Top Items:

Jobs on the iPhone being a closed system — Steven Levy points to his writeup on the iPhone and talks to Steve Jobs about the iPhone being a closed platform. According to Steven, Jobs said the following on the subject. … Really? What about other smartphones that run on Cingular's network …

Steve Jobs: iPhone Ain't Opening Up — OK so Jobs didn't use the word "ain't". But in a Newsweek interview with Steven Levy, Jobs put the kibosh on any talk about the iPhone opening up its platform for third party developers: … Perhaps the most revealing quote is about the issue …

The Ultimate iPhone Frequently Asked Questions — Wow. Predictably, the torrent — and I do mean torrent — of iPhone commentary from the citizens of the Web is practically outflooding spam this week. Most of it comes from people whose shirt fronts are practically drenched in drool.

Microsoft takes email design back 5 years — As I type this post I still can't believe it. I'm literally stunned. If you haven't already heard, I'm talking about the recent news that Outlook 2007, released next month, will stop using Internet Explorer to render HTML emails and instead use …
Discussion:, All about Microsoft, Ed Brill, JD on EP, UNEASYsilence, Jeremy's Blog, Smalltalk Tidbits … and digg

No Porn On Sony HD-DVD Blu-ray? — Has Sony gone mad? Prominent adult movie producer Digital Playground (site) says it is forced to use HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, because Sony does not allow XXX-rated movies to be released on Blu-ray. — It does not matter how you stand to porn.

CES 2007: HD DVD versus Blu-ray - The porn industry says HD DVD
Things That, Gadget Lab, NewTeeVee, Monkey Bites,, Joystiq, UNEASYsilence and Slashdot

Will Sony's Apparent Anti-Porn Stance Doom Blu-Ray?
Celebs & Tech Gossips!

Search advertising and the little guys — Search-based advertisements, like the ones distributed through Google's AdWords service, were supposed to be a boon for small businesses. Cheap and precisely targeted, they would, for the first time, put the little guys on equal footing with the big guys in the ad market.
Tech Beat

The Small Fry Sour On Search Ads — Priced out by brand giants, the outfits that pioneered the medium are looking elsewhere — For years, running those little four-line text advertisements on Web search engines brought in a profitable stream of new customers to

AT&T Prepares to 'De-Brand' the Cingular Wireless Name — One of the biggest "de-brandings" in advertising history is to begin Monday when AT&T, now the sole owner of Cingular Wireless, starts changing all Cingular marketing to adopt the AT&T name. — AT&T will not disclose the budget for the campaign …

Exclusive - Yahoo Using Dirty Tactics to Switch Google & Firefox Users? — UPDATE: Here's the official word from Yahoo spokesperson Terrell Karlsten. They're claiming they don't upgrade users to IE7 and their reasons for switching your settings? Everyone else does it.
Techdirt, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, SearchViews, Search Engine Journal and SoloSEO Blog

Why Hollywood Snubbed Jobs at Macworld — Most of Tinseltown won't buy into the Apple chief's digital vision until he ponies up more money and gets more serious about protecting content — By all accounts, Steve Jobs gave a socko performance, delivered with his usual charm and controversial style …
The Technology Liberation …

Google Security Hole Allows Account Hijacking — It's your worst nightmare - someone reads parts of your Google emails, views your docs, modifies your spreadsheets, checks out your reading habits on the Google personalized homepage or Google Reader, and goes through your search history.

DirecTV not looking after its customers: DirecTiVo problems, faulty HR20s, HD Lite, and home networking issues — Despite some good news and announcements coming out of DirecTV CES camp this week including 100 new HD channels, the possibility of cheaper PVRs due to improved satellite receiver chips …

THE LONDON CULTURALLY-DEPRIVED GEEK DAY OUT: SUNDAY 21ST JANUARY — Having spent most of the last few years in front of a computer screen, immersed in a tangled web of blogging, business and cartooning, I'm starting to feel a bit deprived of culture. And I'm sure a lot of techie/geek/entrepreneurs types out there feel the same.

Not Search Engine Spam — It's been a long time since I've engaged in serious spam fighting - about a decade. In 1998, the O'Reilly book Stopping Spam mentioned a spam filtering solution I had designed and helped implement for AOL's usenet system. Now, I find myself confronted …

Real-time quotes for free — At Google, we get excited about making all kinds of information accessible to everyone. The more up-to-date the information, the more valuable it is. This is particularly true in the world of finance; information, and timing of that information, is money.

Getting (and keeping) a job in journalism — How many j-schools are permitting students to graduate with a journalism degree and inadequate skills to pursue a career in journalism? — I'm not asking for a count, but the question needs to be raised — and perhaps even shoved into the face of some deans and department heads.
Innovation in College Media