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Is the Web half full or half empty? — Lots of chat out there about the latest Pew study into how people use the Interweb. These studies are useful in part because the Pew Internet & American Life Project does such a thorough job with them — you know they weren't cooked up by marketing types to sell more banner ads.

Pew survey shows VoIP has a lot to do to reach the mass market — A well-publicized new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project claims that 31 percent of Americans are "Elite" technology users, 20 percent are "Middle of the Road" users, and 49 percent are "Low Tech" and non-users of technology.

Confirmed: MySpace To Acquire Photobucket For $250 Million — Apparently an overzealous Photobucket employee is the source of this rumor, but we've confirmed it with more senior people: MySpace is acquiring Photobucket for $250 million in cash. We're hearing that there is also an earn-out for up to an additional $50 million.
CNET, Fred Destin, AppScout,, The Next Net, The Social Web, The Boy Genius Report,, Download Squad, The Technology Chronicles, Tech Confidential Blog, Mashable!, Valleywag, MethodShop, Scobleizer,, ClickZ News Blog, VentureBeat, Startup Meme, alarm:clock, WebProNews, PE HUB, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Todd Watson, Deep Jive Interests, Marshall Kirkpatrick, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and GigaOM

Photobucket Was A Steal v. Google/YouTube — By almost any measure, MySpace got Photobucket for an absolute steal when compared to the Google YouTube deal. The companies are somewhat comparable - both have very large libraries of user-created videos, and both built their business on the back of MySpace.

Fox Interactive Nears Deal to Buy Photobucket — Photobucket, a four-year-old, rapidly growing Web company, is in advanced talks to be acquired by Fox Interactive Media, a division of the News Corporation, a person briefed on the negotiations said Monday. — Photobucket allows its users …

Sun's JavaFX to take on AJAX, Silverlight — JavaFX, which covers Java development in desktops and mobile devices as well as online, is Sun's latest push into the rich Internet apps world — Sun will detail a plan Tuesday that could make Java a formidable player in the scripting language space.

Sun tries again with consumer-flavored Java — Sun Microsystems on Tuesday will introduce a friendlier way to write Java applications for consumer devices, an attempt to fulfill Java's potential and stake a greater claim in the next generation of Web applications.

OpenID at Work — On both the Internet and behind the firewall, the identity problem gets uglier every year. How many passwords do you have? If you're in IT, how much pain do you go through getting your all your apps to share a notion of who someone is?
RELATED: Launches A Ning Competitor — is a service that lets you essentially build your own MySpace. They're launching their SNAPP program today, which will power their online communities. — has been around for a couple of years now, but they've only just launched a free service for the creation of your own networks.

Record shops: Used CDs? Ihre papieren, bitte! — There are a few things lawmakers have decided really ought to be handled with the "care and oversight" that only the government can provide: e.g., tax collection, radioactive materials, biohazards, guns, and CDs. CDs?

ShareOffice Launches - Open Standards Based Web Office Suite — At the Software 2007 conference on Tuesday in San Jose CA, on-demand document management provider ShareMethods will announce the launch of an open standards Web Office suite called ShareOffice. The company says it is the world's first open standards online office suite.

Ad-Supported VOD From ABC/ESPN Launching on Cox; Ad Skipping Disabled — Also to be announced at the Cable Show on Tuesday: Disney's two big TV networks, ABC and ESPN, are launching free, ad-supported VOD of hit shows and football games on cable operator Cox Communications' service …

Production cost of PS3 could be cut by US$100 — As blue-laser pick-up heads (PUHs) for use in the PlayStation 3 (PS3) are expected to increase in supply and decrease in price, the production cost of the game console could be reduced by as much as US$100, according to Taiwan-based makers of game consoles and components.
Opposable Thumbs, Kotaku, Joystiq, Xbox 360 Fanboy, Game | Life, TechSpot News and The Tech Report

Top 15 Web 2.0 Startups in Europe? — Here is the list of the top 15 European Web 2.0 projects, which will be presented next Thursday in Madrid. The information below was provided to me by the organizers: — ( Photo-sharing of geolocated photos.
alarm:clock euro

Hot or Not Tears Itself Apart, Reinvents — When James Hong and Jim Young founded HotorNot in October, 2000, they had no real plans for the service to be anything other than a fun site for a few friends. They turned a free low end computer they received for setting up an etrade account into a web server …