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Dear Clown Co.: Name This Thing Fast Before Its Too Late — For the last twenty-four hours we've been reporting a nearly non-stop stream of facts (and some speculation) about the new, unamed News Corp./NBC Universal joint venture to launch later this year. First the rumor, then the confirmation …

Microsoft temporarily closes video site — Microsoft is closing its video-sharing site, Soapbox, to new users for up to two months so it can create better safeguards against pirated content. — The software giant, which agreed earlier Thursday to distribute movies and TV shows for big media companies …

News Corp. and NBC in Web Deal — In a long-anticipated challenge to YouTube and other online video sites, two big media companies yesterday announced a new venture to showcase their own programming across the Internet's biggest Web sites, as well as a new jointly owned Web destination.

Apple reportedly to postpone Leopard to support Windows Vista — Apple is expected to launch its next generation Leopard operating system (OS) in April, but according to industry sources, the release of the new OS will be postponed to October to allow Apple to make Leopard support Windows Vista through …

KML and GeoRSS Support Added to the Google Maps API — Posted by Nigel Tao, Software Engineer, Google Maps Team — One of the things I love most about Google Maps and Google Earth is that it's easy for anyone to create and display new geographically referenced content.
Search Engine Land, Data Mining, Google Maps Mania, Googling Google, The Map Room and Slashgeo

Google is Supporting GeoRSS — GeoRSS, a very simple to use OGC format that extends RSS by adding location data, can now be consumed via Google Maps and the Google maps API. Congrats to Mikel and the OGC! As Google stated on the Google Maps API blog:

Joyent Slingshot [22] — Joyent Slingshot allows developers to deploy Rails applications that work the same online and offline (with synchronization) and with drag into and out of the application just like a standard desktop application. We have Joyent Connector and a select group …

Viacom Sued Over YouTube Parody Removal — NEW YORK (AP) — Activist groups sued Viacom Inc. on Thursday, claiming the parent of Comedy Central improperly asked the video-sharing site YouTube to remove a parody of the cable network's "The Colbert Report." — Viacom responded by saying it had no records of ever making such a request.

DMCA takedown backlash: EFF sues Viacom over Colbert parody clip
EFF: Breaking News, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Download Squad, LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION and digg

Where Is Microsoft Search? — Its stumbles on the Web could open the door for rivals to come after its core business — Time has always seemed to be Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT ) ally. In the company lore, the software giant takes three cracks at a market before establishing supremacy.

Chief Says F.C.C. Is Against Cellphone Use on Airliners — The Federal Communications Commission will give up on the idea of allowing cellphone use on airplanes, the chairman said on Thursday, because it is not clear whether the network on the ground can handle the calls.

PlayStation 3 launched in Europe — Sony has launched its PlayStation 3 (PS3) console in Europe and Australia, hoping to retake its gaming crown. — The company trails Microsoft and Nintendo in sales of next generation consoles and the launch has been beset with problems in the last year.

Music publishers accuse XM of copyright infringement — An association of music publishers late on Thursday filed a lawsuit that accuses XM Satellite Radio of refusing to stop "widespread infringement" of popular copyrighted songs. — In a complaint filed in New York federal court …

Podcasting Audience Up 18% Since Last Year — The audience for podcasts has grown 18% in the last year, according to an upcoming report from Edison Media Research. Awareness of podcasting has grown even more, jumping from 22% in 2006 to 37% in 2007. — At the Corporate Podcasting Summit …

Are CIOs "dead weight"? — In my commentary on the latest Financial Times Digital Business podcast, I look at Chris Anderson's charge that chief information officers are turning into "dead weight." In case you missed it, Anderson had a provocative post on his blog late last month titled "Who Needs a CIO?"

Apple TV rocks — I bought an Apple TV tonight. — I've watched Ask a Ninja, Rocketboom, my show, and Ze Frank on it so far. — Works as advertised. Easy to setup. It rocks. — It makes me want to put out a high res version of my show. But, it's pretty watchable, even at the low resolution it is.

Current Mashup and API Trends — Web 2.0 has brought us a flock of APIs and the wonderful new concept of a Web mashup. Thanks to apps like Google Maps, and Flickr, we have started to think a lot about remixing the web. In the figure below is a classic example of a mashup - a Twitter Map.