Top Items:

Gonzales proposes new crime: "Attempted" copyright infringement — Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is pressing the U.S. Congress to enact a sweeping intellectual property bill that would increase criminal penalties for copyright infringement, including "attempts" to commit piracy.

Intellectual Property Protection Act to make attemped infringement illegal — US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has proposed tightening the United States' intellectual property laws. Titled the "Intellectual Property Protection Act," the proposed legislation would for the first time, criminalizes attempted copyright infringement.
Gadget Lab

Software piracy hits $40B worldwide, says study — (InfoWorld) - Efforts to curb software piracy in China are bearing fruit although the piracy rate remains high, costing vendors billions of dollars in lost revenue, according to a survey paid for by large vendors, including Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp.

Motorola Introduces RAZR2 — The Next-Generation RAZR — Sleeker Outside, More Powerful Inside, the Next Iconic Device Delivers the Ultimate Mobile Experience — Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today invited the world to experience the evolution of the RAZR brand as it unveiled RAZR2, the ultimate iconic feature phone.

Motorola RAZR 2 hands-on — Well, it's finally here, the RAZR 2, proper sequel to the Motorola RAZR, the best-selling cellphone of all time. This newb's got big shoes to fill, but at least in its GSM / EDGE and CDMA variants it's 2mm smaller (sorry HSDPA fans, it's the same thickness for that flavor of 3G).

AOL Acquires Third Screen Media — Leading Provider of Mobile Advertising Solutions Will Expand's Mobile Services for Advertisers and Publishers — DULLES, VA - May 15, 2007 - AOL announced today that it has acquired Third Screen Media, the leading mobile advertising network …

Apple Updates Popular MacBook — Faster Intel Core 2 Duo Processors, 1GB of Memory and Larger Hard Drives Across the Line — Apple® today updated its MacBook® consumer notebooks with faster Intel Core 2 Duo processors, 1GB of memory and larger hard drives in every model.

The Real Story of JPG Magazine — If there's one thing I've learned about community-building, it's this: Do Not Lie. People are too smart and well-connected to believe a lie anymore. So, with that in mind, the story I'm about to tell is absolutely true as I experienced it. — How JPG Began
Valleywag, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, O'Reilly Radar, MediaVidea, Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard,, SYNTAGMA, GigaOM, Common Craft, Epicenter, Scobleizer, /Message, and digg

iTunes Offers Exclusive Pre-Order of New Paul McCartney Album "Memory Almost Full" — Complete Catalog of 25 Solo Albums Coming to iTunes This Month — Apple® today announced that thirteen-time Grammy award winner Paul McCartney's new album, "Memory Almost Full" …
MacUser, MacMegasite, Macsimum News, Gadgetell, Podcasting News, Simplehelp and The Technology Chronicles

Truemors Launches — Truemors, Guy Kawasaki's new startup, opened to the public about an hour ago. — We covered them last week when we were able to get into the beta. Truemors is a rumor reporting site. Users text, email or call in a rumor and other users vote on it. Popular rumors make it to the home page.

Share Printers and Access Your Media Wirelessly with the Belkin Network USB Hub … (Compton, CA) - May 15, 2007 - The Belkin Network USB Hub works with your existing wireless router to give you wireless access to printers, media readers, and external hard drives.

Flickrvision — Twittervision's new cousin — Just released today, Flickrvision shows realtime, geolocated Flickr photos. Just like Twittervision, it's hypnotic to watch. The map moves around to show the location of the most recent tweet or photo. Both visualizations hail from David Troy …

Hi, I'm Ruby on Rails... What do you get when you cross the Mac vs PC commercials and Rails Envy? Ruby on Rails ads to get everyone hyped for Railsconf, that's what! — Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present: — Ruby on Rails vs Java — ad #1 of 4 — Click here to view on YouTube

Live from Motorola's Mobile Experience event with Ed Zander — Last week when asked how Motorola planned to deal with the iPhone Ed Zander replied, "How do they deal with us? That's the question." Of course, that doesn't really mean a whole lot until you see what these phones are they've had cooking — and that happens today.

Some Community Tips for 2007 — Seven tips on how to run a successful community. — Ads via The Deck — Every year or so I write a long post or do a presentation at a conference on the subject of community. Each time I approach the subject, I take what I've already written and add …

Things Sure Are Quiet At MySpace News — When the largest site on the Internet announced their new MySpace News service, people expected it to get at least some traction, quickly. But a month later, as former TechCrunch writer Marshall Kirkpatrick noted in Twitter today, the site appears to be nothing more than a ghost town.
Deep Jive Interests, Online Media Cultist, Valleywag, franticindustries, Lost Remote, Screenwerk and

Yahoo! Appoints Blake Jorgensen as Chief Financial Officer — Thomas Weisel Co-Founder Brings Strong Track Record as Business-Builder and Broad Financial, Operating and Strategic Expertise to Yahoo!'s Executive Team — SUNNYVALE, Calif., May 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Yahoo! Inc. …

LOOK OUT Kevin Rose! 19 IM Startups You Need to Beat — The online chat and IM arena is heating up. Meebo just launched a fully fledged chat service with Meebo Rooms, several new startups, like Pibb, have sprouted out of nowhere, and Digg's Kevin Rose seems to be working on his version …

SAP and Novell Deliver Expanded Linux Support Options for Customers — Companies Further Relationship to Offer Long-Term Support and Maintenance Strategy for Linux as an Open Platform for SAP(R) Applications — SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) and Novell (NASDAQ: NOVL) today announced that they have extended …
Between the Lines

Watch slide-shows on the umbrella which will stop you getting lost — Rainy days will never seem as dull again thanks to a new internet umbrella. — The high-tech brolly allows you to take pictures with a built-in camera. These can be uploaded to Flickr (a photo-sharing website) …

Free tool offers 'easy' coding — Scratch's creator Mitchel Resnick building a character — A free programming tool that allows anyone to create their own animated stories, video games and interactive artworks has been launched. — Primarily aimed at children, Scratch does …