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Exclusive: MySpace News Launches Thursday — On Thursday morning MySpace will launch its much rumored news property at Expect the site to go live and a press release to be issued around 7 am EST. — The news property is built on Newroo technology, a company they acquired in early 2006 for a rumored $7 million.
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MySpace takes on Google News and Digg — MySpace is going into the news business with a service that will scour the internet for news stories and let users vote on which ones receive the most exposure. — This approach blends elements of Google News and sites such as Digg and Netscape …

MySpace visitors to vote on what's news — Leave it to the folks behind "American Idol" to ask tens of millions of MySpace visitors to vote for their favorite news story. — News Corp., which owns the world's top social-networking website as well as the Fox television network …

Acquisition of Hitwise — Experian, the global information solutions company, announces that it has acquired Hitwise, a leading Internet marketing intelligence company, which helps clients monitor the performance of their websites and target their online advertising spend more effectively.

Hitwise Acquired by Experian for $240 Million — All of those great charts that Hitwise so freely provide us, have paid off big time for the web intelligence company. Information services provider Experian has announced their cash purchase of Hitwise for $240 million.

Microsoft aims to double PC base — Microsoft software will sell for just $3 (£1.50) in some parts of the world in an attempt to double the number of global PC users. — The firm wants to bring computing to a further one billion people by 2015. — Governments in developing countries …

Microsoft Announces Commitment to Promote Sustained Social and Economic Opportunity for the Next 5 Billion People — Company unveils affordable education suite for young people in developing nations and announces plans for 90 new Innovation Centers to promote local software ecosystems.
Digital Markets, Don Dodge on The Next …, InfoWorld, Hardware 2.0, Guardian Unlimited and Paul Mooney

Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) — Select an image — Ubuntu is distributed on three types of images described below. — Desktop CD — The desktop CD allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. This type of CD is what most people will want to use.

The Blog is the New Resume — Bokardoan Adam Darowski suggests that the blog is the new resume. I think he's absolutely right...whenever anyone wants to know anything about me I send them here. — This immediately brings several things to bear: — Your blog represents you. — Represent!

How Security Companies Sucker Us With Lemons — More than a year ago, I wrote about the increasing risks of data loss because more and more data fits in smaller and smaller packages. Today I use a 4-GB USB memory stick for backup while I am traveling. I like the convenience, but if I lose the tiny thing I risk all my data.

Microsoft Sells 20 Million Copies Of Vista WorldWide, 244 in China — Windows Vista, the much touted and hyped operating system from Microsoft that was long over due, is now out in the market for more than 2 months. Microsoft announced a month back that Vista sales-licenses sold to PC manufacturers …

Earnings: NYTCO 1Q: Profit, Revenue Down; Internet Revenue Up 21.6 Percent, '07 Forecast Lowered — Lots of online info in today's 1Q07 earnings report from the New York Times Company (NYSE: NYTCO) and not all of it is good. The company's guidance for 2007 includes a warning not to expect 30 percent …

AT&T Launches Mobile Remote Access for AT&T U-verse TV U-verse Customers Can Now Program Their DVR With Wireless Phones From AT&T — AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) today announced that AT&T U-verse customers can now schedule and manage their U-verse TV recordings from AT&T wireless phones and devices.

iPhone on target for end of June launch, AT&T says — BOSTON (Reuters) - The iPhone, Apple Inc.'s first mobile handset, is on schedule to hit the U.S. market at the end of June, a senior executive with AT&T Inc. said on Wednesday. — AT&T's wireless unit has an exclusive U.S. deal to sell the highly anticipated new handset.

Operation Ore flawed by fraud — The high-profile crackdown on internet child porn has claimed lives and destroyed reputations. But fresh evidence says the police got it wrong, says Duncan Campbell — Operation Ore has become embedded in public consciousness as the landmark police operation …

Back to basics — Posted by Marissa Mayer, VP, Search & User Experience, and Jeff Bartelma, Product Manager, Google Product Search (the product formerly known as Froogle :) ) — Today, we're making some changes to how we help users find things to buy. You may be familiar with our product Froogle (a pun on "frugal").
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