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AT&T to target pirated content — It joins Hollywood in trying to keep bootleg material off its network. — AT&T Inc. has joined Hollywood studios and recording companies in trying to keep pirated films, music and other content off its network — the first major carrier of Internet traffic to do so.

AT&T willing to spy for NSA, MPAA, and RIAA — In a move that has executives from movie studios and record labels grinning from ear to ear, AT&T has announced that it will develop and deploy technology that will attempt to keep pirated content off its network.

"comScore Widget Metrix" Service Launched to Track Widget Usage Across the Web — Photo-related Widgets Dominate the Top 10; — Slide Ranks #1 with Worldwide Reach of 117 Million People — comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the launch of comScore Widget Metrix …

'Widgets' May Snag More Ads — New data on viewing photos, videos and music on the Web may have an impact on the way advertisers and social networking sites perceive firms that help create this content. — Nearly 177.8 million people world-wide viewed Web content in April made with online tools …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Susan Mernit's Blog, Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer and IT Facts

Mahalo Greenhouse Launches — Two weeks ago we launched the human-powered "search service" in alpha at the WSJ's D conference in California. The tag line of Mahalo is "we're here to help," and after 15 days of tremendous feedback we've learned one thing: you want to help too!

Slimebuckets, pollution and web conservation Calacanis-style — On the Spot The man from Mahalo — THINK OF HIM as the Internet's Al Gore. No, not the part about inventing it - the part about the imminent environmental meltdown. — Just as Clinton's right hand man and one-time anointed successor …

EBay pulls ads from Google's U.S. ad network — But it keeps its AdWords campaigns going outside of the U.S. — EBay Inc. has pulled all of its paid search ads from Google Inc.'s AdWords network in the U.S., an eyebrow-raising move likely to be seen in the industry as a sign …

Openads is taking the next major step - announces $5M funding — Over the last four years, my team and I have been tirelessly building what we consider the best - and most widely used - adserver on the web. It is a huge responsibility to build the software that powers such a large percentage of all online advertising.
Insider Chatter, Mashable!, TechCrunch, Redeye VC, alarm:clock euro, alarm:clock and

Custom Search on the fly — Starting today, there's a new feature that makes Custom Search Engines (CSEs) even easier to create and keep up to date. — You can now create a CSE by simply placing a small piece of tailored code on a page on your site. With that one piece of code …
Google Operating System, Search Engine Land, Compiler, Lifehacker, Cartoon Barry Blog and Googlified

Duplicate content summit at SMX Advanced — Last week, I participated in the duplicate content summit at SMX Advanced. I couldn't resist the opportunity to show how Buffy is applicable to the everday Search marketing world, but mostly I was there to get input from you on the duplicate content issues …
Google Blogoscoped

Google to use YouTube to amass video database — SEARCH FIRM WILL TEST ABILITY TO FILTER ILLEGAL CONTENT — It is commonly believed that Google bought YouTube for $1.6 billion because the wildly popular video-sharing site represented a great way for the search giant to expand into video advertising.

Spartan DX personal DNA tester goes for a mere $15k — Just we always wanted, a DNA tester to call our very own! We've been waiting for them to break that crucial $15k pricepoint, and now Spartan Bioscience has finally accomplished such a feat with its Spartan DX Personal DNA Analyzer.

DID FACEBOOK UNDERESTIMATE THE PLATFORM'S SUCCESS? — SECOND UPDATE: Check the end of this post for some more information from Facebook and ViddYou. — I think most of the Web has reached the consensus that Facebook Platform, the social networking site's new initiative to open up its service …
CyberNet Technology News, Unbound Spiral, Lightspeed Venture …, Inside Facebook and Susan Mernit's Blog

The vibe — Have you ever been at a banquet or in a boutique or at a concert or a meeting or a company where the vibe was incredibly positive? — I think you know what I mean. A time and place where there was an overflow of positive energy. You felt surrounded by possibility …
Paul Buchheit

Microsoft to reflect UK dialects — A Microsoft project to create downloadable dictionaries to reflect the UK's rich local dialect heritage is drawing to a close. — Users around the UK have been asked to submit their favourite regional dialect words. — The software giant said it has had thousands of responses so far.

Santa Rosa comes to the Mac: a review of the new MacBook Pro — Santa Rosa in the house — Apple MacBook Pro — Quick specs: 2.40GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, 2GB RAM, 160GB HD, 17" 1920x1200 LCD — Price as configured: $2,899 (shop for this item) — Since Apple made the great migration …

Everyscape: A 3D Worldviewer Made From 2D Photos — Everyscape aims to be able to show you the whole world — both inside and out — from its website. It plans to do this with normal 2D photos. Using proprietary technology Everyscape will stitch these photos together and 3D-ify them.