Top Items:

Verizon rejected Apple iPhone deal — NEW YORK — Verizon Wireless, the No. 2 U.S. cellphone carrier, passed on the chance to be the exclusive distributor of the iPhone almost two years ago, balking at Apple's rich financial terms and other demands. — Among other things …
Don Dodge on The Next …, The Technology Chronicles,, GigaOM, Between the Lines, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, MacUser, The Next Net, IP Democracy, The Apple Blog, Engadget, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Sramana Mitra on Strategy, MacRumors, Macsimum News, Mickeleh's Take, Apple Gazette, 21talks, Macenstein, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, Frank Barnako, Paul Kedrosky's …, UNEASYsilence, O'Grady's PowerPage, and CrunchGear

ROBERT SCOBLE: Shilling for Intel — Shilling for Intel — No wonder Robert Scoble was so upset that his latest report, a tedious video from Intel's Oregon fab, got so few links. The former Microsoft geek, now reinvented as a video blogger and one of Forbes Magazine's top web celebrities …

SILICON VALLEY USERS GUIDE: Lessons from the Scobleizer — PAUL BOUTIN — "Big gadget sites don't link to blogs!" Podtech video blogger Robert Scoble charged over the weekend. His video stiffed, but his post burned up the blogosphere even after he took back his words. What can we learn from Robert?

Vista's legal fine print raises red flags — Vista, the latest version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, makes its long awaited consumer debut tomorrow. The first major upgrade in five years, Vista incorporates a new, sleek look and features a wide array of new functionality, such as better search tools and stronger security.

The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines — Written by Charles S. Knight, SEO, and edited by Richard MacManus. The Top 100 is listed at the end of the analysis. — Ask anyone which search engine they use to find information on the Internet and they will almost certainly reply: "Google."

Botnet army massing in China - Prolexic — China is now the most infected country in the world and Asia contains half the world's infected computers, according to security company Prolexic. — The figures come from the company's Denial of Service (DDoS) Weather Report …

Microsoft: Forget about PayPal; how about a MasterCard killer? — Ever since PayPal burst on to the scene, the Nostradamus types have been predicting one PayPal killer after another. First it was "e-gold," then Western Union, then C2IT (by Citibank), then Google.

Microsoft Pumps $500 Million Into Vista Marketing Campaign — Seeks Global 'Wow' Reaction to New OS Features — YORK, Pa. ( — "There won't be a PC sold anywhere in the world that doesn't have Vista within six months," said Endpoint Technology Associates analyst Roger Kay …

Rise of the Independent Niche Networks — Remember when cable television was still new and exciting, with crazy new niche networks popping up all the time? "A whole network with nothing but cooking shows — it's madness!" — Well, Bruce Springsteen might have to change the lyrics to his song …

Record Companies Boxed In By Their Own Rhetoric — Reports are popping up all over that the major record companies are cautiously gearing up to sell music in MP3 format, without any DRM (anti-copying) technology. This was the buzz at the recent Midem conference, according to a New York Times story.
The Technology Liberation …

Movable Type Enterprise and Microsoft Office 2007: Blogs for Business — Today, Microsoft is making some of their biggest announcements ever — if you're even remotely interested in technology news, you're going to hear about the launch of Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007.

YouTube and Google: Quantifying the Synergy — Last week Google issued a statement that Google Video and YouTube would remain independent and that YouTube videos would benefit through inclusion in the Google Video Search Index. Leveraging our daily data on market share and clickstream …

News Search + Personalization + Social Media = Wikio — Wikio is a relatively new startup that blends articles from major news web sites and blogs with commentary and tags from Wikio users. It also offers powerful search and customization options that go beyond what you find at most other "media harvesting" sites on the web.

A Second Life for MTV … Lounging by a bright blue pool, Kyndra and Cami, stars of MTV's hit reality show Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County, chat with a bunch of other teenagers. Kyndra's white bikini shows off an artificially enhanced figure, while Cami's dark skin glows against an unnaturally bright blue sky.