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Vista: Worthy, Largely Unexciting — XP Successor Doesn't Break — New Ground on Ease of Use, — But It's Best Windows Yet — A new version of Microsoft Windows, the world's most popular and important computer operating system, will finally arrive for consumers on Jan. 30.
Blogging Stocks, TechBlog, Mark Evans, Engadget, Good Morning Silicon Valley and Slashdot

Multiple announcements today — Good news arrives today on several Windows Vista-related fronts, my friends ... read on. — Windows Anytime Upgrade — Today we're announcing further detail on how Windows Anytime Upgrade works. Come 30 January, Windows Anytime Upgrade will allow customers …
All about Microsoft, CyberNet Technology News, Channel 9, Quick Online Tips and

Microsoft Unveils New Ways for Consumers to Get Windows Vista — Windows Anytime Upgrade, Windows Vista Family Discount and Windows Marketplace offer customers more flexibility and choice in purchasing Windows Vista. — Microsoft Corp. today detailed three new methods for customers looking to buy …

Some Bling for Your Blog — PASTOR BOB HYATT acknowledges that his widget fixation may be getting a little out of control. — On his Web log, Pastor Hyatt, the leader of the Evergreen Community in Portland, Ore., has woven in widgets, or mini-applications, that show a selection of book covers …

2007 Guide To Linkbaiting: The Year Of Widgetbait? — Way back in 2005 we started talking about linkbait, a term that was coined on Threadwatch which I owned and ran at the time. Linkbait was used to describe viral, linkable content designed to attract thousands of links.

Deal for Beatles on iTunes in works — The worldwide Beatles grapevine is buzzing over the distinct possibility that the long-awaited remastering of the Fab Four's United Kingdom CD back catalogue will finally see the light of day — by June. — As per usual, Apple/EMI is presently mum …

Skype Takes Internet Communications One Step Further With New Pricing Strategy — Disruptive pricing gives Skype users more value and choice. — LUXEMBOURG, January 18, 2007 - Skype, the global Internet communications company, today announced its new global pricing structure which offers a simple …

Google Checks in with Checkout — This post from Danny Sullivan's Search Engine Land alerted us to the latest push by Google to promote their new checkout service. As we've seen in previous posts here and here, the prominent placement of a Google Service on the home page usually results in a surge of visits to that service.

Why Steve Jobs Is Hyping The iPhone Patents? Because He Made A Bad Deal — from the well-that-explains-it... dept — Last week, I asked whether or not the iPhone actually needed all those patents that Steve Jobs bragged about. It kicked off a fun discussion in the comments …
Fractals of Change

Sun CEO talks about iPhone and Java and near-death experiences
O'Reilly ONJava Blog

The Google Switch: an iPhone killer? — Color us skeptics on this one, but we've got a tipster claiming to have the scoop on Google Switch. This version of the mythical Googlephone is said to be the result of a collaboration with Samsung — not Alpha Networks or HTC.

MySpace hit with online predator suits — NEW YORK (AP) — Four families have sued News Corp. and its MySpace social-networking site after their underage daughters were sexually abused by adults they met on the site, lawyers for the families said Thursday. — The law firms …

Google Mini - Google Reader alternative for portables — While there are a ton of RSS Readers available, it seems that more and more Google Reader has taken over as the reader of choice for many bloggers. And understandably; it's faster than almost any other online reader …

Cisco's iPhone violates GPL, expert says — An open-source enthusiast is charging Cisco with failing to properly share code in its Linux-based iPhone — Even while Cisco Systems is suing Apple for violating its iPhone trademark, an open-source enthusiast is accusing Cisco itself of infringing copyright in the same product.

Music industry threatens ISPs over piracy — The music industry opened up a new front in the war on online music piracy yesterday, threatening to sue internet service providers that allow customers to illegally share copyrighted tracks over their networks. — The International Federation …

Mac OS X Leopard to sport next-gen DVD Player software (images) — A major upgrade to Apple's DVD Player software due to ship with the upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard operating system release will pack oodles of new features wrapped in a sleekly overhauled user interface, AppleInsider has learned.

Orb brings iTunes to Wii console — Demonstrating that you can do convergence on a budget, Orb claims that Nintendo Wii owners have downloaded 50,000 copies of its software that permits them to access their home music and photo collections on their games consoles.

Time Inc. Lays Off Nearly 300 — Time Inc. laid off nearly 300 people today at its top magazines, including its most profitable title, People, which is shutting down its bureaus in Washington, Miami, Chicago and Austin, Texas. — People is laying off 44 editorial employees …

Don't Like the Dancing Cowboys? Results Say You Do — Most online advertisements are becoming less obtrusive and more tailored to the interests of individual Web users. Among the stubborn holdouts are the two-stepping cowboys, frisky rooftop dancers and weird tattoos in ubiquitous Web banners from