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Viacom, Joost strike content licensing deal — update Entertainment conglomerate Viacom has announced a deal to license its programming content to Joost, the online-video start-up created by the founders of Skype and Kazaa. — The deal, announced Tuesday, is designed to bring television …
The Universal Desktop, Macsimum News,, Bit Player, Bloggers Blog,, Googling Google and BuzzMachine

Viacom lands video deal with Joost — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Viacom Inc.., engaged in a public copyright battle with Google Inc.'s YouTube, has agreed to offer videos to Joost, the Internet video service created by the founders of Skype and Kazaa. — Viacom said on Tuesday hundreds of hours …

Shunning YouTube, Viacom hooks up with Joost — Viacom has announced a deal with Joost that will see the new P2P-based video start-up "broadcasting" Viacom's music videos, TV shows and other materials on the service. Viacom will provide Joost with content not only from MTV, but also from BET …
NewTeeVee, Internet Outsider, Reel Pop, Google Watch, Between the Lines, SearchViews, and Slashdot

Kevin Rose at FOWA: DIGG Adopts OpenID — Kevin Rose, speaking here at the Future of Web Apps conference in London, just announced that Digg will adopt the OpenID decentralized digital identity platform. Don't expect this right away though - adoption will begin "later this year" according to Rose.
Read/WriteWeb, Fred Destin, Vecosys,, twopointouch, O'Reilly Radar, Shoemoney, SearchViews, WebProNews, 901am, Adactio and digg

Buying a new PC? 'Windows Vista Capable' barely hits the mark — IBM'er says Vista's RAM sweet spot is 4GB — Configuring a PC around the minimum hardware requirements of an application or operating system is lot like agreeing to live in a basement apartment.
PC World: Techlog, TechSpot News, Berlind's Testbed, Windows Vista Team Blog and Slashdot

US copyright lobby out-of-touch — Internet law professor Michael Geist takes a look at intellectual property protection in the US and finds it somewhat out of step with the rest of the world. — The International Intellectual Property Alliance, an association that brings together US lobby …
Techdirt, 27B Stroke 6, Michael Geist's Blog, Boing Boing, The Technology Liberation … and Slashdot

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to Make Historic Joint Appearance At the Fifth Annual 'D: All Things Digital' Conference — PRIME NEWSWIRE) (PRIMEZONE) — Apple, Inc. CEO Steve Jobs and Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates, the seminal figures in the development of the personal computer …

Coming Up: Vonage Wireless? — The Web-calling outfit will diversify and start selling wireless service, broadband access, and content later this year — For years, Vonage (VG) has built its business around one service: inexpensive Internet phone calls. Well, all that's about to change.

iReader Previews The Content Behind Links — In October 2005 I reviewed a potentially disruptive search engine called ePrécis, from Syntactica. Unfortunately it got shut down by Google (they "nearly put us out of business", said Syntactica President Henry Neils).
TechCrunch, ProBlogger Blog Tips, 901am, Connecting the Dots, Tech~Surf~Blog and Download Squad

Google Velocity: Froogle and Local are dying while Video and Blog are surging — Google has been criticized for being unable to succeed beyond its core Web Search offering. Last year Forbes "graded Google" and didn't give the internet superstar high marks beyond the core web search products.

Schibsted: Out of TV, Up Against YouTube — Norwegian media company Schibsted recently took its money and ran from the big Scandinavian TV stations. Its leaders said they hadn't lost faith in moving pictures, but they were no longer interested in TV as we know it.

A Digital Life — New systems may allow people to record everything they see and hear—and even things they cannot sense—and to store all these data in a personal digital archive — Human memory can be maddeningly elusive. We stumble upon its limitations every day …

Is NHL putting YouTube Sharing on Ice? — Media companies are struggling over how to work with YouTube. Is the video site a friend or a foe? Even those that are embracing Google's online video company aren't so sure where to draw the line. — The NHL, which gained nearly universal praise …

Cultivating a Blog Community in 10 Steps - Part 1 — Getting into the competitive realm of the blogosphere is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are many things that you need to consider before jumping into this market if you plan on being successful.

iTunes fingers musical fraud — The recordings of a British concert pianist who found fame in the last years of her life have been exposed as hoaxes - by Apple's iTunes music player. — Joyce Hatto died in June 2006, having become a cause célèbre with fans of classical piano in the last years of her life.