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The man who owns the Internet — Kevin Ham is the most powerful dotcom mogul you've never heard of, reports Business 2.0 Magazine. Here's how the master of Web domains built a $300 million empire. — (Business 2.0 Magazine) — Kevin Ham leans forward, sits up tall, closes his eyes, and begins to type — into the air.

Pandora Goes Mobile, and Sonos, and More — Music streaming service Pandora has had its ups and downs over the last two years since launching. People love to listen to their personalized radio stations that get more and more tailored as you tell it what you like and don't like.
ScobleShow, CrunchGear, Scobleizer,, MobileCrunch and Addicted to Digital Media

Music industry offers deal to small Webcasters — Facing an outcry over imminent royalty fee increases for Internet radio operators, the music industry body that lobbied for the changes has attempted a peace offering. — SoundExchange, the nonprofit group that collects the fees on behalf …

SoundExchange offers olive branch to small webcasters over royalties

What's hot today? — For more than six years, we have compiled a regular list of popular searches called the Google Zeitgeist. This has been our way to highlight the sorts of queries people type into the Google search box every day. More recently, we unveiled Google Trends to show …
Discussion:, InfoWorld, Compiler, Reuters, B.L. Ochman's weblog, Download Squad, WOW Insider,, Googlified,, TechSpot News, Good Morning Silicon Valley, 10e20,, ProBlogger Blog Tips, gSpy, Search Engine Watch Blog, Don Dodge on The Next …, broadstuff, Google Operating System, Search Engine Land, parislemon, franticindustries, The Lede, TechCrunch and Search Engine Roundtable

Google Gets Trendy — Google today launched an improvement to their Trends service, Hot Trends, which lists the top 100 break out searches of each day. These are not the top searches, but the ones that deviate the most from their normal search pattern. — Clicking on a trend leads … goes "all in"... and my strategy suggestions to help them fight the beast — Update: Josh at Read/WriteWeb dives into my suggestions and offers up some of his own. — Also, let me make one thing clear... Ask spending $100 million on this stupid "xxxx hates the algorithm" ad campaign is downright stupid.

The Future of Search? How About Advertising — Allen Stern over at CenterNetworks has an interesting post today about, in which he lays out his strategy for getting the search engine back on track. That caught my eye because last night when looking over the latest search data …

New Microsoft-funded study finds developers don't want GPL to cover patent deals — Microsoft is expending an awful lot of time and energy to try to derail the next version of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License (GPL). — On May 22, yet another in a long line …

Proof-of-concept virus gives insight into security failings — A group of malware developers have produced a proof-of-concept virus that uses OpenOffice macros. The virus, which is embedded in a specially crafted OpenOffice Draw document, can execute scripts with user-level permissions …

Google's goal to organise your daily life — Google's ambition to maximise the personal information it holds on users is so great that the search engine envisages a day when it can tell people what jobs to take and how they might spend their days off. — Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive …

Apple iPhone to be available for prepaid users? — One thing we know about the Apple iPhone launch, is that we don't really know much. Today we received a few screen shots that shed some light on one of the major questions regarding the sales of the iPhone — who will be eligible to buy this new dream gadget?

AT&T eager to wield its iWeapon — The Apple iPhone, due out next month, has been breathlessly hailed as offering consumers the ultimate wireless experience. — It also could give AT&T, its exclusive U.S. distributor, the ultimate experience for a wireless carrier: an easy way to handcuff rivals and steal customers.

Message to Michael: Just Say, Well, No. — In what I can only describe as a sentimental-veering-toward-weepy riff on the ongoing saga of "Silicon Valley Bubble: The Sequel," TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington waxes on about the need for a downturn to stop the madness.
Between the Lines, Eric Rice, Valleywag, down the avenue, nerd-in-residence, Vindu's View from the Valley, Scripting News,, franticindustries, Business Week,, EMAC, Brier Dudley's blog, John Cook's Venture Blog, CrunchNotes, Entrepreneurship Blog, Mark Evans, Digital Markets and TechCrunch

Why I'm in a malaise... I've been in a blog malaise lately.
Anne 2.1, TechFold, Online Media Cultist, Global Neighbourhoods, Paul Colligan's …, Smalltalk Tidbits … and Business Week

Michigan man arrested for using cafe's free WiFi from his car — A Michigan man is being prosecuted for using a cafe's free WiFi... from his car. Sam Peterson was arrested under a Michigan law barring access to anyone else's network without authorization, according to Michigan TV station WOOD.
CNET, SearchRank Blog,, Computerworld Blogs blogs, The Raw Feed, Hot Stories and digg

House passes more tech-friendly antispyware bill — In their third effort to enact a federal law targeting spyware, members of the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved criminal penalties aimed at anyone implanting certain types of malicious software on computers.

'Electric Slide' Creator Calls Off Online Takedown Campaign — Agreement Ends Copyright Threats Over Non-Commercial Use of Popular Dance — San Francisco - The man who claims to have created "The Electric Slide" has agreed to call off his online video takedown campaign …

'Electric Slide' creator backs down from DMCA claim

Nortel Strong Arms Open Source Vendor — What happens when a VoIP blog (yours truly) writes about the fact that a former Nortel subsidiary (Blade Network Technologies) went looking for a new phone system, chose an open-source Asterisk-based solution from Fonality instead of using Nortel's own PBX …

LinkedIn for Good Lets You Rally for Your Cause — LinkedIn, the online social network for professionals, will announce tomorrow its new LinkedIn for Good, which is a philanthropic initiative for raising awareness and raising funds for nonprofits around the world.