Top Items:

Mahalo Greenhouse Launches — Two weeks ago we launched the human-powered "search service" in alpha at the WSJ's D conference in California. The tag line of Mahalo is "we're here to help," and after 15 days of tremendous feedback we've learned one thing: you want to help too!

OpenAds: A step in the right direction — I may be reading too much into this, but I take hope in a $5 million investment VCs made today in the company behind Openads, a free, open-source ad server. They already serve more than 20,000 publishers, 100,000 sites in 20-plus languages over 30-plus networks.
Publishing 2.0

AT&T to target pirated content — It joins Hollywood in trying to keep bootleg material off its network. — AT&T Inc. has joined Hollywood studios and recording companies in trying to keep pirated films, music and other content off its network — the first major carrier of Internet traffic to do so.

AT&T willing to spy for NSA, MPAA, and RIAA — In a move that has executives from movie studios and record labels grinning from ear to ear, AT&T has announced that it will develop and deploy technology that will attempt to keep pirated content off its network.

That iPhone Is Missing a Keyboard* — If there is a billion-dollar gamble underlying Apple's iPhone, it lies in what this smart cellphone does not have: a mechanical keyboard. — As the clearest expression yet of the Apple chief executive's spartan design aesthetic, the iPhone sports …

Wired News Benchmarks Show Safari 3 Is Slower Than IE 7, Firefox — Apple CEO Steve Jobs touted Safari 3's speed as one of its most appealing features. But in tests by Wired News, the first public beta of Safari for Windows is actually slower than both Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 when accessing Ajax-intensive web applications.

YouTube Fails Us Politically (or is it vice versa?) — There's a blog-sharp maw waiting to gnash anyone who is critical of the democratizing power of YouTube. If you deride its star-making potential, you're accused of old media partisanship. If you doubt its meritocratic infallibility …

'Widgets' May Snag More Ads — New data on viewing photos, videos and music on the Web may have an impact on the way advertisers and social networking sites perceive firms that help create this content. — Nearly 177.8 million people world-wide viewed Web content in April made with online tools …

Apple-Bebo: E-commerce comes to SocialNets — Back in the day, you know in 1997, a company like Lycos or Yahoo (YHOO) would announce an e-commerce relationship with say Barnes and Noble or some travel site every other week. With advertising revenues scant, e-commerce deals were then seen …

Apple to sell music through UK Bebo network
TechCrunch, Macsimum News, CNET, Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer and

More ways for you to give us input — At Google, we are always working hard to provide searchers with the best possible results. We've found that our spam reporting form is a great way to get your input as we continue to improve our results. Some of you have asked for a way to report paid links as well.
Insider Chatter, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, Paul Mooney, WebProNews and Dave Naylor a UK SEO

An OpenSolaris/Linux Mashup — To non-technical readers of this blog, or those uninterested in the ebbs and tides of the free software world... this might be a good entry to skip. — I was just forwarded a pointer to this note regarding Sun and OpenSolaris, written by the eponymous Linus Torvalds.

Everyscape: A 3D Worldviewer Made From 2D Photos — Everyscape aims to be able to show you the whole world — both inside and out — from its website. It plans to do this with normal 2D photos. Using proprietary technology Everyscape will stitch these photos together and 3D-ify them.

Google to use YouTube to amass video database — SEARCH FIRM WILL TEST ABILITY TO FILTER ILLEGAL CONTENT — It is commonly believed that Google bought YouTube for $1.6 billion because the wildly popular video-sharing site represented a great way for the search giant to expand into video advertising.

Santa Rosa comes to the Mac: a review of the new MacBook Pro — Santa Rosa in the house — Apple MacBook Pro — Quick specs: 2.40GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB HD, 17" 1920x1200 LCD — Price as configured: $2,899 (shop for this item) — Since Apple made the great migration …
Gadget Lab

Ron Conway: Third-rate VCs are paying off entrepreneurs — Ron Conway, the most prolific investor in the latest wave of Internet companies, is hot for video companies, and ways to monetize them. — However, he's upset by some recent investment practices, he says.

Google Video Flaw Raises Privacy Concerns by Exposing Usernames and Passwords — Since we like reporting about search in forums, we generally wait for the discussion to begin there. As such, earlier this morning, Insomniac (aka Entriple) told Barry about a flaw in Google Video and Barry suggested …

Custom Search on the fly — Starting today, there's a new feature that makes Custom Search Engines (CSEs) even easier to create and keep up to date. — You can now create a CSE by simply placing a small piece of tailored code on a page on your site. With that one piece of code …

SHAKE-UP IN NEWSROOM OF JOURNAL — The Wall Street Journal will announce a major newsroom shake-up, including the reassignment and replacement of several top editors, officials there say. — THAT IPHONE IS MISSING A KEYBOARD* — By JOHN MARKOFF — If there is a billion-dollar gamble …
Reuters, BloggingStocks, Business Week, Internet Outsider, and Romenesko