Top Items:

New Zune on Monday? — We're hearing that Microsoft's holding an event in Redmond on Monday to preview/announce a new Zune - most likely the flash-based one the company's been hinting at for a while. No other details yet; if there's something worth telling you about on Monday, we'll let you know.

Zune Announcement on Monday? — Ironically, iLounge is the one announcing a "rumor" about an event in Redmond on Monday for an announcement related to Zune. We know something is coming soon. We are just not sure how much we are going to have from this annoucement.

Technorati Authority and Rank — On Fri. May 4th, we updated to include the Technorati Authority for blogs listed on the Blog page and in search results. This update changed the earlier references of "N blogs link here" and "X links from Y blogs" with the single Technorati Authority number.

Stats Plugin — People love their stats. Here on, the most popular page in the dashboard after the home page is blog stats. We now have a plugin that allows you to get stats no matter where you host your blog. — One of the biggest complaints we hear …
Pronet Advertising, LiewCF, Conversion Rater, Venture Chronicles, Blogging Pro, Laughing Squid, and digg

NBC lines up against YouTube in copyright case — NBC Universal and Viacom have come out against YouTube in a legal case that could help to determine whether the video-sharing site is culpable for copyright violations committed by users. — On Friday, NBC Universal and Viacom filed a request …

NBC and Viacom Looking to Support Robert Tur in Court — NBC and Viacom are against YouTube in a legal case that may help determine if the video-sharing site is liable for copyright violations committed by users. — NBC Universal and Viacom have filed a request with the U.S. District Court …

Akimbo Changes Course, Switches Off Boxes — Akimbo is discontinuing its hardware product line, and instead will focus on selling content services. Starting tomorrow, Akimbo is no longer going to sell the box, and will offer discounts and refunds to some of the existing box owners.

Do standalone boxes have a chance? — Akimbo, the San Mateo, Calif.-based start-up, was one of the first to develop a new Internet video on demand box, betting that is content package service will benefit from the integrated hardware+service experience. The company is throwing in the towel …

Split-Screen Tech Doubles Computer Use — New technology from Microsoft Research India in Bangalore could end the waiting game in offices with limited computers. Researchers are developing software that splits a computer screen in two halves, each side with its own operating system, desktop, applications, cursor and keyboard.

Download YouTube Videos: 23 Ways — Google has a solid amount of cash in its pockets, but with all the recent lawsuits against YouTube one has to wonder if it's time to salvage whatever videos you like from the service and save them somewhere where evil attorneys won't look - your hard drive.

The Web Disruptors at the Forbes Internet Forum in Cancun — Violet Blue and Robert Scoble are currently in Cancun, Mexico representing the blogosphere at the Forbes Internet Leadership Forum. Earlier today, Violet and Robert, along with Rich Jenkins (MSN Money) and Greg Bartalos (Yahoo! …

Orange Launches Netvibes/Pageflakes Competitor — Everyone else has one, so why not one more? Orange, a massive European mobile phone carrier that is now a subsidiary of France Télécom, is beta testing a customizable Ajax homepage product called Bubbletop.
Ben Metcalfe Blog

Apple iPhone to launch June 15th? — While everyone knows that the Apple iPhone is coming out in June, there has been a significant amount of speculation as to its precise date of release. Apple has been elusive as usual on the matter, stating only that the phone is "scheduled to ship in late June."
Apple 2.0

DRM group pledges to fight Digg rebels — Bloggers who published the key that would unlock the copy protection on HD-DVDs have been threatened with legal action — Bloggers who posted links to a software key that would unlock the copy protection on some high-definition DVDs have been threatened with legal action.

Second Life: Europeans Outnumber Americans 3 to 1 — If Web 2.0 is a bubble of hype, then surely Linden Lab's Second Life is the shiniest bubble of them all. Companies from IBM, CNet, Reuters, American Apparel, Coldwell Banker and many more have established their presence in the metaverse …