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From PC to TV — via Apple — We Test Gadget That Lets You — Play Digital Video, Music, — Photos on Your Widescreen — The race to connect your TV to your computer and the Internet is about to kick into high gear this week when Apple Inc., the company many believe is best positioned …
Brandon Live!, MacUser, michael parekh on IT, GigaOM, Gearlog, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, NewTeeVee, Gadget Lab, 901am,, Message, Geek News Central, Slashdot and digg

Apple TV Has Landed — In the technology world, conventional wisdom says that we'll soon be saying R.I.P. for the DVD. Internet downloads are the future, baby. No driving, no postpaid envelopes. Any movie, any TV show, any time. — Only one problem: once you've downloaded the shows to your computer …

Sales of Music, Long in Decline, Plunge Sharply — Rise in Downloading — Fails to Boost Industry; — A Retailing Shakeout — In a dramatic acceleration of the seven-year sales decline that has battered the music industry, compact-disc sales for the first three months of this year plunged 20% …
Publishing 2.0, Ars Technica, Podcasting News, Geek News Central, Listening Post, LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION, The Next Net, Techdirt and OnoTech

The Shift From CDs To Downloads Is So Much More Than A Format Change

Lack of Mac malware baffles experts — Exploit authors continue to ignore OS X — Apple's Mac OS X remains almost completely free of any sort of malware threat despite several years of availability, a significant market share, and even an entire month dedicated to pointing out its flaws.

Ten reasons why you should buy a Mac — Receive the days biggest stories by email, sign up here — Yes, you can accept Apple's logic that "it all just works" straight out of the packaging, but there are better reasons for moving to a Mac than a factor that's just as true of modern PCs these days.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Mac gaming on the cheap: Our favorite low-cost Mac games
Macsimum News

CIOs Spurn Web 2.0 Startups - Enterprises Want Suites and Large, Incumbent Software Vendors — Forrester Research has just released two reports concerning 'web 2.0' in the enterprise. Forrester recently surveyed 119 CIOs on the topic and their answers illustrate what IT honchos want …

Google quashes mobile phone talk — Google has poured cold water on claims it is developing a mobile phone. — The search giant said it was more logical to form partnerships with existing handset makers instead. — Google's South-East Asia managing director of sales and operations …
Gadget Lab, InformationWeek Weblog, MobileWhack, Guardian Unlimited, BloggingStocks, Download Squad, Engadget Mobile, Gizmodo, InfoWorld Tech Watch, WebProNews, BloggingStocks, Search Engine Land, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Pocket PC Thoughts, Roam4free and digg

Google joins Apple in race to launch mobiles in Europe
Search Engine Watch Blog

Nintendo Donates TONS To Child's Play — Sweet Jesus, that's a lot of Nintendo DS action. Penny Arcade's Child's Play charity, which lovingly gives donated toys and games to kids in dozens of worldwide hospitals, received the above shipment of DS Lites and software from the good folks at Nintendo in a recent purchase.

Global Venture Capital Investment in Web 2.0 Companies On the Rise — Nearly US$850 Million Deployed to Web 2.0 Deals in 2006, According to Ernst & Young/Dow Jones VentureOne Data Released At Annual Web Ventures Conference — Venture capitalists continued to favor the innovative activity …

Yahoo CEO praises new ad system, says "very happy" — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc. (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) Chairman and Chief Executive Terry Semel said on Wednesday he was pleased with the progress of a new Web search advertising system, launched to better compete with Google Inc. (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile, Research)

Some Traditional Sites, Aiming to Be Hip, End Up the Opposite — For the John Edwards presidential campaign, last week was, as usual, busy. There was a college rally on Tuesday, speeches to firefighters and boilermakers on Wednesday, a swing through New Hampshire on Thursday and then a three-city tour on Friday.

Laptops set to out sell desktops — Laptops will overtake desktop PCs as the dominant form of computer in 2011, according to a report by analysts IDC. — The demand for bulky machines will continue to slowly grow but at a declining rate as portable machines become quicker and more efficient.
Gadget Lab, Monkey Bites, The Mobile Technology Weblog, Hardware 2.0, CrunchGear and Dvorak Uncensored

Frankenfight: Affordable HDMI Receivers — Audio is hard. There are lots of wires and plugs and swearing. That's why HDMI receivers, with their promises of audio and video over one cord, make us so excited. — For today's Frankenfight, two 7.1 HDMI receivers compete for that special place in our [heart] home theater.

UK Judge Rules That Selling Consumers Cheaper CDs Is Illegal — from the makes-sense dept — The story of CD-Wow, the second-biggest British online music retailer, has been dragging on for a while. In an effort to offer its customers cheaper CDs, it began importing them from Asia …

Why the Semantic Web Will Fail — Don't get too excited by the title. But I do want to share a few thoughts... It was running through my head just now, the work that we were doing here in Moncton to work on an e-learning cluster. Because I saw that 'cluster building' is still …

EDELMAN TALK — Edelman have kindly asked me to come to their London office today and give a talk about blogs and post-Cluetrain reality for one of their clients. Here are my notes: — SETUP: — 1. I'm not here to tell you about your business. You already know it's a jungle out there.
Jim Kukral Online …, Doc Searls Weblog, Rex Hammock's weblog, Marketing Begins At Home and seattleduck