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Skype founders name new video start-up Joost — Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom, the duo that brought the world Skype and Kazaa, have chosen a name for their new online-video start-up. — The two Danes want people hungry for Internet entertainment to roost at Joost.

Venice Project Launch Name: Joost — The Venice Project, the new online television startup led by Skype founders Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, has always been a working name for the company. Until today, no one outside the company knew name the company would eventually launch as.

Apple to impose 802.11n unlocking fee on Intel Mac owners — Core 2 Duo-based Mac owners who want to unlock next-generation 802.11n wireless technologies hidden inside their computers will first have to fork a few bucks over to Apple, AppleInsider has confirmed.
Infinite Loop, The Apple Core, Gizmodo, Engadget, CrunchGear,, Monkey Bites and digg

Mypunchbowl joins growing list of Evite rivals — Evite has long been the 800-pound gorilla in the online invitation area. — MyPunchbowl is the latest company trying to make a better version of Evite, by introducing better pre-party planning. It adds modern Web features for collaboration …

MyPunchbowl Joins the eVite Gunners
CyberNet Technology News

Read/Write Intranet 2007 — Rod Boothby is running a Read/Write Intranet Idol - it's a poll I invite you to participate in, so I am attaching it at the bottom. But first, it gives me a chance to share some of my (wiki)-thoughts. — The list is a mix of industry behemoths (Microsoft …

User generated online video: consumer usage exploded in 2006 but revenues will prove slow to develop. The honeymoon period for user generated content is over — London 15th January 2007: The user generated online video market (UGOV) exploded in 2006 and by the end of the year …

10 Best Intranets of 2007 … The 10 best-designed intranets for 2007 are: — American Electric Power (AEP), United States — Comcast, United States — DaimlerChrysler AG, Germany — The Dow Chemical Company, United States — Infosys Technologies Limited, India
Read/WriteWeb, Enterprise Web 2.0, unstruc chitchatting …, Sadagopan's weblog … and Steve Clayton

Privately, Hollywood admits DRM isn't about piracy — For almost ten years now I have argued that digital rights management has little to do with piracy, but that is instead a carefully plotted ruse to undercut fair use and then create new revenue streams where there were previously none.

The Pirate Bay hopes to buy its own country: Sealand — Where do you go when you think it's crucial to provide access to ad-free episodes of Heroes but the rest of the world labels you a dirty pirate? If you're Swedish "intellectual property reform group" The Pirate Bay, you look for your own country.

First pirated HD DVD movie hits BitTorrent — The pirates of the world have fired another salvo in their ongoing war with copy protection schemes with the first release of the first full-resolution rip of an HD DVD movie on BitTorrent. The movie, Serenity, was made available as a .EVO file …
The Digital Music Weblog, dive into mark,, NewTeeVee and CyberNet Technology News

The highs and lows of CES — I'm still not 100% after CES. It's amazing what a week of three-hour-a-night sleep does to your body. — Plus, we met up with John Welch and his fiance on Saturday. Yes, that John Welch. The one who is always giving me heck in my comments. — Turns out he's a real sweetheart.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs: Keynote text analysis — Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates both gave big keynote addresses last week. So how did their messages compare? At the suggestion of a reader, we ran the text of both speeches through the tag-cloud generator …

DMCA complaint with YouTube dropped — The husband of Second Life land baroness Anshe Chung said filing a Digital Millennium Copyright Act complaint with YouTube to delete a video of her avatar being attacked by a barrage of digital flying penises was a mistake. And as a result, he said he has revoked the DMCA claim.

Is News A Fundamentally Shared, Social Experience? — Findory, a personalized news service created by Greg Linden, who worked on Amazon's groundbreaking personalization engine, will be put on autopilot as Greg steps away from the effort. Om Malik comments:
MediaVidea, Are You Paying Attention?, Digital Alchemy, Sadagopan's weblog … and media blog

Microsoft to offer Vista 'Family Pack' discount for Ultimate users — Even though the retail launch of Windows Vista just a couple of weeks away, Microsoft is still continuing to fine-tune its licensing and pricing details. — Sources said that Microsoft will announce some time over the next few days …

WordPress: The Complete Post-Install Checklist — One of the great things about WordPress is how easily you can have it up and running, completely customized to your liking, in such a short period of time. After setting up WordPress for several of my friends, I found that having …