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Bill Banning iPods In Crosswalks Slated For Albany — State Sen. Kruger: Electronic Devices Put Many In Danger — (CBS) NEW YORK First it was cell phones in cars, then trans fats. Now, a new plan is on the table to ban gadget use while crossing city streets.

Bill banning iPods and cellphones on New York City streets coming — Brace yourselves good people of New York, mother government is prepared to step in (again) and save you from yourselves. Senator Carl Kruger is reportedly set to introduce legislation that would ban the use of MP3 players …

RIAA misreads Jobs' open letter on DRM, thinks he's offering to license FairPlay — Steve Jobs' open letter about DRM and music yesterday definitely got a lot of tongues wagging, but there's one group that might want to re-read what he wrote. Bit Player (you gotta scroll down to the bottom of the post) …

Jobs to DRM: Drop Dead — Steve Jobs posted an essay of sorts today on dubbed "Thoughts on Music." It's not really about music, though; it's about the way the major record labels have been selling their products online. In particular, Jobs urged the labels to drop their demand …
Techdirt, The Blog Herald, Lessig News, Coolfer, Raw Thought, Monkey Bites, The Tech Report, Listening Post and TechBlog

Google opens Gmail to all — Google on Wednesday said its Gmail service is now open to anyone who wants an account. Previously the service, which provides users with 2.8GB of e-mail storage space, has been by invitation only. — The service, known as Google Mail in the U.K., has proved very popular.

More People Can Sign up for a Gmail Account — Although Google posted in Gmail's help that "anyone in the world is now welcome to create a Gmail account at", Google's definition of the world was pretty limited. — Gmail is now a public beta in Europe …

Senator to propose surveillance of illegal images — A forthcoming bill in the U.S. Senate lays the groundwork for a national database of illegal images that Internet service providers would use to automatically flag and report suspicious content to police.

GOP revives ISP-tracking legislation — All Internet service providers would need to track their customers' online activities to aid police in future investigations under legislation introduced Tuesday as part of a Republican "law and order agenda." — Employees of any Internet provider …
The Progress & Freedom …, Daily News,, Techdirt and Slashdot

Structuring our announcement — I felt we needed an objective criterion for deciding who to approach as representative of the OpenID community. — Posted on Wednesday 7 February 2007 — Identity Woman Kaliya, who is a key community figure and has played a pivotal role in bringing everyone together …

Why Socially Driven Sites Hate SEOs — If you look at the list of domains banned by the socially driven news and content behemoth, you will find that a majority of them are SEO-related sites. While many people think that Digg has an irrational vendetta against these sites …

10 Reasons Diggers are like SEO's (really - don't digg my blog)
The Last Podcast

Victim of RIAA "driftnet" awarded attorneys' fees — Some of you may remember Capitol Record v. Debbie Foster, where the RIAA sued an Oklahoma woman over copyright infringement. In July, the case against her was dismissed with prejudice, which, in the eyes of the judge, made her the prevailing party.

Scrapblog New Release Coming — Tomorrow, Scrapblog, a hybrid media-sharing and online journal site, will be demoing the new version of their Flash-based online scrapbook application tomorrow at the We Media Conference in Miami. The public version of the new product will be out in March.

Windows Mobile 6 announced — Microsoft's finally ready to take the wraps off Windows Mobile 6, the long-awaited successor to Windows Mobile 5 (what else?) that's been baking in the oven for a while now as "Crossbow." The platform formerly known as Pocket PC Phone Edition has become Windows Mobile 6 …

Social Networking For Change(.org) — Nonprofit social networking site is launching this morning and hopes to change the way the average person or activist interacts with nonprofits. The site focuses on getting users to issues they care about - ending hunger, stopping global warming, etc.

RSA '07: Bruce Schneier casts light on psychology of security — Security decisions often are much less rational than one would prefer, Schneier says — SAN FRANCISCO — One of the security industry's most outspoken experts, Bruce Schneier, spoke at RSA Conference on the topic …

AT&T's 'Free Call' Bill: $2 Million — Guess who got stuck with a big bill for all those "free" international calls touted by outfits like FuturePhone? None other than AT&T, which has filed a lawsuit in Iowa claiming that "deceitful and unlawful schemes" like FuturePhone's caused a jump …

Yahoo Bugs Deactivate Advertiser Accounts - Google Laughs — Just as I thought my Yahoo experience couldn't get worse, an even more ridiculous thing happened to me yesterday - my entire Yahoo account was put offline and traffic stopped. I simply got the follwoing message in my account:

Archos 705 "Mobile DVR" with WiFi unveiled, thanks FCC — Archos wasn't joshing around with this whole WiFi bit, and while that 604 WiFi of theirs might've gotten dinged a bit in the reviews, it seems that they're back for more with this new 704 WiFi that the FCC so kindly has revealed to us.

Nintendo thought about going into the cell phone business? — We never would've thought Nintendo was looking to the mobile phone industry with any kind of plans for branching out, but according to the linked patent, which was filed in November 2001 and issued in June 2006, they were (and could still be).

Iotum at DemoCamp - Photo and Video Highlights — DemoCamp 12 was held on Monday here in Toronto. This is a very vibrant community, but one that I don't normally spend time with. It's a great forum for aspiring tech entrepreneurs to demonstrate their technology, and probably more importantly, get candid feedback from their peers.