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Friends Swap Twitters, and Frustration — New Real-Time Messaging Services Overwhelm — Some Users With Mundane Updates From Friends — Though she already has a blog, a podcast and a character in the virtual world of Second Life, Kera Richard has recently become obsessed with a new online tool for connecting with friends.
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Newbie's guide to Twitter — If you're not using Twitter yet, you may feel as if you've missed out. Twitter has not only tipped the tuna (begun to peak in popularity), but by some estimations, it has already jumped the shark (devolved into inanity). Don't let massive overuse by SXSW geeks …

Twits Twittering for the sake of Tweets: or that's not why I twitter — Remember this? Probably many don't, but I've been a member of Twitter, since last May or June. Previous to Jabber integration. Previous to the funky tricked out personal landing page. Previous to the vowels.

Tracking Twitter's Message Growth — By now, everyone knows that Twitter exploded at SXSW and everybody's seen the Alexa charts. But this is mostly a mobile app, so pageview traffic is only part of the story. How fast is Twitter really growing? — I decided to find out by using Twitter's …

Cisco Buying WebEx — Cisco (CSCO - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) agreed to acquire WebEx (WEBX - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) for $3.2 billion in cash. — WebEx shareholders will get $57 a share, a 23% premium to Wednesday's closing price. WebEx shares rose 3% in early trading Thursday …

Cisco Announces Agreement to Acquire WebEx
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Face-to-Face Trumps Twitter, Blogs, Podcasts, Video... SXSW Interactive had more attendees than ever before. A lot more. But here's the confusing part: the people attending are the same people who create and evangelize the tools that make attending totally unnecessary.

Google exec confirms phone in the labs — So it seems that the oft-rumored handset from Google has taken that final leap into the "confirmed" column, though it may not be quite the be-all, end-all device we were expecting. Isabel Aguilera, Google's chief executive in Spain and Portugal …
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Cingular, Qwest blocking 'Free' Calls — Looks like the empire is finding new ways to fight back — according to, another rural-ISP free-calling operator, major carriers Cingular, Qwest and Sprint are actively blocking users trying to call …
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AT&T/Cingular, Sprint and Qwest Collude to Kill FreeConference

Google Now Reporting Anchor Text Phrases — Hurray! Finally, you can get a report from Google of the top anchor text phrases used when people link to your site. Google Webmaster Central has just announced the new feature. But didn't Google already report anchor text data?

The $7 TV Network — The architects of TCP/IP, Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf, knew exactly how they'd bring television to the Internet. They would use multicasting, a particular IP service that allows many hosts to share a multicast address and, through that address, receive the same content …

MICROSOFT DEAL FOR LARGE CUSTOMERS: USE LIVE SEARCH, GET FREE MSFT PRODUCTS — A loyal reader sent me this tidbit: Microsoft is offering its large enterprise customers free service and product credits if those customers push Live search inside their enterprises.
Clickety Clack

ARMCHAIR GENERAL: The wrong hire for Yahoo — Salim Ismail, incoming head of Yahoo's new incubator, is a perfectly charming staple of Manhattan internet parties and, since he moved to the West Coast, the South of Market tech scene. But here's the brutal truth: the last person …

Plugin Directory — One of the greatest things about WordPress has always been the amazing number of high-quality plugins available for the platform. I believe that there aren't any more "killer features" in software, there are 10,000 killer features and everyone has a different 20.

Microsoft: "We're in it to win!" — We can't disclose a lot of what we saw [or even if we saw anything at all] at the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Global Summit [isn't that a typical Microsoft name?]. However, consistently we heard that Microsoft at all levels are committed to win.

comScore Announces New "Visits" Metric For Measuring User Engagement comScore Media Metrix Releases February Top 50 Web Rankings and Analysis Valentine's Day-Driven Increases Seen at Flowers, Gifts and Greetings Sites; — Entertainment News Sites Benefit from Oscars Interest
SearchViews, CyberNet Technology News, ClickZ, WebMetricsGuru, Frank Barnako, PaidContent and Cost Per News

Superdistribution — I remember the first time I heard this term, it was 1997 and someone was explaining a complicated digital rights management scheme to me. I invested in that complex digital rights management scheme and lost everything and have been dubious of DRM ever since.