Top Items:

WordPress 2.1.1 dangerous, Upgrade to 2.1.2 — Long story short: If you downloaded WordPress 2.1.1 within the past 3-4 days, your files may include a security exploit that was added by a cracker, and you should upgrade all of your files to 2.1.2 immediately.

Social Networking's Next Phase — Next week Cisco Systems, a Silicon Valley heavyweight, plans to announce one of its most unusual deals: it is buying the technology assets of, a mostly forgotten social networking site, according to people close to the companies' discussions.

Tribe Gets Aquired, For Real This Time — Last year was a turbulent one for Silicon Valley based Founding CEO Mark Pincus was ousted, in April and then returned in August. While Pincus was gone rumors swirled that the company had been acquired by NBC, but the deal was never consummated.

Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website — Under pressure from state investigators, Best Buy is now confirming my reporting that its stores have a secret intranet site that has been used to block some consumers from getting cheaper prices advertised on

Mac install base estimated at 22 million pre-Leopard — Apple Inc.'s install base of Mac OS X users will be approximately 22 million strong come the end of March, ahead of the company's next-generation Leopard operating system release, according to analysts at Bank of America Securities.

Latest Leopard build from Apple suggests much work ahead — A new build of Apple's Leopard operating system released to developers this week introduces a handful of fresh features, but also carries with it a significant laundry list of impending issues that will need to be ironed out before any such public release is considered.

Microsoft wins in second Alcatel-Lucent patent suit — update A week after Microsoft was ordered to hand over $1.5 billion in an Alcatel-Lucent MP3 patent dispute, a federal judge has ruled that the Windows maker did not violate a patent at the heart of a second trial that was set to begin soon.

Microsoft Windows Live VP to resign — Blake Irving, a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft's Windows Live Platform group, is resigning his post, according to sources close to the company. — Irving, a 15-year Microsoft veteran, is in charge of the back-end Live platform — the datacenter …

Facebook Extends Lead As Fave Young Adult Site — Where did college students spend winter break? — If they're like the rest of 17-to-25-year-olds surveyed by Youth Trends, they likely spent part of that time on Facebook. — The social networking site topped the list of favorite sites …

Local Search Update: Yelp up 91%, Insider Pages up 34% in Past Six Months — This week Insider Pages was acquired by the Citysearch division of IAC. Hitwise data shows that the market share of US visits to Insider Pages was up 34% in the past 6 months (August 2006 vs. February 2007).

Search Engine Wish Lists, Part 2 — › › › Paid Search Strategies — Last week's search engine wish list ended with some video-related wishes. This week, I'll finish up the video wishes, then continue with both my wish list and wishes expressed by readers.
Search Engine Watch Blog

Apple: Write down your passwords — Apple advises Mac users to write down their passwords, just in case they have forgotten them when they are needed. — On its Mac 101 Web site, Apple offers a document called "My Mac Cheat Sheet" (PDF). The document has spaces for Mac users to not just record …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Use your phone to find the nearest Starbucks — Jonesing for a Carmel Macchiato? Text your ZIP code to MYSBUX (697289) and in a minute you'll receive a reply listing three of the nearest Starbucks locations—complete with addresses and phone numbers. — The only charge is what you normally pay your provider for text messages.

Sun releases Java Enterprise System 5.0 — Major update of Java ES subscription-based middleware is more modular — Sun Microsystems has released a new version of its Java Enterprise System (Java ES) set of subscription-based enterprise middleware with the emphasis on making the offering more modular.

Questioning Nintendo's Secondary Offering — The Good Doctor submits: On February 23, 2007 after the close of trading in Tokyo, the Nintendo Company (NTDOY.PK) announced that 1.987 million shares of its common stock held by Banks Shareholdings Purchase Corporation through Japan Trustee Services Bank …