, and then this: one thing that seems to be happening is that MySpace is now going full steam ahead into becoming a conduit for original and other kinds of content, perhaps as a way to attract new users …

Apple Reports Third Quarter Results — Record June Quarter Revenue and Profit — Apple® today announced financial results for its fiscal 2007 third quarter ended June 30, 2007. The Company posted revenue of $5.41 billion and net quarterly profit of $818 million, or $.92 per diluted share.
Forbes, Inquirer, CrunchGear, CNET, ParisLemon, GigaOM, Webomatica, Gadget Lab, Between the Lines, Salon: Machinist,, Engadget, ZDNet, Tech Trader Daily, I4U News, MacDailyNews, Blackfriars' Marketing, Apple 2.0, MacUser, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, IP Democracy, Gizmodo, Valleywag, Today @ PC World,, BloggingStocks, Bits, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog,, Macsimum News, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Technology Live, Infinite Loop, Apple Gazette and digg

Wagering In Second Life: New Policy — [UPDATE: Wednesday, July 25 4:47PM PDT] For those of you who find logging into the Knowledge Base to be sort of kludgy (and I know it is — we'll find a better way!), I've pasted the text of the policy and FAQ below. — Several months ago we discussed …

Syndication Wars 2007: Atom's Time is Nigh, With Google on its Side — Tim Bray announced today on his blog that the Atom Publishing Protocol, a way to create and update Web resources, is "done". He wrote: … What does that mean in english? Basically that the Atom Publishing Protocol is almost finished.

Humans narrowly beat computer in poker battle — Two professional poker players narrowly beat a computer late Tuesday after four tense rounds that scientists called the world's first man-versus-machine poker championship. — Phil Laak and Ali Eslami, two poker players from Los Angeles ranked …

Target to Promote Blu-Ray DVD Format — LOS ANGELES - — Target Corp., the nation's second-largest retailer, will start selling a Sony Blu-ray high-definition DVD player during the critical holiday shopping period and feature the player along with Blu-ray discs in store displays, dealing a potential blow to the rival HD DVD format.

Digg: New ad provider — Hey everyone - I wanted to give you a heads-up before the official announcement is made later today. We've signed on Microsoft as our new partner to sell and serve the ads on Digg. It's a deal similar to the one Facebook signed with Microsoft last year.
CenterNetworks, Digital Inspiration, Search Engine Roundtable, Web Strategy,, TechCrunch, CNET, p2pnet, ParisLemon, Jim Kukral, Search Engine Journal, New York Times, FM Blog, BetaNews, Neomeme, Between the Lines, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, Silicon Valley Watcher,, One Microsoft Way,,, WebProNews, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Valleywag, Search Engine Land, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Microsoft News Tracker, Business Week, Internet Marketing Monitor and 10e20

Home cells signal mobile change — Standing in the corner of the room; being exiled to the bottom of the garden; or teetering precariously on a chair. — People will go to extraordinary lengths to find that elusive one bar of signal that will allow them to make a mobile phone call.

Remote Command Execution in FireFox et al — Apparently this flaw affects Firefox users that also have IE7 (with full security patches) on their system. You can read about the details HERE. So it seems once again... as my first post (HERE) about URI handling issues stated.... IE PWNS Firefox.....
The Mozilla Blog

Click Quality Council Holds First Steering Committee Meeting — Kevin Embry, of Click Forensics, headed the first Click Quality Council Steering Committee meeting today. With over 20 people in attendance to this webinar meeting, Shuman Ghosemajumder, Business Product Manager for Trust and Safety at Google …
Search Engine Land

EA and Microsoft launch dynamic in-game advertising system — With the recent swap of Peter Moore and Don Mattrick between Microsoft and EA, there has been much speculation about the relationship between the two industry giants. Likely to contribute to that speculation is an announcement today …

The Teqlo Adventure — Few VCs admit to their misfires, though misses are more common in this business than hits. One of the reasons I write this blog is to add some transparency to an all too opaque business of private equity. It has been a while since I talked about here.

The Mobile TV Wars — Qualcomm's MediaFlo and MobiTV are set to duke it out in the battle for this emerging business — The mobile TV shakeout has begun: Modeo, a subsidiary of cellular tower operator Crown Castle International (CCI), has shut down its one broadcast network in the New York City area …
The Register

Storm Worm Erupts Into Worst Virus Attack In 2 Years — Storm worm authors are blasting the Internet with two types of attacks, and both are aimed at building up their botnet. — The Storm worm authors are waging a multi-pronged attack and generating the largest virus attack some researchers say they've seen in two years.