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Google Doesn't "Get" Librarians...Again. — According to CNET, Google is now talking openly with book publishers. Which means one thing. They will probably start a blog for the book publishing industry. Well, they did it for librarians, just in time for ALA Midwinter.

Google Librarian Central: Talking At Librarians — Google has created the Librarian Central Blog just in time for ALA Midwinter. The decision to create the weblog arose from their request for suggestions from librarians on how to improve the Google Librarian Newsletter …
Search Engine Watch Blog

Hold Off On Net Neutrality — The Internet needs a makeover. Unfortunately, congressional initiatives aimed at preserving the best of the old Internet threaten to stifle the emergence of the new one. — The current Internet supports many popular and valuable services.

CES Interview With Bill Gates: Part I of Transcript On Video Games — I had the chance to stand next to Bill Gates and interview him with a group of reporters after his keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show. Here is part one of the interview with all of the questions related to video games.

Apple may see 50 percent margin on each iPhone sale — Each iPhone sold will generate nearly a 50 percent gross margin for Apple Inc. and partner Cingular Wireless, giving the companies a hefty profit, as well as plenty of room for future price cuts, according to research firm iSuppli.

Apple iPhone to Generate 50 Percent Margin, According to iSuppli's …

Windows Vista Family Discount Is No Ultimate Bargain … As part of a six-month promotion, people buying the full-version Windows Vista Ultimate—for the lovely price of $399—can get up to two extra licenses for about 50 bucks each. I suppose one Ultimate and two copies of Windows Vista Premium looks like a steal at $500.

Windows Vista To Be Available by Download

iPhone Ringtone Sounds Like Holy Angels Tinkling: Download it Here — One might remember that Steve Jobs took a call on the iPhone during the Keynote. Well there was a unique ringtone there. A ringtone of heavenly qualities in tone, rhythm, and key that Steve Jobs likely had composed …

Tech Start-Ups Have Money to Burn, But Choose Thrift — When Silicon Valley entrepreneur Bill Nguyen launched two technology companies in the late 1990s dot-com boom — Seven Networks and Onebox — they each went through about $2 million a month. The start-ups hired hundreds of people and spent heavily on marketing and sales.

Apple to charge for faster Wi-Fi — Some MacBook Pro and MacBook customers have the faster 802.11n Wi-Fi chip already sitting in their systems, but it will cost $2 to light it up. — Apple on Thursday confirmed reports that it plans to charge customers a fee to download software …
CrunchGear, Infinite Loop, Gizmodo, Engadget, MacRumors, Apple Gazette and The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Web Based Feed Readers - How do they stack up? — Bloggers who use FeedBurner have a general idea of the most popular feed readers based on their subscriber statistics. FeedBurner subscriber statistics on the Hitwise Blog show that Bloglines is by far the most popular feed reader, and Hitwise data also support this.

Mashup Camp: Geeks plot future of Web — David has been at Mashup Camp 3 in Cambridge this week. Martin Lamonica of was there and filed a report, about geeks plotting the future of the Web. As Chris Radcliff, a Web developer at Eventful, put it: "This is taking the SOA idea …

Quick Review: Hands on With the Belkin Skype Phone — Three years ago I let go of one of the last vestiges of the wired world by cutting the land-line phone and moving to wireless. The problem with this has popped up in a number of unlikely places. One, I moved from a house to a new condo …
Watching, Testing, Digesting

Sun Isn't Relevant to Startups — Preface: I don't write critically about a company unless I think they have some glimmer of getting better, however small that may be. — I just watched another Scoble Show interview with Jonathan Schwartz, and it reminded me how frustrated I continue to be with Sun …

You could call iPhone perfect — I have used the Apple iPhone. I had a private briefing the day after Steve Jobs' keynote and spent about 45 minutes noodling around with the device. — You may touch the hem of my robe if you wish. — In response to a Beatlemania-scale pile of e-mails …

Why Johnny Can't Program — Many months ago, David Brin (the author of many sf books and "The Transparent Society") wrote a piece for Salon called Why Johnny Can't Code. It's about the disappearance of BASIC and the resultant inaccessibility of introductory programming.
The Silent Penguin

Plan Will Allow 911 and 311 Lines to Accept Digital Images — Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who built his fortune on innovations in information technology, announced a plan yesterday that will allow emergency 911 call centers and the popular 311 service line to receive digital photos and videos from callers.