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IPhone Use Disappoints; Apple Slides — Apple's shares slumped 6 percent on Tuesday after AT&T said the early surge of iPhone buyers starting service on its network was smaller than some analysts had anticipated. — AT&T, in reporting its second-quarter earnings, said 146,000 iPhone owners …

iPhone v. BlackBerry: Side By Side, Two Week Comparison — With the Wi-Fi-equipped BlackBerry 8820 coming soon to an AT&T store near you, business folks around the country will be faced with the decision of switching to the trendy new iPhone or upgrading to a more iPhonesque version of their trusty CrackBerry.

Generator Failures Caused 365 Main Outage — Several generators at 365 Main's San Francisco data center failed to start when the facility lost grid power Tuesday afternoon, causing an outage that knocked many of the web's most popular destinations offline for several hours.
Don Dodge on The Next …, Rough Type, Digital Daily, The Stalwart, Valleywag, O'Reilly Radar, Between the Lines, Reuters,, Techdirt and Scobleizer

At least 20,000 without power in downtown S.F.
GigaOM, Computerworld, Between the Lines, Insider Chatter, Bloggers Blog, Valleywag, Connecting the Dots, /Message, Todd Watson, WinExtra,, Webomatica,, Geek News Central, Earth2Tech, Your2ndPlace, TechCrunch, Official Linden Blog, PC World: Techlog, Second Life Insider, Somewhat Frank, The Technorati Weblog, CNET, Slashdot: Hardware, O'Reilly Radar, Neomeme,, Laughing Squid, Zoli's Blog, VentureBeat, B.L. Ochman's weblog, I, Platform, Brier Dudley's blog, Download Squad, UNEASYsilence, Brij Singh's One More Idea, The Utility Belt, Alex Barnett blog and digg

Phone mast allergy 'in the mind' — Mobile phone masts are not responsible for the symptoms of ill health some blame them for, a major UK study says. — Dozens of people who believed the masts trigger symptoms such as anxiety, nausea and tiredness were unable to detect if signals were on of off.

Mom Sues Universal Music for DMCA Abuse — Home Video of Dancing Toddler Yanked From YouTube After Bogus Claim — San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit today against Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG), asking a federal court to protect the fair use …

EFF sues Universal over 'fair use' of song in YouTube video
Electronic Frontier Foundation

1 million Joost users prepare for year-end launch — Joost, the peer-to-peer TV sharing application from the inventors of Skype and Kazaa, has signed up more than a million beta testers and is on track for an end-of-year launch, its co-creator has revealed.
TechCrunch, Download Squad, UNEASYsilence, Silicon Alley Insider, Compiler and franticindustries

Aided by Harry Potter Fans, Amazon Triples Its Profit — Some of Harry Potter's magic has rubbed off on — The company, based in Seattle, announced today that its second-quarter net income increased more than threefold on revenue that rose 35 percent.

MySpace erases 29,000 sex offenders — MySpace yesterday announced it had "detected and deleted" 29,000 convicted sex offenders on the social networking site, Reuters reports. — The figure is considerably higher than the 7,000 it said it had identified back in May, after coming under strong pressure …

Announcing the world's first 40G silicon laser modulator! — In this blog, I would like to share with you our recent breakthrough in Silicon Photonics research at Photonics Technology Lab of Intel, a laser modulator that encodes optical data at 40 billion bits per second. Here I am holding a packaged device: Now With More Interactivity — Earlier this month we tackled the evolving space of online live video. In its raw form, live is a very different format when compared to recorded video. There's no post production editing to cut out your gaffs or nab the best parts.

Microsoft, EA sign sports game ad deal — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Wednesday it will pipe advertisements into a slate of popular sports video games from Electronic Arts Inc. (ERTS.O: Quote, Profile, Research), including its best-selling "Madden" football franchise.

Congress: P2P networks harm national security — WASHINGTON—Politicians charged on Tuesday that peer-to-peer networks can pose a "national security threat" because they enable federal employees to share sensitive or classified documents accidentally from their computers.
Slyck, Ars Technica, Techdirt, George Ou, p2pnet, David Strom's Web Informant, P2P Blog and Infocult

Sting! The biggest software counterfeiting bust in history — [This is a post originally penned by Alex Kochis over on the WGA blog.] — Earlier today the Chinese Public Security Bureau and the FBI announced the largest bust of counterfeit software manufacturing or distribution ever.

Xbox spec: $50 cut in Aug. — Timed to release of major titles — In an effort to regain momentum in the video game console market, Microsoft Corp. will cut the price of the Xbox 360 by $50 early next month, sources said. — The reduction will be made Aug. 8, according to one source …

Om Malik Is Ready for His Close-Up — What is Om Malik going to announce at his party tomorrow night at the M. H. de Young Museum in San Francisco? — Valleywag wanted to know what the well-known tech blogger was up to, so we will tell them: an online television interview and analysis show on Revision3 called "The GigaOm Show."

Breaking: iPhone Can Now Serve Web Pages, Run Python, Open Source Apps — After the first Hello World application, hacker NerveGas and the people at #iphone-shell have built Apache, Python and other Open Source apps for the iPhone. Yes, your iPhone can now be a web server and do all sort of 1337 things.