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UPDATE on Cisco's iPhone Trademark … Today's announcement from Cisco regarding our suit with Apple over our iPhone trademark has spurred a lot of interesting questions. Most importantly, this is not a suit against Apple's innovation, their modern design, or their cool phone.
Paul Mooney, Mashable!, Between the Lines, Telegraph Blogs, Engadget Mobile, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Scobleizer, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Apple Gazette, Engadget, The Apple Core, Indiskretion Ehrensache, CenterNetworks, Paul Kedrosky's …, Geek News Central,, Sparkplug 9 >> bizhack, @rgumente and Joe Duck

Cisco Sues Apple for Trademark Infringement — Suit Filed to Protect Cisco's iPhone® Trademark — Cisco® today announced that it has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California against Apple, Inc., seeking to prevent Apple …
The Apple Core, michael parekh on IT, The Blog Herald, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, SeekingAlpha CE Stocks, Between the Lines, Gadgetell,, Law Blog, TechSpot, Blogging Stocks, MacRumors,, O'Grady's PowerPage, Apple Gazette, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, The Apple Blog, Byte of the Apple, 21talks,, Paul Kedrosky's …, GigaOM, hubbub, MobileTracker and Engadget

Cisco Sues Apple Over Use of iPhone Name — Cisco Sues Apple Over Use of iPhone Name for Its New Handheld Device — SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Cisco Systems sued Apple Inc. in federal court Wednesday, saying the computer maker's new iPhone violates its trademark.

Cisco, Claiming Ownership of 'iPhone,' Sues Apple — And now, iSue? — Maybe Steven P. Jobs should have named his new gadget the Apple Phone instead of the iPhone. Or maybe the real winners will be the intellectual property lawyers. — In any case, just a day after acknowledging …

Cisco sues Apple over use of iPhone trademark — update Cisco Systems has filed a lawsuit against Apple accusing the company of infringing its iPhone trademark, the networking company said Wednesday. — The suit also accuses the iPod maker used a front company to try to acquire rights to the name.

Apple iPhone FAQ — Just got done with an interview with some folks from Cingular on the iPhone and they tipped their hand just enough for us to compile a quick FAQ on the parasitic relationship that is the Apple-Cingular partnership. — I'm a X subscriber. Can I get an iPhone? — If X=Cingular then

Cisco Sues Apple: Do They Have an iPhone Case?
Associated Press

Cisco sues Apple over iPhone name
Strategic News Service, Crave RSS, Paul Colligan's …, Lost Remote and Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog

Scoble: Netflix is Dead — I consider Robert Scoble a good friend, but he is way off when he writes Netflix is Dead. He probably didn't know that Netflix is expected to unveil a digital download strategy this month, so I think he should wait to hear what they have planned before he writes them off.

Netflix is dead — Ahh, I was right. The coolest stuff at CES is over at the Sands. Too bad Dave Winer left before he could get over there. And I'm not talking about the adult entertainment convention that's going on there right now either. — As an example over there I dropped in on Verisign's booth.
Ian Landsman's Weblog v2.0

Apple Computer Is Dead; Long Live Apple — In a two-hour speech at Macworld, Steve Jobs redefined the iPod, the mobile phone and his own company. — Holy Trinity: The iPhone is a full-screen iPod, smart phone and Internet device—all in one — Apple Computer Incorporated is no more.
Micro Persuasion

Steve's devices — It's hard to imagine the pleasure Steve …
San Francisco Chronicle, TechBlog, STEVE JOBS, Fortune, The Blog Herald, Mickeleh's Take, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and Technovia

Canadian coins bugged, U.S. security agency says — They say money talks, and a new report suggests Canadian currency is indeed chatting, at least electronically, on behalf of shadowy spies. — Canadian coins containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously turned up in the pockets …

@ CES: PodTech's Bloghaus: To See It Is To Believe It — As I write, I'm at one end of a vast conference table strewn with cables, laptops in every size and make, and enough cameras to set up an eBay shop. In the room beyond the open glass doors, people are sitting on couches, on beanbags and on the floor, laptops lit.
Eric Rice

It's Official - eBay is Buying StubHub For $310 million — Update: Press release is here. It is surprisingly brief, reinforcing the rumor that eBay hastily accelerated the announcement due to the rumors. — It looks like the rumors forced eBay's hand and they are announcing the deal earlier …
Profy.Com, SeekingAlpha Internet Stocks, eBay Strategies, PaidContent, Rex Hammock's weblog, VC Ratings, Lost Remote, Mashable! and Web X.0

Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all sued over game controllers — Who knew that game controllers were such contested territory? First Sony got sued for using rumble in their gamepads, and now Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony are all charged with patent infringement.

Newspapers Set To Jointly Sell Ads on Web Sites — Gannett, McClatchy — And Tribune to Form — Nationwide Network — Yahoo's Competing Effort — The nation's three largest newspaper publishers are gearing up to sell advertising jointly on their newspapers' Web sites …