Top Items:

Hobby leads to career for tech blogger — Wellington is home to a rising star in the highly competitive and global blogging industry. — Richard MacManus runs the world's 28th most popular blog, Read/WriteWeb, from his home office in Lower Hutt. — It's every blogger's fantasy.

Bloggers want my steak baguette — There's so much silliness in the blogosphere that it's easy for old media to dismiss it. Just don't forget that there are wolves amongst the sheep — Successful blogging is hard, dirty work: it's the hand-to-hand combat of the writing world.

Turning Blogging From Hobby to Career — This Monday morning in New Zealand, my local Wellington newspaper The Dominion Post ran a story about Read/WriteWeb. Seeing as the focus of the article is making a living off blogging, I thought I'd add some more thoughts on that. The DomPost article states:

Vista SP1 beta 1 to launch in mid-July — It's official: We are now in the under-promise and over-deliver era at Microsoft. — Just when Microsoft had customers, partners and competitors all believing that it was going to delay the first service pack for Vista — not releasing a first beta …

Microsoft's OEM catch-22: XP still in the driver's seat — Now more than half a year into the launch of Windows Vista, it's beginning to look as though Microsoft may have a rebellion on its hands, at least in the corporate world. While Windows Vista continues to sell like hotcakes via OEMs to consumers …

Google's Social Networking Projects — Google already has a social network (orkut), but it's only popular in Brazil and India, doesn't have a Googlish interface and had a lot of security problems in the past. That's why last year Google sponsored a project at the Carnegie Mellon University's …

Google, Yahoo Both Working On Next Generation Social Networks — It's a busy Sunday evening - first the news on Yahoo Mosh, and now news that Google is working on its own next generation social networking service called Socialstream, possibly to take the spotlight away from the ailing Orkut.

Microsoft's top designers leave to give away lovely flowers — This startup makes me sad. Not because it isn't doing beautiful stuff. They are. Maryam will smile when she gets her flowers delivered this morning. UPDATE: she laughed and said "you remembered I love flowers." I guess that's a hint, huh?

When three ex-MSFTies partner: They're Beautiful!
TechCrunch, Addicted to Digital Media, Ryan Stewart, Insider Chatter, Letters From Exile, Channel 9 and O'Reilly Radar

Gesturesphere — A few weeks ago I wrote a post called iPhonomics. A few days later I was chatting with Andrew Keen when he casually mentioned that would make a good title for a book. Although I have no intention of writing a book (that's real work) I thought I'd check out the domain on Go Daddy.

Openads 2.3 Beta Launched, But Google Threat Lurks — I've mentioned Openads, a free open source ad server, twice in the last few months here on Read/WriteWeb. I continue to be very interested in their business model; but also I hope they disrupt not just the ad fulfillment and tracking business …

Competition For Scribd — Scribd, dubbed "YouTube for documents" didn't have the the traditional dip in traffic after its launch, and has continued to grow rapidly after raising nearly $4 million in two rounds of venture capital. — I looks like they already have competition, though.

AT&T sets up 'Muni' WiFi in California — AT&T, the largest US telecommunications group, is launching its first WiFi wireless broadband internet service on Monday in Riverside, California. — The deployment highlights AT&T's decision to embrace public WiFi technology as a complementary …

THE IMPORTANT LESSONS OF BACKFENCE'S CLOSING — The announced closing of Backfence has brought about some refreshing and much-needed discussion on the subject of hyperlocal news and the web. This is an important discussion, because a lot of companies are looking to hyperlocal as the salvation of their business model.

Wikipedia remains go-to site for online news — NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - Online encyclopedia Wikipedia has added about 20 million unique monthly visitors in the past year, making it the top online news and information destination, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

787 Dreamliner launch a big deal — EVERETT, Wash.—"This will make some rock concerts pale by comparison," Boeing spokesman Tim Bader told me with a smile as we rode a company-hired bus to the long-awaited 787 Dreamliner launch event. — I knew this was a big event since, after all …