Top Items:

Google to Acquire Postini — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Postini, a global leader in on-demand communications security and compliance solutions serving more than 35,000 businesses and 10 million users worldwide.
VentureBeat, Techdirt, Insider Chatter, Sramana Mitra on Strategy, Business Week, Profy.Com, alarm:clock, Take2, Googling Google, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, HighContrast, Mashable!, The Workplace Blog, CenterNetworks, Valleywag, A VC, John Battelle's Searchblog, Download Squad, Digital Trends, Between the Lines, Searchviews, Randy Holloway Unfiltered, Internet Marketing Monitor, BloggingStocks, The Next Net, Search Engine Land, 901am, Web Worker Daily, Search Engine Roundtable and New York Times

Welcome, Postini team — We launched Google Apps so that it would be easier for employees to communicate and share information while reducing the hassles and costs associated with enterprise software. Companies are responding: every day, more than 1,000 small businesses sign up for Google Apps.
InsideGoogle, Search Engine Journal,, Digital Daily, Todd Watson, Skype Journal and Search Marketing Gurus

P&G (Postini and Google, of course) — I am excited to announce that Postini has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google for $625 million in cash, subject to working capital and other adjustments, and Postini will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Google.
GigaOM, Burnham's Beat, VC Ratings, CyberNet Technology News and John Cook's Venture Blog

Secure innovation - Postini joins the Google team — Since launching Google Apps last August, companies of all sizes have experienced the benefits of delivering simple, useful hosted applications to their employees. However, larger organizations are frequently forced to choose between taking advantage …

Google Goes Corporate — Google agreed to buy Postini, which offers a service to help companies protect and control their e-mail , for $625 million in cash. — Postini started out with a service to identify and eliminate spam, and it expanded to offer other services as well …

Google Acquires Postini for $625 million
Tech Trader Daily, WebProNews, The Boy Genius Report, Oliver Thylmann's Thoughts and

Microsoft's next move? Code-name Falcon — Here's a trade secret that Microsoft is unlikely to publicly acknowledge. — Sony's cutting the price on the PlayStation 3. How will Microsoft react? We'll find out soon. But a key part of the strategy is going to be a project code-named Falcon.

Microsoft has Xbox 360 price cuts in the works as well? — Oh, don't act so surprised. Was there ever really any chance that Microsoft would let Sony get a free ride for long on price cuts and start swiping console sales? Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter doesn't think so …
Wall Street Journal, Tech Trader Daily, Michael Gartenberg, Guardian Unlimited and Xbox 360 Fanboy

Sony cuts price of PS3 on eve of E3 — Video game expo scaled back this year as competition grows — Sony Computer Entertainment America kicked off the E3 video game conference one day early, announcing a $100 price cut for its PlayStation 3, a high-performing video game console …

Piper Jaffray predicts 6th-gen iPods by January — Piper Jaffray analysts have decided to weigh in on the rumored 6th generation iPod this week, saying in a new report that they expect totally revamped iPods to be announced by January of 2008 according to MacNN.

Apple: Piper Sees New iPods That Look Like iPhones; Says Some …
michael parekh on IT

Mosh, Yahoo's New Social Network Initiative — Here's a juicy tip - we've been hearing about a new Yahoo social network initiative called Mosh, which is at but can only be accessed from inside the Yahoo offices. If you happen to be using the guest wifi at Yahoo …


Intel buys into VMWare — Intel and VMware announced today that Intel Capital is taking a $218.5 million stake in virtualization company VMWare. Intel will purchase 9.5 million Class A shares at $23 per share, which, at the completion of VMware's forthcoming IPO, will give Intel about a 2.5 percent stake in the company.

Write Articles, Not Blog Postings … I recently served as a "consultant's consultant," advising a world leader in his field on what to do about his website. In particular, this expert asked me whether he should start a weblog. I said no. — You probably already know my own Internet strategy …
Guardian Unlimited, Bokardo, Hacking Cough, Mickeleh's Take, Conversion Rate Marketing Blog and I, Platform

Buy Blog Comments - A Sick New Comment Spam Service Launches — I just had a rather disturbing email from a company advertising a new service called Buy Blog Comments (no follow tags used) promoting a new service offering to leave comment spam on blogs for those wanting to increase their SEO ranking.

A neutral 'Net needs up to twice the bandwidth of a tiered network — Recent research suggests the obvious: that building an undifferentiated network requires far more capacity than one in which traffic is prioritized, throttled, and controlled. But when AT&T researchers are involved …

Nielsen scraps Web page view rankings — NEW YORK - A leading online measurement service will scrap rankings based on the longtime industry yardstick of page views and begin tracking how long visitors spend at the sites. — The move by Nielsen/NetRatings, expected to be announced Tuesday …