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The Ad-Free Cellphone May Soon Be Extinct — ADVERTISING on your cellphone? — Yes, and soon. — Already, ads are creeping onto cellphones around the globe. At this rate, experts say, it will not be long before the 2.2 billion mobile phone users around the world consider it natural …

Cell Phones Are The Final Frontier for Advertising

Is Radio Still Radio if There's Video? — Ted Stryker, a D.J. at KROQ in Los Angeles, considers it a perk of the job to wear shorts and T-shirts to work. But last Sunday as he dressed for the Grammy Awards, he pulled out his best blazer and a flashy belt buckle, knowing three video cameras …

Report: Newspaper Web Sites Dominated Local Streaming Video Advertising — NEW YORK Newspapers are beating broadcast TV stations at their own game. According to a new study from Borrell Associates, newspaper Web sites are capturing more than 50% of streaming-video advertising dollars.

Google Said to Violate Copyright Laws — A Brussels court ruled Tuesday that Google had violated copyright laws by publishing links to articles from Belgian newspapers without permission. Legal experts said the case could have broad implications in Europe for the news indexes provided by search engines.

Is Google News the Tail Wagging the News Search Dog?
Things That, Google Watch, michael parekh on IT, Screenwerk, Joe Duck, Search Engine Land and Official Google Blog

Online Video Industry Index — Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus — There are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players.
Between the Lines, Bokardo, IP Democracy, Good Morning Silicon Valley, and TechCrunch

RIAA to Launch — Among other things, the recently leaked letter from the RIAA to ISPs revealed that the RIAA plans on launching a "website with information about the copyright lawsuits that should facilitate early settlement," to be located at …

RIAA's New Settlement Website Promoting P2P File Sharing Clients?
Listening Post

The Next Big Ad Medium: Podcasts — Advertisers will spend more than $400 million on podcasting by 2011, but they're still not sure who will be listening to them — Remember podcasting? While marketers have been busy uploading commercials to YouTube, the once-buzzed-about medium has spent …

T-Mobile CEO: VoIP will have no major impact — Don't expect new mobile phone services based on the Internet Protocol to become nearly as prevalent as those running over PCs. That's the view of Hamid Akhavan, CEO of T-Mobile International, one of Europe's largest mobile phone operators.

Our Valentine's day gift: out of beta and adding comments — Here at webmaster central, we love the webmaster community — and today, Valentine's Day, we want to show you that our commitment to you is stronger than ever. We're taking webmaster tools out of beta and enabling comments on this blog.

L.A. mayor wants citywide wireless access — Antonio Villaraigosa proposes a Wi-Fi plan that would provide free or low-cost Internet services over 498 square miles in 2009. — Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa outlined plans Tuesday to blanket Los Angeles with wireless Internet access in 2009 …

U.S. group wants Canada blacklisted over piracy — WASHINGTON — A powerful coalition of U.S. software, movie and music producers is urging the Bush administration to put Canada on an infamous blacklist of intellectual property villains, alongside China, Russia and Belize.

New York Times Joins With Monster to Co-Brand Career Web Sites — The New York Times Company and Monster Worldwide, the operator of the popular job-listing site, announced on Wednesday that they will form an alliance to share brands on the newspaper company's career sites.

Music exec slams mobile entertainment experience — BARCELONA, Spain—The cell phone industry must improve the mobile music experience for consumers or risk losing out to new competitors like Apple, Warner Music Group's CEO warned Wednesday at the 3GSM World Congress.
VoIP Blog

Microsoft Statement in Response to Speculation on Next Version of Windows — No official guidance yet; company will provide more details when ready. — REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 13, 2007 - Microsoft released the following statement today from Kevin Kutz, Director, Windows Client …
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