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Microsoft is Dead — A few days ago I suddenly realized Microsoft was dead. I was talking to a young startup founder about how Google was different from Yahoo. I said that Yahoo had been warped from the start by their fear of Microsoft. That was why they'd positioned themselves as a …
Digital Markets,, Download Squad, franticindustries, PC World: Techlog, Paul Thurrott's Internet Nexus,, Sadagopan's weblog …, Graceful Flavor, Joe Duck, Dvorak Uncensored, The Reluctant Blogger, larry borsato, CostPerNews, JD on EP, Burningbird and Slashdot

Microsoft "Dead"? Please. — Paul Graham, VC, and one of the many men behind Y Combinator, has pronounced that Microsoft is Dead. Well, if this isn't one heckuva piece of linkbait. And on a quiet April weekend, its probably going to reverb until Monday, thanks to getting Techmeme'd.

Since when does growing $4 Billion a year = Dead? — Paul Graham, founder of Y-Combinator, declares Microsoft is dead. Paul must be living in a cave somewhere, or drunk on the Web 2.0 Kool-Aid. Paul obviously wrote his headline to grab attention and attract links to his blog.

Is Microsoft dead? Feh. — Paul Graham posits that Microsoft is dead and the cause of death is: — 1. Murder by Google. — 2. Oh who cares, it's all bulls**t. — In fact, Microsoft is not dead, because (come on get real) it's a company, and companies aren't living, and they don't die.
Clickety Clack

Zell Wants End to Web's Free Ride — It's time for newspapers to stop giving away their stories to popular search engines such as Google, according to Samuel Zell, the real estate magnate whose bid for Tribune Co. was accepted this week. — In conversations before and after a speech Zell …
Lucas Grindley's blog,, Somewhat Frank, Digital Markets and Scripting News

Sam Zell is going to lose billions on newspapers and the Washington Post has no idea what they're talking about. — I just read this quote from an interview with Sam Zell, the real-estate billionaire who paid billions for a bunch of newspapers, and who apparently has no idea how Google works.

Interview with Jaiku co-founder Jyri Engeström - Twitter Alternative — With the extreme popularity of Twitter, and the talk of how it should be acquired soon, it only makes sense that similar services emerge and gain traction as well. Jaiku is Twitter's most relevant rival, and I can clearly see why.
SMS Text News

Goodbye Twitter. Hello Jaiku. — When I talk about Twitter people think I'm crazy. Who would want to be bugged by hundreds of messages a day from your friends telling you what they're up to. Well, as it turns out, lots of us would. Twitter is positively addictive and everyone …

I Canceled My Basecamp Account Today — In the past, I've been a fan of 37 Signals. I believe that they were ahead of their day in user interface design and simplicity. Their book, Getting Real, still has an impact in how I develop, design, and build product requirements.

MarketWatch blogger resigns — Step comes after report on conflicts with a startup she founded — The blogosphere has been called the Wild West of the 21st century, a free-wheeling panoply of information from sources trustworthy and not. — This unrestrained environment was evident Friday … Most Popular Newspaper Site — Here Is Top 30 — NEW YORK kept its strong lead in February as the top newspaper Web site, besting competitors across the country in unique audience, page views, and time spent per person on the site, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

The maximum mileage — Some hybrid car owners go to great measures to figure out ways of getting as much as possible out of a tank of gas — Toyota Motor Corp. says its Prius gasoline-electric hybrid car gets about 55 miles to the gallon, making it one of the most fuel-efficient cars on the road.

Windows XP still starring in HP ad — I was somewhat surprised to pop open yesterday's USA Today and see a nearly full page ad for an HP computer running Windows XP. The PC, a Compaq desktop, is aimed at businesses and is touted for having dual hard drives allowing for redundant backup.

YouTube Launches CitizenTube - Official Political Vlog — YouTube has formally announced a new, official channel of political videos called CitizenTube. Edited by Steve Grove, YouTube's Citizentube/YouTube News & Politics Editor, the channel appears intended to aggregate select political …