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Cisco lost rights to iPhone trademark last year, experts say — An investigation into the ongoing trademark dispute between Cisco and Apple over the name "iPhone" appears to show that Cisco does not own the mark as claimed in their recent lawsuit. This is based on publicly available information …
MacUser, VoIP Blog, Sadagopan's weblog …, Engadget, Mickeleh's Take, Apple Gazette and Slashdot

Cisco might have lost iPhone trademark in '06 — Apparently Cisco has more "iPhone" trouble in store for it than just that prior art dispute we mentioned yesterday. In order to keep a trademark alive, you have to file a "Declaration of Use" with the US Patent and Trademark office every six years or forfeit the trademark.

You don't need to lock us in — On The Media segment looking at Apple's ability to turn marketing into news. — This is what I was trying to say yesterday. Carrying Apple's product announcements as if they were news is probably not good for reporters and bloggers, ethically.
Mathew Ingram, CrunchNotes, Webomatica, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web and Rex Hammock's weblog

Senators introduce bill to restrict Internet, cable, and satellite radio recording — A new bill introduced in the US Senate this week would force satellite, digital, and Internet radio providers (but not over-the-air radio) to implement measures designed to restrict the ability of listeners to record audio from the services.

MINI USA rolls out RFID-activated billboards — If there was ever a slick way to get folks to willingly carry around an RFID tag, MINI USA has it all wrapped up. Catering to every person's egotistical side, MINI has begun a pilot advertising campaign in Chicago, New York, Miami …

Will the iPhone be a Serious Business Device? — I had a long debate yesterday with James Joaquin, the former CEO of ofoto and one of the founders of, about whether or not the iPhone will be just a toy or a serious business device. I think it is. He remains unconvinced.

Ultimate iPhone FAQs List, Part 2 — Just got back home tonight after my week in San Francisco, and found ANOTHER several dozen questions about the iPhone waiting on this blog's comments area! — I promise that this blog isn't going to become "all iPhone, all the time" …

NBC and NPR feature iPhone humor — Thank goodness that mainstream comedians have jumped in with bits on the iPhone introduction; us funny geeks are deeply grateful that the cavalry has arrived. While CBS's Craig Ferguson weighed in with an iPhone/Zune comparison, the competition at Late Night …

iPhony launcher for Palm OS — Well that didn't take long! If you're currently toting around a Treo, but really jonesing for an iPhone, you can install the Mo's iPhony launcher and get all the great icons without waiting for all of the great features! — The current version, 0.2 …

Engadget: 10 million Page Views on iPhone Day — Jason Calacanis, the former CEO of Engadget's parent company, Weblogs, Inc., told me earlier today that the site had nearly 10 million page views on Tuesday when they covered the iPhone announcement - ten times their normal traffic of a million or so page views per day.

New E-Commerce Identity Tag Makes Online Debut — A long-promised technology for helping consumers verify the legitimacy of commercial Web sites made its debut on the Internet Friday: Visit online security company Entrust's login page with Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 Web browser …

Avaya Swoops on Ubiquity — IP PBX giant Avaya Inc. (NYSE: AV - message board) has offered to buy SIP applications server specialist Ubiquity Software Corp. (London: UBQ - message board) for £74.3 million (US$144.8 million) in cash, it announced early Friday.

EMI Group plc announcement — EMI today announces: — A restructuring programme which will generate £110m of incremental annual cost savings — Board and senior management changes — An update on current trading — A revised outlook for the Group reflecting …

Memory Infinite 'Stackable' USB Flash Drive Concept — Memory Infinite 'Stackable' USB Flash Drive Concept — Memory Infinite is a design concept by Vicky Wei. Instead of having to use multiple USB flash drives when one fills up, this flash drive has a female connector on one end and male on the other.

a practice broken, another silo solidified — I know i have some quirky habits but i really really really hate when web companies break them with their latest updates. One of my weird ones concerns getting directions to a place (which i do 2-3 times a day).

Why Hollywood Snubbed Jobs at Macworld — Most of Tinseltown won't buy into the Apple chief's digital vision until he ponies up more money and gets more serious about protecting content — By all accounts, Steve Jobs gave a socko performance, delivered with his usual charm and controversial style …
The Technology Liberation …

Tag Cloud View of Bill Gates CES Keynote — Todd Bishop at Seattle P-I newspaper has published a telling tag cloud view of Bill Gates' speech at CES earlier this week. Notes Bishop: … Here is the result: — This is an excellent use of tag clouds! I wrote in our wrap-of Gates' speech …