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A ground-level view of the XM/Sirius merger in the sky — USA Today says Sirius and XM are going to merge. Mel Karmazin, possibly the wisest guy in commercial radio, will be the CEO. Gary Parsons, currrent CEO of XM, will be chairman. — There are a number of problems with this merger …
Weekend spamtacular — what the heck happened and how we're fixing it — Oh. My. Gosh. This weekend sucked. No doubt about it. But we've beaten things back and we have a plan for making things better still. I'm going to tell you all about that in a minute.
Looking for Odeo's new home — In the last few months, we here at Obvious have been increasingly focused on Twitter. As a result, our original product, Odeo, has not gotten the attention it deserves. — It does not cost us much to run—in fact, AdSense covers the hosting …
evhead, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, TechCrunch,, Mashable!, GigaOM, Boing Boing, VC Ratings and Anil Dash
Google co-founder: Science needs entrepreneurs … SAN FRANCISCO, California (Reuters) — Scientists need more entrepreneurial drive and could benefit by doing more to promote solutions to big human problems, Google Inc. co-founder Larry Page told a meeting of academic researchers.
Viacom to Sign Deal with Joost — Two weeks after Viacom ordered Google to take down more than 100,000 allegedly copyrighted videos from YouTube, the media giant is about to sign a content deal with Joost, the Wall Street Journal is reporting tonight. Joost, the P2P online television service soon …
Google Watch, franticindustries, The Social Web, PaidContent, Reel Pop and Search Engine Land
Google class debuts at the UW — Students learn firm's approach to programming — At 26 and at the top of his game as one of Google's vaunted software engineers, Chistophe Bisciglia found himself bored and restless. Writing computer code at the world's most successful Internet company had become a mind-numbing chore.
Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales — Will crank up the WGA — THE SHY and retiring, softly-spoken CEO of Microsoft, Steve "Sounds of Silence" Ballmer is blaming software pirates for Vista's poor sales. — Ballmer admitted to financial analysts that the predictions for Vista …
Mark Evans,, Graceful Flavor, Global Nerdy, TechSpot News, Message and
Procedure and Tests — Introduction — With the introduction of AirPort Extreme 802.11n base stations, Apple announced that the majority of its current machines are compatible with the draft of that standard via a drive update. On the other hand, the MacBook and MacBook Pro Core Duo aren't likely to get compatible Airport modules.
Mobile phone lifeline for world's poor — While consumers around the world demand sleek black and silver mobile phones, villagers in rural India buy brightly-coloured handsets in gold, reds and pinks. — Mobile phones are as much a fashion statement here as in the trendy bars of Europe.
Europe's Plan to Track Phone and Net Use — European governments are preparing legislation to require companies to keep detailed data about people's Internet and phone use that goes beyond what the countries will be required to do under a European Union directive.
Seven steps to remarkable customer service — As a bootstrapped software company, Fog Creek couldn't afford to hire customer service people for the first couple of years, so Michael and I did it ourselves. The time we spent helping customers took away from improving our software …
Global Nerdy
From Clipouts to the Web, Coupons Transition Slowly — ONLINE coupons have always been a bargain-hunter's diversion, which may be precisely why the market has grown so slowly. Who wants to take time out of the day to track down sites that give away 50-cent discounts, then search for eligible products that they might need?
IT Facts
Gamers make better surgeons, study says — According to a new study published in the Archives of Surgery, surgeons who put in their downtime playing video games proved to have considerably higher surgical skills than their non-gamer co-workers, in particular when it came to laparoscopic surgery …
The recording industry's off-key strategy — Ten years ago, as the Internet began to mushroom in popularity and emerging technologies enabled consumers to make nearly perfect copies of digital content, the recording industry embarked on a two-pronged strategy in response to the changing business environment.
RUMOR: Is Palm in Takeover Troubles? — According to an article at Unstrung, PDA pioneer Palm Inc. appears to be in play again, with sources saying the likely buyers could be Nokia Corp. or Motorola Inc. — Several sources note that such rumors have made the rounds before, but this time they appear to be more serious.
PHP Security From The Inside — Stefan Esser is the founder of both the Hardened-PHP Project and the PHP Security Response Team (which he recently left). Federico Biancuzzi discussed with him how the PHP Security Response Team works, why he resigned from it, what features he plans to add …
Donna's SecurityFlash