Top Items:

TechCrunch Has Acquired F** — Tomorrow we will announce that we have acquired Philip "Pud" Kaplan's F** in a stock for assets transaction. The basic details of the transaction are included in a press release that will go out around 9 pm PST tonight, and Pud has also mentioned this on his personal blog.

Time to buy — Mike Arrington announces that TechCrunch is acquiring F**kedCompany, doubling his readership and covering the decline of Web 2.0 companies as fully as they cover the incline. — My own two cents, when thinking about declining tech markets, something I've seen four or five times …

TechCrunch to announce it has acquired F** — Mike Arrington has published a blog post saying tommorow he'll be announcing that TechCrunch has acquired the iconic Dot Com crash website F***ed Company - launched in 2000 to chronicle the failure of troubled companies that were started during the boom.

Call for a Blogger's Code of Conduct — Before I start, I should disclose that in addition to being an author and a conference presenter for O'Reilly, Kathy Sierra is a friend, and I've been talking with her about the situation referred to in this post since I first became aware of it last weekend.

Just A Few Words — Regarding the Kathy Sierra fracas, after much consideration and silence on my part, I am beyond tired and beyond angry. I have been wrongly named and targeted, tied to death threats I didn't make and tasteless posts I didn't write. — Did I link to the blogs prior to the offensive posts appearing?

Mac OS X running on Apple TV — semthex from, in collaboration with has done it again! A complete replacement to the Mac OS X kernel has been built which allows the full version of Mac OS X to be run on an Apple TV. — Semthex wrote a processor emulation …

Despite Vulnerabilities, Apple's Mac OS X Weathers The Security Storm — Security pros say the Mac platform isn't a high-risk operating system and is more secure than Microsoft's Windows XP. — While an increasing number of bugs have been found in Apple's Mac OS X operating system …

Is Technorati Going After Spam Blogs? — The issue of spam blogs, or "splogs" is a big one. As blog software becomes ever more easy to use, it's no surprise that robots and scripts have been built to make fake blogs, and are engineered to look very real, as the splogs usurp other's content …

Xcerion makes Internet OS real — Internet OS sector seems to be getting increasingly crowded. Start-ups such as YouOS, EyeOS are vying for mindshare with Internet giants like Google. The seriousness of market is reflected by the fact that earlier this month, Microsoft set up an all-star group to tackle the Cloud OS opportunities.

Apple TV... nope! — I anticipated this here. — I swung by the Apple Store today to a) buy a charger for my nano and b) checkout the Apple TV since Scoble and others were raving about it. What an utter disappointment. The interface looks like a weak version of Media Center …

Apple collaborating with Amazon, Google, and Cingular on new iReader? — I was going to not blog until Monday, but I saw something today that just has to be blogged about. Seriously, on Monday I'll be on CNN with Kathy Sierra and Chris Locke talking about this week's events. Different Than The Rest Of The Video Crowd — is a new video startup that is different from the rest of the crowd. Unlike YouTube and dozens of others, it isn't focused on building a portal around user-uploaded videos. Instead, they are allowing website publishers …

Thinking About Online Photo Services — I woke up this morning thinking about online photo services. Probably because of my friend David Kirkpatrick's column this week on Photobucket. David points out how huge Photobucket has become by riding on the coattails of the social networking boom.

Jajah buys Vonage — This is hot off the wire from 3 unconfirmed sources and 1 confirmed. Jajah has tabled an offer @ $3.90 and the Vonage board has accepted. — Jajah founder Mr Roman Scharf will take over as chairman of the new company to be called Scharf-tel, I have emailed …
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