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RIM Announces New BlackBerry Application Suite for Windows Mobile-based Devices — New Software Will Deliver Virtual BlackBerry Solution — Waterloo, ON - Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today announced plans to expand its support for Windows Mobile®-based devices …

Mobile Minute news: Blackberry on Windows Mobile, free ZIP utility and more — In today's mobile Minute, we'll take a look at some of the latest news and software related to Windows Mobile devices. — RIM announces BlackBerry software for Windows Mobile — BlackBerry makers Research …
Jason Langridge's WebLog

FON, Time Warner deal confirmed — It has been more than twenty days since we reported that FON, the share-your-Wi-Fi service company was in talks with Time Warner Cable. Today, a news report from Associated Press confirms the deal and adds, that Time Warner Cable "will let its home broadband customers turn …
Alec Saunders .LOG

Time Warner, Fon in Wi-Fi joint deal — Broadband customers will be allowed to host wireless hot spots. — In a big win for a little Wi-Fi start-up called Fon, Time Warner Cable Inc. will let its residential broadband customers turn their connections into public wireless hot spots …

Is social networking dead? Nope. We've only just seen the beginning. Here's why — Social networking lacks credibility. — And it's not hard to understand why. Small VC firms receive two or three proposals for new social networking sites every single week. Large VC firms are getting two or three every single day.

"Catch And Release" Business Models — As the success of sites such as MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Classmates, and Geni have demonstrated, viral marketing can be a very effective tool to help build social networks that appeal to a wide range of people for a number of different reasons.
Futuristic Play

Portable Media Player Owners Listening To Less Radio — According to a new report by broadcasting research firm Arbritron, iPods and portable media players are one of the fastest-growing audio platforms, but the audience for traditional radio remains strong.

Free World Dialup and Verizon's patent on "name translation" — I am at a loss to explain how the patent office granted Verizon a patent on "name translation" given the extensive coverage of Free World Dialup (FWD) as the first instance of Internet to PSTN calling in October 1995.

As Environmentalism Grows, Online Publishers Go Green — ONLINE publishers are strapping on their Birkenstocks. — Buoyed by the breakaway success of "An Inconvenient Truth," the film documentary of Al Gore's environmental lecture, publishers like The Washington Post …

New Model for Sharing: Free Music With Ads — For years, music labels have been trying to prevent fans from downloading their songs on peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. Now, some of them would like to encourage people to listen to music that way — provided they view some advertising first.

Switch on for Square Mile wi-fi — The City of London has fired up its first mesh wi-fi network, promising net access from just about anywhere in the Square Mile. — The area in London is not just Europe's leading financial centre - it is said to be the continent's most advanced wireless network too.

TV news of the future? — Here's a mockup of how TV news may work in the future. — How I came up with this view... I was drinking coffee, watching the morning news when a story about Virginia Tech came on MSNBC. I really wanted to begin this week without more stories about how they're coping.

Google Calendar Nightmare Release … In a bid to enhance the collaboration and socialization aspects of Google Calendar, the Google Calendar team recently added the functionality to "Search and Add Events from the Web". According to the official site:
Google Blogoscoped

HTC Advantage (X7500) unboxed — It's been a long time coming but finally the HTC Advantage is available to buy! Our friends at Clove Technology kindly let us have a look at the device so, following on from our popular Samsung i600 unboxed video, I am pleased to bring you our HTC Advantage unboxing video!

Lists and Rankings: Top 100 Most Powerful Brands: Brandz 2007 … News Release ||| Tables ||| Report (All PDF) — Top 5 — 1) Google — 2) GE — 3) Microsoft — 4) Coca-Cola — 5) China Mobile — Others worth noting: — + IBM #9 — + Yahoo #42 — + eBay #43

Mobile screens become solar cells — A new patent has been granted to Motorola covering the use of a mobile phone LCD screen as a solar cell. — The Display and Solar Cell Device patent would allow mobile phones and other devices to be fitted with a solar cell screen that would power …

Nokia installs clever touchscreen game to market N95 — These days, it really takes something special to catch to eye of the desensitized market, and Nokia's shifting the focus back to the consumer with its lighthearted touchscreen game at a London bus stop.