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The Ad-Free Cellphone May Soon Be Extinct — ADVERTISING on your cellphone? — Yes, and soon. — Already, ads are creeping onto cellphones around the globe. At this rate, experts say, it will not be long before the 2.2 billion mobile phone users around the world consider it natural …

Cell Phones Are The Final Frontier for Advertising — The New York Times' Eric Sylvers has this piece today about all the chatter at 3GSM regarding the coming boom in advertising that appears on cell phones. Pre-roll spots on downloaded video clips, audio ads that run before songs …

Our Valentine's day gift: out of beta and adding comments — Here at webmaster central, we love the webmaster community — and today, Valentine's Day, we want to show you that our commitment to you is stronger than ever. We're taking webmaster tools out of beta and enabling comments on this blog.
Search Engine Land

Shopping cart badge updates — Posted by Jonathan Berger, Google Checkout Buyer Product Manager — An important part of Google Checkout since we launched last summer has been helping users find convenient, secure places to shop through tight integration with AdWords, the advertisements on our search results pages.
Search Engine Roundtable, ProBlogger Blog Tips, Inside AdSense, Search Engine Land and Digital Markets

Google Said to Violate Copyright Laws — A Brussels court ruled Tuesday that Google had violated copyright laws by publishing links to articles from Belgian newspapers without permission. Legal experts said the case could have broad implications in Europe for the news indexes provided by search engines.

Is Google News the Tail Wagging the News Search Dog? — Google News gets more press mentions than other news search engines. It gets more blog mentions, too. But, Yahoo News and AOL News have larger unique audiences. — So, why is the tail wagging the dog? Before we jump to any conclusions, let's do the numbers.
Search Engine Land

Is Radio Still Radio if There's Video? — Ted Stryker, a D.J. at KROQ in Los Angeles, considers it a perk of the job to wear shorts and T-shirts to work. But last Sunday as he dressed for the Grammy Awards, he pulled out his best blazer and a flashy belt buckle, knowing three video cameras …

Microsoft Statement in Response to Speculation on Next Version of Windows — No official guidance yet; company will provide more details when ready. — REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 13, 2007 - Microsoft released the following statement today from Kevin Kutz, Director, Windows Client …

Microsoft Tells Pundits to Shut Up About Windows 7, Talk About Vista
Ed Bott's Microsoft Report

Online Video Industry Index — Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus — There are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players.

T-Mobile CEO: VoIP will have no major impact — Don't expect new mobile phone services based on the Internet Protocol to become nearly as prevalent as those running over PCs. That's the view of Hamid Akhavan, CEO of T-Mobile International, one of Europe's largest mobile phone operators.

House OKs specialized patent judges — The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a bill that would allow certain federal judges to defer patent cases to colleagues considered better-versed in the complex area. — The proposal, first introduced last year by Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) …

Yahoo Music exec agreeing with Jobs' DRM-free sentiment? — It's not everyday that you see two rivals agreeing on a subject where they become the vast minority in a horde of DRM-enforcing media protectors, but it seems like this parallel universe isn't so far out after all.

The next class fits in your pocket — Distance learning has been around for decades, but thanks to the iPod and other digital music players, higher education is becoming as portable as a pop song. — "I do testing for offshore rigs," said Melvin Robinson, a Sugar Land engineer …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design flaw — Joanna Rutkowska has always been a big supporter of the Windows Vista security model. Until she stumbled upon a "very severe hole" in the design of UAC (User Account Control) and found out — from Microsoft officials …

Seven Special Valentine's Day Logos — Today I have seen the new Google's special Valentine's Day logo on TechCrunch - I am sure someone in the company will have a really bad Valentine's day (and not because of being lonely but because of the logo). I think that Valentine's Day must …

Marc Ecko Expands Game Business — If you thought that fashion designer Marc Ecko's last game, Getting Up, was a one shot deal, think again. Ecko (right) is back in a big way with a new video games division, Marc Ecko Entertainment (MEE). More within...