Top Items:

Yahoo Mail integrates IM — Beginning Monday, some Yahoo Mail users will be able to chat in real time through their e-mail program. Yahoo said in November that it would embed instant-messaging technology directly into its Yahoo Mail program so that users wouldn't have to open up …

Podcasting to Generate $400 Mil. in Ads by 2011 — Podcasting, the hot new media darling before YouTube mania swept in, is poised for a major growth spurt in ad dollars, despite the fact that the young medium's usage has failed to match the recent proliferation of Apple's iPod and other MP3-playing devices.

Study: P2P effect on legal music sales "not statistically distinguishable from zero" — A new study in the Journal of Political Economy by Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf has found that illegal music downloads have had no noticeable effects on the sale of music, contrary to the claims of the recording industry.

Microsoft Announces Breakthrough Technology Enabling Simple Access to Broad Set of Digital Content, Including Music, Games, Video, Ring Tones and Pictures — Microsoft PlayReady powers next-generation media experiences on mobile networks; mobile operators worldwide announcing support include …

Google decried as friend of piracy over AdSense earnings on piracy sites — Google rules the direct marketing world thanks to AdSense, and AdSense is popular thanks to the fact that almost anyone can sign up. As it turns out, that's a problem when sites break the law.
Law Blog, Rational rants, Google Watch, PaidContent, reBang weblog, Googling Google, Slashdot and digg

Teraflop chip hints at the future — A chip with 80 processing cores and capable of more than a trillion calculations per second (teraflop) has been unveiled by Intel. — The Teraflop chip is not a commercial release but could point the way to more powerful processors, said the firm.

BEATLES READY FOR LEGAL DOWNLOADING SOON — The Beatles songs — all of them — will be offered for downloading soon. That's what Neil Aspinall, the head of Apple Corps Ltd. and the man who's protected the Beatles legacy for the last 40 years — told me over the weekend.
Apple, Infinite Loop, Gizmodo, Gear Live, Listening Post, Good Morning Silicon Valley and hypebot

Will Widgets Kill the Webpage? (Exclusive Netvibes video). … Click To Play … Tariq Krim is widget crazy (watch the video above). The CEO of French startup Netvibes, the site where you can build a personal homepage from news and data feeds from all over the Web, is about to unleash a whole lot of widgets onto the Web.

FBI lost 160 laptops in last 44 months — How many laptops does the FBI lose? The Office of the Inspector General (or OIG; it's a part of the Department of Justice) sought to find out back in 2001, when it did an initial audit of the Bureau's losses of both weapons and laptops.
Gizmodo, Between the Lines, Jeremy Toeman's LIVEdigitally, and Washington Post

Nokia unveils new mobile internet video experience — Co-operation with YouTube allows users to enjoy YouTube(TM) videos on the go via Nokia Nseries devices — 3GSM World Congress 2007, Barcelona, Spain/Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced a new mobile internet video experience …

DRM in Windows Vista — Windows Vista includes an array of "features" that you don't want. These features will make your computer less reliable and less secure. They'll make your computer less stable and run slower. They will cause technical support problems.

YouTube shuts down Gawker account — YouTube has removed videos posted to the site by Gawker Media, many of which featured clips from top TV shows that appeared between advertisements for Gawker's blogs. — More than 50 clips were removed and the YouTube user account, "belowtheradar," …
TechSpot News

Music Vets Prep Next-Gen Player — Three digital music veterans have launched a stealth startup and are close to unveiling both a new portable media player and what they're calling an "internet radio ecosystem," Wired News has learned. — San Diego-based Broadband Instruments' co-founders Jim Cady …

YouTube to post classic TV shows — SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — YouTube Inc. plans to offer more than 4,000 hours of classic television shows, including "I Spy," "Gumby" and other material from Digital Music Group Inc., an online distributor of independently owned music, TV and film catalogs, it was announced Monday.
Reuters, PaidContent, Mashable!, SeekingAlpha Internet Stocks, 24/7 Wall St., IP Democracy, Search Engine Land, Lost Remote and digg

JavaScript Badges and Widgets Considered Harmful — For a long time now I've been meaning to write about the seemingly ubiquitous JavaScript Badges/Widgets/Thingies that you see on blogs and web sites everywhere. Heck, I even have one on my site right now (over there—on the right).