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Thoughts on Music — With the stunning global success of Apple's iPod music player and iTunes online music store, some have called for Apple to "open" the digital rights management (DRM) system that Apple uses to protect its music against theft, so that music purchased from iTunes can be played …
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Jobs calls for end to DRM — A while back I argued that the big record companies would be much better served by allowing the sale of downloadable songs without copy protection (ie, digital rights management, or DRM). Because DRM has little or no effect on piracy, the only one benefiting …
The Jason Calacanis Weblog

Steve Jobs Asks Record Labels To Abolish DRM — Apple CEO Steve Jobs has posted his Thoughts on Music in the 'Hot News' section of the Apple website. He starts off by explaining the background to Apple's DRM on iTunes: … Fair enough, Apple had to play by the rules of 'the big 4' record labels.

Wal-Mart and Studios in Film Deal — Wal-Mart Stores may have lost the online DVD rental battle, but it has no plans to lose the higher-stakes video downloading war. — Today the company will introduce a partnership with all of the six major Hollywood studios — Walt Disney, Warner Brothers …
TechCrunch, USA Today, Valleywag, Between the Lines,, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, The Next Net, Gizmodo, MacUser, Frank Barnako, eHomeUpgrade, Engadget,, SearchViews, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, PaidContent,, Reel Pop, IP Democracy, I4U News, 901am, Zatz Not Funny!, UNEASYsilence, PSFK Trend: PSFK, Podcasting News, Download Squad, Blogging Stocks and Hacking NetFlix

Wal-Mart, The Grand Delusion, Part II — Back in the 1990s, you knew things were getting a tad frothy when you found companies with essentially no expertise in a "hot business" expanding into businesses they had little or no clue about. A good case in point: Enron and its broadband push.

Breaking! Wal-Mart First to Offer Digital Movies From All "Big Six" Studios — Interrupting my sleep and scoring a major coup in digital distribution—one not even his Jobsness has pulled off (yet)—Wal-Mart has become the first (and thus far, only) digital distributor to go into business …

CardSpace / OpenID Collaboration Announcement — Microsoft to Work With the OpenID Community, Collaborating With JanRain, Sxip, and VeriSign — Posted on Tuesday 6 February 2007 — As an outcome of the discussions that have been taking place here in the Blogosphere - and in-person meetings …

Microsoft Outlines Vision to Enable Secure and Easy Anywhere Access for People and Organizations — Company announces new alliances and product initiatives to help evolve networks, protection and identity and achieve anywhere access. — Top executives from Microsoft Corp. today outlined …

Apple warns iPod users against Vista — IPods could be damaged by Microsoft's new computer operating system, the company behind the popular digital music players has warned. — Apple, the long-standing rival of Bill Gates's Microsoft, is urging users not to upgrade their PCs …

IAC Reports Q4 Results — IAC (Nasdaq: IACI) released fourth quarter 2006 results today, reporting $1.8 billion in revenue, an 8% rate of growth over the prior year, and $268 million in Operating Income Before Amortization, reflecting slight growth. Adjusted EPS was $0.67, compared to $0.50 in the year ago period.

IAC Profit Declines 98% on Writedown of Coupon Unit (Update3)

Metacafe gets a new CEO — Scoop — Metacafe, the online video startup that was rumored to be close to an acquisition deal for $200 million or so last December, is getting a new CEO. Co-founder Arik Czerniak tells us that he is stepping down as CEO and will remain at the company focusing on products and strategy.

Say Everything — As younger people reveal their private lives on the Internet, the older generation looks on with alarm and misapprehension not seen since the early days of rock and roll. The future belongs to the uninhibited. — Find Kitty Ostapowicz on Livejournal, — Y

Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n Dissected, Benchmarked — The sadists over at iFixit have taken apart an Airport Extreme 802.11n to see what's going on on the inside. What is on the inside? Well, just a board, some wires, and Ethernet ports. No little 802.11n Gremlin like you would have thought.

Hacking Skype: 25 Tips to Improve Your Skype Experience — How versatile is your Skype? Ours can podcast, translate French, take conference calls from 15 people, and tutor calculus. — HACKING SKYPE: 25 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR SKYPE EXPERIENCE — How versatile is your Skype?

A Kirkland cafe with no prices — With its blood-red walls and black leather sofas, Kirkland's Terra Bite Lounge looks like any other coffee shop — until you get to the menu. There are no prices listed. Terra Bite doesn't have them. — You read that right: No prices.