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OpenID — You can now use your blog as an OpenID. — Are you fed up with having to remember dozens of usernames and password? Does the idea of creating yet another account on yet another site leave you cold? — OpenID is a new standard that hopes to alleviate some of the pain …

The New Sidebar and Gadgets — With the dramatically increasing amount of content out there, you need better ways to find relevant information, whether searching your computer or reading the latest headlines in sidebar. How could we improve the way you stay up-to-date with sidebar and gadgets?

New and improved Desktop — For the past several months …
Ministry of Tech

New iTunes version still not fully Vista-ready — A new version of Apple's iTunes software released Monday addresses a number of compatibility issues with Microsoft's Windows Vista, but a few problems remain. — The updated version supports the upcoming Apple TV product and includes …
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Forrester Report Claims R&D Studies Are Biased — Despite U.S. spending of almost $300 billion on knowledge, the analyst firm found common flaws: bias, flawed analysis, and shortsightedness. — National investments in innovation are largely wasted and technology studies confirm the political …

GDC07: EA Signs Harmonix — Maxim's Big Buck Hunter Girlies — Arcade game Big Buck Hunter Pro makes its way into America's favorite jubblie-glossy Maxim Magazine this month. Turn to page 34, and the cabinet's in the "Good" section of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" column. Those plastic shotguns?

Microsoft attacks Google on books — Microsoft is to launch an attack on Google, saying the search giant's rival book-scanning service "systematically violates copyright". — Since December, Microsoft's project - Live Search Books - has allowed users to access certain publications which were no longer under copyright.

Exclusive: Microsoft and the Associated Press Teaming with Thousands of Newspapers and Broadcasters in New Online Video Network — The Associated Press, the world's largest news organization, and Microsoft have developed an online video platform for thousands of U.S. newspapers …

France bans citizen journalists from reporting violence — Law could lead to imprisonment of amateur videographers and Web site operators who publish their images — The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists.
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Commodore set to introduce high-end gaming PCs — Commodore's big beige glory days may be long past, but the familiar name is still out there kicking (such as it is), lending its considerable cachet to an array of otherwise unremarkable devices. Now the company appears to have decided …

Breaking Out of the Browser — Got Vista? Then check out these two Live Search gadgets for your Vista Sidebar and stop waiting for that browser to load! Today we're announcing the launch of two new gadgets that bring some of the most popular Live Search services directly to your desktop:

Yahoo CEO says business repairs done — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) spent 2006 fixing the basic plumbing of its Web search advertising system, preparing the company to allow its business to "come alive," Chairman and CEO Terry Semel said on Tuesday.

Scribd "YouTube for Documents" Gets $300K — Scribd, a site for sharing documents, is coming out of private beta this morning with a fresh Angel investment of $300K on top of their original Y Combinator nest egg of $12,000. Scribd is most easily described as a text version of YouTube.

why twitter matters — I'm completely fascinated by Twitter right now—in much the same way I was by blogging four years ago, and by ICQ years before that. — If you haven't tried it yet, Twitter is a site that allows you to post one-line messages about what you're currently doing—via the web interface, IM, or SMS.

AT&T turns cell phones into TV remotes — AT&T Homezone subscribers are now able to program their digital video recorders from their cell phones. — AT&T said that starting Tuesday, it will allow customers of its Homezone product, a service that offers video-on-demand and other content …

Is this Creative's ZenPhone? — Many of us are hoping to see a new player from Creative as this years CeBIT convention or at the IT Show in Singapore. Aside from CES these would be the best places for Creative to unveil something new. I was browsing through Creative's flyer for the IT show …

Senate Committee: Broadcasting Treaty Must Be Limited — Eighteen months ago, we heard that the controversial proposed WIPO Broadcasting Treaty was not on the radar of U.S. congressional representatives. That has changed, thanks to your letters, and much hard work by a broad coalition …