Top Items:

New My Yahoo Signals It Has Abandoned the Geeks — Does anyone among the tech influential spend any significant time on Yahoo anymore? I sure don't and for years I did. I have a couple of their news feeds, but for the most part it seems like all the action is on Google and a bunch of startups.
Scripting News

My Yahoo! Gets Web 2.0 Makeover — Hot on the heels of My.Netscape's personalized homepage makeover, Yahoo has announced a new version of its own long-running personalized homepage, My Yahoo. It will at first be a private beta, with a limited number of users being offered a beta account at

Ex-My Yahoo Boss, Now Pageflakes CEO, Responds to My Yahoo Beta — I wondered how long it would take before Pageflakes responded to the new-look My Yahoo beta, given that the sharing and 'pages' features in My Yahoo beta are very similar to what Pageflakes has already done.

All New My Yahoo — There's an all new My Yahoo (upgrade URL) launching today at 11 am PST. This is the web's most popular customizable home page by far, with 50 million or so worldwide users and half of the total market (the other half is controlled by Netvibes, GoogleIG, Pageflakes, and others).
Screenwerk, ben barren, Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard, 901am and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Start-Up Aims for Database to Automate Web Searching — A new company founded by a longtime technologist is setting out to create a vast public database intended to be read by computers rather than people, paving the way for a more automated Internet in which machines will routinely share information.
Silicon Valley Watcher

Freebase Will Prove Addictive — Danny Hillis' latest venture, Metaweb, is about to unveil its first product, the aptly named freebase, tomorrow. While freebase is still VERY alpha, with much of the basic functionality barely working, the idea is HUGE. In many ways, freebase is the bridge between …

SEC Suspends Trading Of 35 Companies Touted In Spam Email Campaigns — Investor Protection Agency Unveils "Operation Spamalot" — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — 2007-34 — Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 - The Securities and Exchange Commission this morning suspended trading in the securities …

Photos on Google Maps — Posted by Jess Lee, Product Manager, Google Maps — They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which is why we've added photos to Google Maps local search. Now you can compare the sea views and room interiors for beachfront hotels in Honolulu or drool over the dishes served at steakhouses in Boston.

Google Local Business Center Adds Photos, Attributes, Maps Corrections & Stats

NEWS AS A SOCIAL PLAY: HERE COMES MYSPACE NEWS! — MySpace is getting into the news business with launch due in early 2nd quarter, according to inside sources and the company's own sales materials. — MySpace News takes News to a whole new level by dynamically aggregating real-time news and blogs from top sites around the Web

Big Profits in Small Packages — If there's any good news about the businesses of newspapering these days, it can be found at the industry's littlest papers, which are doing well even as their bigger brothers founder. — The average daily circulation of all U.S. newspapers has declined since 1987.

Google Keyword Tool Showing Number of Previous Month's Searches — Just caught this development this morning. — Click for larger image.

iTunes: Just how random is random? — Think that song has appeared in your playlists just a few too many times? David Braue puts the randomness of Apple's song shuffling to the test — and finds some surprising results. — Quick — think of a number between one and 20.

Rights success for Universal as Bolt settles — Universal Music on Thursday reached a settlement with, an online video site, that it believes will strengthen its hand in rights negotiations with other internet sites that feature its artists' music and videos.

Wikipedia founder says to challenge Google, Yahoo — TOKYO (Reuters) - The online collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news), the founder of the popular Internet encyclopaedia said on Thursday.