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Windows Live Moves Into Next Phase with Renewed Focus on Software + Services — Q&A: Chris Jones, corporate vice president, Windows Live Experience Program Management, discusses how a new Windows Live product suite planned for release in the coming months will help customers more easily and safely communicate and share online.
Insider Chatter, LiveSide, All about Microsoft, Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Internet Marketing Monitor, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Compiler, Reuters, TechCrunch, Digital Trends, CyberNet Technology News, InsideMicrosoft, Microsoft News Tracker and Read/WriteWeb

A few more details on Windows Live Photo Gallery — Brandon LeBlanc over at the Windows Vista Blog has been playing with Windows Live Photo Gallery, and has a nice post up on it. He describes some of the new features, extensions to the Photo Gallery in Vista:

Microsoft introduces Live Folders and Live Photo Gallery

MySpace, Chasing YouTube, Upgrades Its Offerings — Two years ago, millions of MySpace users began adding video clips to their profile pages, helping to give rise to YouTube, which Google bought last October for $1.65 billion. — This week, MySpace, a division of the News Corporation …
Discussion:, VentureBeat, CrunchGear, Profy.Com, The Next Net, Download Squad, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, franticindustries, NewTeeVee, Digital Trends, Mashable!, Google (GOOG): BloggingStocks, Insider Chatter, TechCrunch, Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer, The Utube Blog, Screenwerk, Los Angeles Times, Epicenter, Insider Reports Feed, Compiler, Search Engine Land, The Boy Genius Report and Lost Remote

MYSPACE'S VIDEO CZAR GIVES DETAILS ON NEW 'TV' ENDEAVOR — On Wednesday, CNET checked in with Jeff Berman,'s general manager of video operations, to hear more about the gargantuan social network's latest project: MySpace TV. The New York Times reported Tuesday that MySpace …

MySpace TV, and the Salary Story — In today's paper I wrote about MySpace TV, the social network's challenge to YouTube, a company it inadvertently helped emerge from the nursery when MySpace members began posting YouTube videos to their profile pages. After the jump is a first look …

NINTENDO'S WIIWARE PAVES THE WAY FOR FRESH GAMES, COOL CONSUMER EXPERIENCES — Nintendo Sets a New Paradigm: One Game Can Still Make a Difference — The search for the next ingeniously ground-breaking video game has begun. At a private developers conference this week …
GigaOM, Macworld, Pronet Advertising, Digital Trends, The Browser, Engadget, Joystiq and Clickable Culture

Critical Consensus: The iPhone scorecard — The iPhone scorecard — The first four hands-on reviews of Apple's new wonderphone came out yesterday. The critical consensus? Buy the amazing device, if you can afford it. We gave scores out of ten — in ten categories.

Early reviews: iPhone up to hype — Does it live up to the hype? — Some of the top tech reviewers weighed in Tuesday on the iPhone - what one described as the most widely anticipated gadget he had ever seen - and answered the question with a qualified "Yes."

When You've Got To Go, Go To — MizPee is a new service focused on delivering pertinent information regarding the location of nearby restrooms. — Using MizPee is as simple as surfing to via a mobile device browser. Users simply enter their location and MizPee delivers …
Discussion:,, TechFold, Compiler,, EMAC, MobileCrunch, alarm:clock, The Red Ferret Journal, Download Squad,, UNEASYsilence and Lifehacker

Microsoft entering the low-cost PC sales biz; first stop India — Microsoft will begin selling PCs in India next month as part of its "Unlimited Potential" program, an event that will mark the software giant's first entry into the PC sales business. Dubbed the IQ PC, the machines will cost RS21,000 …
The Register

Pownce Is Alive! — Today we're turning on the splash page of Pownce, a side project that I've been working on with some friends over weekends for the last few months. The site isn't quite open to the public yet, but if you want to try it out, enter your email and we'll get an invite out to you shortly.
Discussion:, Leah Culver's Stupid Blog, The Universal Desktop, TechCrunch,, TechBizMedia, Mashable!, Valleywag, RIA pedia and EMAC

IBM, HP Share Bragging Rights on Supercomputer List — IBM Corp. still operates the fastest supercomputer in the industry, but rival Hewlett-Packard Co. has more of them in operation, according to a closely-watched global survey released Wednesday. — HP has passed IBM in the number …

Top500 supercomputers: HP wins on share, IBM on performance

YouTube: 50% More Traffic than Other Video Sites Combined — YouTube's growth has not begun to slow yet this year. Hitwise traffic data shows that the market share of US visits to YouTube has increased by 70% when comparing January 2007 to May 2007 (this only includes site visits …

On the Web, no one knows you're a Microsoft employee — On June 26, an anonymous blogger posted a first entry on a new "Just Say No to Google" blog. The subject of the inagural post: "Life at Google - The Microsoftie Perspective." (The e-mail is now also linked and being discussed on Slashdot.)

Facebook Acquisitions: Fad or Proof of Platform Success? — On Monday the blog Inside Facebook broke the story that the Facebook-only application Favorite Peeps had been acquired by slideshow creator Slide (and Slide confirmed to me yesterday that they had reached an agreement with the creator of Favorite Peeps).

Raon Digital Everun. Exclusive preview video. — I feel very privileged to be able to air this introduction video of the Raon Digital Everun that will be on sale next month. Thanks to Raon Digital and a meeting schedule that took them through my neck of the woods I was able to meet up with them …
The Mobile Gadgeteer, jkOnTheRun,, Incremental Blogger and Mobility Site

Apple's iPhone dock includes Bluetooth headset charger — but is it free? — See that dock? Yeah, it's the first official confirmation of a rumored Bluetooth Headset port which allows the dock to simultaneously charge both your iPhone and Apple headset. It was just posted to Apple's new iPhone Q&A page.

Pentax's K100D is just Super — Pentax has an update for their entry-level K100D DSLR which is so great, they've dubbed it the K100D Thuper Duper (clap clap). Ok ok, it's just the K100D Super but it's hard to contain our girlish enthusiasm in the face of marketing genius.