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New ROI of blogging report from Forrester — Back in October, I posted our initial research on the ROI of blogging. Many of you contributed your ideas, thoughts, and criticisms - thanks so much as it was extremely helpful. — We've (finally) published the report - and actually, there are two of them.

The ROI Of Blogging — The "Why" And "How" Of External Blogging Accountability — EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — Length: 15 pages — Many large companies stand on the brink of blogging, yet they are unwilling to take the plunge. Others, having dove in early, now face the challenge …

Forrester Creates a Model to Measure Blogging ROI
Business Blog Consulting

A look ahead at Google Video and YouTube — Posted by Salar Kamangar, Vice President, Product Management — In November, we officially closed our acquisition of YouTube, and since then we've received a number of questions about what will happen next. The summary is that Google Video …
IP Democracy, Mashable!,, Between the Lines, Google Operating System,, FierceIPTV, Monkey Bites,, Gadgetell, Techdirt, Webomatica, The Utube Blog, Googlified, Podcasting News, GigaOM, Micro Persuasion, PaidContent, SearchViews, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and digg

Google announces overhaul of Google Video strategy, plans for YouTube's future — When Google bought YouTube back in the fall of 2006, questions immediately arose: Is this the end of Google Video? Would Google integrate YouTube into the Google experience, or would it remain separate? TV Recap: Tech Signs — Recent action suggests we might be seeing a respite in the tech selling spurt, Jim Cramer said on TV's Wall St. Confidential video Wednesday. — But don't get your hopes up. — "We're in a glass-half-full mode in tech because the shorts pressed …
Infinite Loop, Gizmodo, Daring Fireball, Techdirt, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and CrunchGear

Apple: Cingular To Give Away Free Service With iPhones? …

Microsoft Reports Record Revenue — Quarter marks the successful business launches of Windows Vista, the 2007 Microsoft Office system and Exchange Server 2007 — Segment Revenue/Operating Income(Loss) — Microsoft Corp. today announced record revenue of $12.54 billion for the quarter ended December 31 …

Attn Steve Jobs: Red Swoosh P2P Service Wants To Save You $15 Million — Red Swoosh is a P2P desktop client which appears to compete against the BitTorrent client. It's a very promising technology in a Web world increasingly filled with video and other large multimedia files.

Hillary Clinton, Yahoo Answers & the Power of Social Media — Hillary Clinton has turned to Yahoo Answers, the social media driven Q&A experience from Yahoo, to look for some ideas on how normal Americans would improve health care in the United States. — I find this quite interesting …

MySpace Allegedly Kills Computer Security Website — Computer security guru Fyodor (pictured) reports waking up yesterday to find his website essentially removed from the web by his domain registrar, GoDaddy. After a bunch of phone calls to GoDaddy, he eventually got them to explain why: Because MySpace asked them too.

Study suggests economics, not morality key to online movie piracy — About 32 million Americans—roughly 18 percent of the US online population—have downloaded a full-length movie at some point in the past, according to the results of a recent Digital Life America study.

Google using Intel servers again — Intel, armed with a custom-designed motherboard, has reclaimed Google as a server customer after a year watching the search powerhouse give its business to Advanced Micro Devices, CNET has learned. — Google has begun buying Intel server components …

Top-20 Websites: Where DO we spend our time online? — Time is a limited resource.. As much as we hate to admit it, we each only have 24 hours on any given day to 'do things'. In December 2006, we had 44,640 minutes to do whatever our hearts desired — be it sleep, eat, watch TV, jump rope, or spend time online.

ACCESS renames Palm OS to "Garnet OS," Treo users die a little more inside — It's no secret: ACCESS hates you, and your futile little wishes for a usable, stable and connected OS. Just to rub it in, ACCESS is even destroying that one thread of hope you've clung to all these years …

Microsoft 'not happy' with search results — Microsoft is continuing to lose market share in the search business to industry rival Google, something the software maker's financial chief said Thursday he is "not happy" about. — And things aren't expected to turn around any time soon.

Google's Policy on No follow and Reviews is Hypocritical and Wrong — Graywolf's SEO Blog » Seo » Google's Policy on No follow and Reviews is Hypocritical and Wrong — I'm not exactly sure what caused all this secondary fuss about no-follow and reviews lately but I think it's …

Make Your iTunes Library Mobile — Avvenu has a new product that allows you to listen to your iTunes music connection from any web browser on a Windows PC, Mac, or Windows Mobile 5 smartphone. MobileCrunch covered an early version of the product that only worked on Windows Mobile phones here.

Off to a great start — Panama: A country, a canal, or the next generation of Yahoo!'s search marketing? — Now that I've had a chance to catch my breath after announcing our quarterly earnings this week, I thought I'd reflect on something that I think is probably the most important news you've heard from us in a long time.

Go Canada: iPhone Confirmed on Rogers Wireless — iPhone confirmed for Canada, by a customer service email. — Availability and pricing aren't set in stone, yet. But you can bet your buttocks it'll be after we get ours in the USA. Go USA! Thanks Curtis! — BRIAN LAM — iPhone [Gizmodo]