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Thoughts on Music — With the stunning global success of Apple's iPod music player and iTunes online music store, some have called for Apple to "open" the digital rights management (DRM) system that Apple uses to protect its music against theft, so that music purchased from iTunes can be played …
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Jobs Calls for End to Music Copy Protection — Steven P. Jobs, Apple's chief executive, jolted the record industry on Tuesday by calling on its largest companies to allow online music sales unfettered by antipiracy software. — The move is a gamble for Apple.

TiVo, Amazon offer video downloads that can be viewed on TV sets — SEATTLE — Inc. and TiVo Inc. have jumped into the digital download wars — with a twist: The new partners will beam movies and TV shows directly to their customers' living rooms.
Engadget, Davis Freeberg's Digital …, Gadgetell, Seeking Alpha, PVRblog and Hacking NetFlix

Breaking: Tivo Boxes to Download Amazon Unboxed Videos — Amazon and TiVo just made me wet my pants with what could be a killer app in the digital video distribution arms race: TiVo Series 3 and 2 set top boxes will be living room conduits for content from Amazon's Unbox video download service.

Bill Banning iPods In Crosswalks Slated For Albany — State Sen. Kruger: Electronic Devices Put Many In Danger — (CBS) NEW YORK First it was cell phones in cars, then trans fats. Now, a new plan is on the table to ban gadget use while crossing city streets.

Hackers Attack Key Net Traffic Computers — WASHINGTON (AP) — Hackers briefly overwhelmed at least three of the 13 computers that help manage global computer traffic Tuesday in one of the most significant attacks against the Internet since 2002. — Experts said the unusually powerful attacks lasted …

HandHeld Entertainment Acquires and Increases Audience to More Than 13.7 Million Unique Visitors and 83 Million Page Views — The $7.1 Million Acquisition of Transforms HandHeld Entertainment's Network of User-Generated Web Sites into a Significant Worldwide Online Video Network

Comcast, Facebook to launch video series — Comcast Corp. and are joining forces to create a television series from user-generated videos that will appear online and through video on demand. — Called "Facebook Diaries," the series will consist of 10 half-hour episodes produced …
IP Democracy, The Social Web, Reel Pop,, PaidContent, Mashable! and NewTeeVee

Google Still Searching For Recognition in D.C. — Two minutes before his introduction on stage yesterday, Google chief executive Eric Schmidt walked across the ballroom of the Willard Intercontinental Hotel unnoticed by most of the pinstriped crowd dining on crab cakes and tenderloin.

5 SKYPE TIPS FOR WEB WORKERS — As a Web Worker, you have undoubtedly used, tried, or at least heard of Skype, that wonderful peer-to-peer IM/voice tool that end users love, but security administrators detest. — Thanks to both the efforts of Skype and a series of third party application developers …

AT&T's 'Free Call' Bill: $2 Million — Guess who got stuck with a big bill for all those "free" international calls touted by outfits like FuturePhone? None other than AT&T, which has filed a lawsuit in Iowa claiming that "deceitful and unlawful schemes" like FuturePhone's caused a jump …

Microsoft Outlines Vision to Enable Secure and Easy Anywhere Access for People and Organizations — Company announces new alliances and product initiatives to help evolve networks, protection and identity and achieve anywhere access. — Top executives from Microsoft Corp. today outlined …

Rockstar Games announces Manhunt 2 for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, and the Wii™ — Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce Manhunt 2 …

SideStep raises $15M to do battle in online travel search — SideStep, the travel search engine, has raised $15 million in a third round of funding to help it stay competitive and to venture into other areas. — The travel industry is packed. Other players offer search.

Live Search SOAP API - Updated! — We're proud to announce that we're taking our search API out of beta, and rebranding it the Live Search SOAP API 1.0, to reflect the search engine that is powering it. — This release provides continued enhancements to the original API …
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