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OpenID — You can now use your blog as an OpenID. — Are you fed up with having to remember dozens of usernames and password? Does the idea of creating yet another account on yet another site leave you cold? — OpenID is a new standard that hopes to alleviate some of the pain …
Web Worker Daily, Joe Duck, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Kveton, FactoryCity, Blogging Pro, Open Culture and Guardian Unlimited

Wordpress, 37Signals Join OpenID Bandwagon
Social Media Club

Google, Old Media Diverge on Video — Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt suggested old and new media remain far apart in how they view online video as Google grapples with big television companies over licensing their content for its YouTube video-sharing site.

Friendster makes Google its ad and search supplier — SAN FRANCISCO, March 6 (Reuters) - Friendster Inc. named Google Inc. (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile , Research) as its exclusive advertising and Web search provider, part of a plan by the originator of the social network craze to expand globally, the company said on Tuesday.

YouTube banned in Turkey after video insults — A court in Istanbul has issued an order denying access to the video-sharing website YouTube. The state owned Turk Telecom implemented the ban today after an escalating dispute between Greek and Turkish users of the site.

YouTube Reportedly Blocked in Turkey — Reader Mert Mavi sends in the following alert (HTML'ified): — I wanted to inform you about the bad news from Turkey. YouTube will be censored in Turkey (...) as a result of the disagreeable videos about Atatürk (the founder of Turkey).

Choosing between Vista x86 32 bit or x64 64 bit — One of the more common questions I hear about Vista is which bit version of Windows Vista should one get. Do we go with x86 32 bit edition or x64 64 bit edition? I'm going to try to clear that question up as best as I can and explain the pros and cons of each choice.
JD on EP
RELATED: Enhances Mapping Functionality As Local Search Continues to Grow in Popularity — DALLAS—(BUSINESS WIRE)—, a product of Idearc Media Corp., today strengthens its mapping functionality with an enhanced map-based search application.

Robotic age poses ethical dilemma — An ethical code to prevent humans abusing robots, and vice versa, is being drawn up by South Korea. — The Robot Ethics Charter will cover standards for users and manufacturers and will be released later in 2007. — It is being put together …

Yahoo HotJobs needs Craigslist to fill hot jobs at Yahoo — Who says $42 billion market cap Yahoo wishes "free" classifieds Craigslist wasn't disrupting its HotJobs online recruitment business? — In touting its for (big) fee recruiting services to employers, Yahoo HotJobs proclaims:
Hire Calling

Mark Cuban's Magnolia Pictures Subpoenas Google over Pirated Videos — Magnolia Pictures, an independent film studio owned by entrepreneur Mark Cuban, has subpoenaed Google to reveal the identities of users who uploaded Magnolia's copyrighted videos to both Google Video and YouTube, Google Watch has learned.

Sega mu-bot headphones cooler than pickled fish livers — If Sega's mu-bot headphones were a foodstuff they would probably be ankimo — a Japanese dish made from the liver of a Monkfish. See, you look at it and think "What on Earth is the point of that?" But when you try it for yourself you just know you can't go on without it.

Sony to Add Online Bells and Whistles for PlayStation 3 — Moving to enhance its PlayStation 3 game console, Sony today plans to announce new online capabilities for it, meant to draw gamers into Sony's cyberspace community and allow them to share entertainment content they have created, à la YouTube.

Yahoo! China sued for alleged copyright breach — SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Music industry giants including Warner Music Group Corp. are suing Yahoo! China for alleged copyright infringement by providing links to unlicensed music, trade organization IFPI said on Wednesday.

N3: Bringing Order to Online Video — Next New Networks aims to emulate the success of cable TV programming by creating new content, building an audience, and attracting advertising dollars — One recent Friday evening, Herb Scannell, the former MTV Networks (VIA) chairman who turned Nickelodeon …
IP Democracy

Google helps terabyte data swaps — Technology editor, BBC News website, San Francisco — Google is developing a program to help academics around the world exchange huge amounts of data. — The firm's open source team is working on ways to physically transfer huge data sets up to 120 terabytes in size.

F.C.C. Chief Questioning Radio Deal — Kevin J. Martin, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, has privately questioned recent Congressional testimony by the architect of a proposed merger of the nation's two satellite radio companies that subscribers would both pay …